synchro system

[ˈsɪŋkro ˈsɪstəm][ˈsiŋkrəu ˈsistəm]


  • Design of the electrohydraulic proportional valve-control compensating synchro - system

    电液比例阀控补偿 同步 系统设计

  • Synchronization controllers of BY series is a kind of monolithic control device whose key part is the microprocessor . They were explored to meet the synchro requirements for electric transmisson originally by German Mechanical Control System Co. ( MKS ) .

    BY系列同步控制器是原西德机器控制 系统公司( MKS)为解决电气传动的 同步问题而开发的以微处理器为核心的单极控制装置。

  • Control Mode and Design Method of Multiple-unit Synchro Drive System

    多单元 同步传动 系统的控制方法和设计方法

  • And the indirect experimental tests of synchro axis damping short-loop loss and current in a synchronous control system were carried out and proved this method was feasible .

    用该方法对同步控制 系统 交轴阻尼短路环的损耗和电流进行了间接的实验测试,证实该方法可行。

  • The transformed hydraulic system can satisfy the needs of producing new products with its high synchro precision low noise and vibration reduced energy consumption and increase reliability of the hydraulic system good result has been gotten .

    改造后的液压系统不仅满足了生产新产品的要求,且 同步精度高、噪音低、振动小,同时还降低了能耗,提高了 系统工作的可靠性,取得了很好效果。

  • Development of The Down hole Dynamic Drilling Process Parameters Synchro aquisition System

    钻进过程孔内动态参数 同步采集 系统的研制

  • The mathematical model of loading system compensated synchronously is exactly derived and the synchro system and the feedforward controller are designed .

    严格推导出了同步补偿后的加载系统的数学模型并对 同步补偿 系统和前馈控制器进行了设计。

  • Three Kinds of Standard Model of Electro - hydraulic Synchro Position Control System

    电液位置 同步控制 系统的三类标准化模型

  • TMS32010 × 4 Synchro Parallel System & also as a radar signal processing simulator

    TMS32010×4 同步并行 系统兼作雷达信号处理仿真器

  • A high precision multi-channel electrohydraulic synchro loading system

    高精度多通道电液 同步加载 系统

  • Topic application of solid state synchro in a fire control system

    固态 同步 在火控 系统中的应用

  • The Design on Synchro Electric Drive System for 8 Colour Printing Machine

    八色印花 联合机电气 同步传动 系统的设计

  • A Synchro Oscillator : Application of Phase-Locked Pilot Tracking System to PLC

    锁相式导频跟踪 系统在电力载波中的应用

  • Design of Electrohydraulic Proportional Synchro - system Controlled by Computer

    计算机控制的电液比例 同步 系统的设计

  • Application of GPS Satellite Synchro clock in Clock Synchronism of Power System

    GPS卫星 同步时钟在电力 系统时钟统一的应用

  • Synchro Magnetization System Based on Single Chip Computer Control

    同步 励磁单片机控制 系统

  • The drive software of the shaft angle synchro converter has been applied in a weapon automatic testing system .

    该轴角 同步器驱动软件已应用于某装备综合自动测试 系统

  • The Research on Fuzzy Neural Synchro Control of Pneumatic Force for Pneumatic Servo System

    气动伺服 系统的模糊神经网络力 同步控制研究

  • The power supply analysis of synchro motor 's field power system

    大型 同步电机励磁 系统供电分析

  • An analysis of characteristic and harmonic of synchro electric propulsion system

    Synchro电力推进 系统的特点及谐波分析

  • Study on Traffic Signal Timing Optimization for Single Point Intersection Based on Synchro Software System

    基于 Synchro的单点交叉口信号配时优化研究

  • This article presents the control mode and method of the multiple-unit synchro drive system and explains how to establish the mathematical model of the system and design optimally parameters of the system by control theory .

    总结多单元 同步 传动的控制方式和 实现方法,建立系统的数学模型,运用自动控制的基本理论对系统参数进行最佳工程设计。

  • Robust H ∞ Control for AC Servo Motor Synchro System Based on DSP

    基于DSP的交流伺服 同步 系统鲁棒H∞控制

  • A Study on Synchro bi axes Positioning Servo System

    两轴联动位置伺服 系统的研究

  • The synchro accuracy of two spinning wheels of spin forming machine can he obtained by using the synchro system of valve controlled pump-motor therefore the quality of workpiece is ensured .

    利用阀控泵-马达 同步 系统可以保证旋压机两个旋轮的同步精度,以保证旋件的质量。

  • This article describes the operating principle and composition of the PLC control system and synchro system for spinning machine together with the method for selecting the position regulator and provides the theoretical and measured values both in static and dynamic indexes .

    介绍旋压机PLC控制系统和 同步 控制 系统的组成及工作原理,位置调节器的选择方法,并给出了系统的静动态指标的理论值和实测值。

  • In the meanwhile an explanation about the formal method for starting and low speed running of the Synchro electric propulsion system is put forward .

    同时,对 Synchro电力推进 系统在起动、低速运行时采用的控制方法进行了说明。

  • Based on the present situation of high power density beam powder surfacing with synchro delivery system the further development was proposed and a new powder surfacing technology was introduced .

    综述了国内外 同步送粉高能束粉末堆焊 技术的研究现状,对其发展趋势进行了预测,并提出了一种新型粉末堆焊技术。

  • The Design and Development of Corrugated Paper Synchro Cutting Control System

    瓦楞纸板 同步剪切控制 系统的设计与研制

  • The basic operational principle of Synchro and the high accurate measuring system of shaft angle composed of coarse and fine sub-branches are introduced .

    介绍 的基本工作原理以及由粗、精双支路组成的高精度轴角测量 系统