



  • Whats more Joseph is often seen in early Syriac Christianity as a symbol of Jesus .

    另外,在早期的 叙利亚基督教中,约瑟夫被看做是耶稣的一个象征。

  • The Hebrew version contains an entire canticle which does not appear in either the Greek or the Syriac text .

    希伯来文版包含整个颂歌没有出现在希腊或 叙利亚的案文。

  • However this new book focuses on a story to be found in a manuscript dating back to 570 AD and written in Syriac a Middle Eastern literary language used between the 4th and 8th centuries and related to Aramaic the language spoken by Jesus .

    但是这本新书的内容聚焦在公元570年发现的一份由 叙利亚 写成的手稿上,叙利亚 公元4世纪到8世纪期间在中东地区使用的 标准语言, 也是耶稣所用的语言。

  • Certain it is also that on the Malabar or west coast of southern India a body of Christians still exists using a form of Syriac for its liturgical language .

    能肯定的事,也是对马拉巴尔或西海岸的印度南部的一个机构的基督徒仍然存在,用一种形式的 叙利亚 供其礼仪语言。