table element

[ˈtebəl ˈɛləmənt][ˈteibl ˈelimənt]


  • Shaking table test and finite element analysis of high-rise control tower of Airport

    高耸塔台结构地震模拟振动 试验研究及有限 分析

  • Shaking table test and finite element analysis of a complex high-rise building structure model

    某高层建筑结构模型振动 试验研究及有限 分析

  • During the process a proper unsymmetric orthogonal collocation table that contains an element which is closed to the ratio of the inner to the the middle cylinder radial of the column should be explored .

    根据边界条件确定选用的非对称正交配置 矩阵,使选用的矩阵中含有与ω值(内筒与中筒半径比值)最接近的 元素

  • The application of the Composite Factor Table Method to Finite Element Method

    组合因子 法在有限 法中的应用

  • Click the plus sign to expand the table element .

    单击加号展开 元素

  • Considered the fluctuant of the groundwater table the finite element model by the Galerkin flipped method is established in which the level set method is used to deal with interface tracing problems in unsaturated / saturated soil hydrology process .

    考虑地下水 水位的变动,利用等值面函数法处理饱和&非饱和土壤水文过程中的界面追踪问题,并运用Galerkin间断有限 单元法进行了数值模拟。

  • Based on shaking table test and finite element calculation this paper study the seismic behavior of the high-rise building with high transfer floor .

    本文通过振动 试验和SAP2000有限 分析研究了高位转换框支剪力墙高层建筑的抗震性能。

  • We use the term descriptor for the value part of the symbol table element .

    我们把符号 元素的值部分称作描述信息。

  • Now we can drag the Assignment data set to the report to create the assignment table element .

    现在我们可以将Assignment数据集拖拉到报表之中,以创建分配 元素

  • Mineral Flotating and the Table of Element Periodic (ⅶ)

    矿物浮选与 元素周期 (Ⅶ)

  • In previous versions of BIRT the number of columns in a table element had to be known at design-time whereas with the cross tab element the number of columns and rows can be dynamic .

    在BIRT以前的版本中, 表格 元素中列的数量在设计时就要确定好,而在跨标签元素的帮助下,列和行的数量都可以动态生成。

  • According to the common mapping rules it mainly contains whole object table linked object table primitive element tables and so on .

    按照通用映射规则,主要包括全局对象表,链接对象 及基本 元素映射表等。

  • As for updating the periodic table element 118 would slot in just below radon in the column that contains inert gases . I think of all the men Ive killed to take my rightful place .

    至于元素周期 的升级,118号 元素的位置就在氡列那些气体 元素之后。叵氡晃疑彼赖娜嗣牵?好好衡量一下自己的位置。

  • OdfTableCell is the unit constituting a table element and each cell object can be used to place values paragraphs and other text content ; usually it 's necessary to set these three property values

    OdfTableCell是组成 表格 元素的单元,每个单元格对象可以用来放值、段落和其他文本内容;通常需要设置三个属性值

  • The Torque Measuring Method of Rotary Table By Using Hall Element

    采用霍尔 元件 转盘扭矩测量方法

  • Fast lookup algorithm for table with element in extent

    区间 的快速 查找算法

  • CONCLUSIONS : The diagnostic table of trace element can be a good probe for biologic pharmacodynamics .

    结论:微量 元素特征 可以作为药物的生物药效探针,对中药的药效给予客观评价。

  • Shaking Table Tests & Finite Element Analysis of Dynamic Behaviors of Soft Soil-pile Foundation-Superstructure System

    软土桩结构抗震性能振动 试验与有限 分析

  • Optimized Design of Structure of 6 - DOF Micro Table by Finite Element Analysis

    用有限 分析实现六自由度微动 工作 结构的优化设计

  • In this paper research on seismic response of tall flexible tower structures is performed through shaking table test and finite element analysis .

    本文从振动 试验和有限 计算等方面对高耸结构的地震响规律应做了较全面的研究。

  • Shaking Table Test and Finite Element Analysis of Low-rise Cold-formed Thin-walled Steel Residential Buildings

    低层冷弯薄壁型钢房屋振动 试验及有限 分析

  • The table element layout is similar to an HTML table .

    表格 元素的布局很像HTML的表格一样。

  • XML is displayed in three different formats including tree table element view and source view .

    XML以三种不同的格式显示,包括树 元素视图和源代码视图。

  • Based on the table of matrix element of spectrum decomposition the Helmhotz matrix can be decomposed by recursion of the direct solution .

    文中采用谱分解方法建立起矩阵列 元素的谱分解 ,并采用直解法的递推公式,可以快速给出矩阵的分解。

  • Table manners is important element of catering culture .

    宴礼仪是饮食文化中的重要 内容

  • In this instance the table element is the root element with two child nodes thead and tbody .

    在该例中, table 元素是根元素,它有两个子节点,thead和tbody。

  • Each table element of the curriculum ( such as Monday 's first class ) here called time slots .

    对课表的每个 (如星期一的第一节课)在这里称做时间片。

  • At last combining radial force table derived from finite element computation of magnetic field with static performance simulation the radial force waveform is acquired by non-linear interpolation . The main harmonic components of radial force waveform are derived by the spectrum analysis of radial force waveform .

    最后结合由磁场有限 计算得到的径向力 数据 和稳态性能仿真,通过非线性插值得到径向力的波形,然后对径向力波形进行了频谱分析,从而找到其主要的谐波分量。

  • Using a suffix tree as input which is constructed by DNA sequences and a search algorithm which is base on suffix trees as measure this method outputs a classified table of element repeats finally .

    算法以DNA序列所构造的后缀树作为输入,并以基于后缀树的查询算法作为手段,最终生成输入的DNA 序列的初级重复 分类