synthetic sand

[sɪnˈθɛtɪk sænd][sinˈθetik sænd]


  • Test was done on an atmospheric tester with power provided by a XY type triplex plunger pump . A synthetic core with ratio of cement to sand as 1 : 1 . 5 was used .

    试验是在常压实验架上进行的,由XZ型三柱塞泵提供动力,岩心采用 灰砂1:1.5的自制岩心。

  • The review and discussion of the recent research developments in the application of furan resin synthetic technique of furan resin and furan resin self-setting sand were given respectively .

    从呋喃树脂 合成工艺的研究进展、应用的研究进展、呋喃树脂自硬 的研究进展3个方面进行了归纳与评述;

  • There exits a desirable cross linking reaction between purified soda lignin and urea-formaldehyde and their synthetic product has a preferable compression strength of sand fixation whereas the carbohydrate in the plant raw material has an unfavorable effect on the modified synthetic urea-formaldehyde sand stabilization material .

    纯化碱木质素与脲醛呈现出良好的交联反应性能,其合成产物用于固沙的抗压强度较好,而植物原料中的碳水化合物对脲醛改性 合成 固沙材料则有不利的作用。

  • Application of BY Binder in Synthetic Fatty Acid Sand

    BY粘结剂在 中的应用

  • The Influence of Humidity on the Properties of Tung - oil and Synthetic Fat Sand

    湿度对桐油砂 性能的影响

  • Talking About the Measures for Enhancing Quality of Synthetic Magnesium Dolomite Sand

    浅淡提高 合成镁质白云石 质量的途径

  • Using the synthetic water composed of phenol and ammonia the feasibility and technical process to remove turbidity and trace pollutants simultaneously from the slightly polluted raw water by biological sand filter ( BSF ) are studied .

    以酚和氨氮作为微污染原水 模拟污染物研究了生物 滤池同时去除微污染原水浊度和微量污染物的可行性和工艺特征。

  • Since workspace is short of VSP material the stratum unit demarcation with synthetic seismic record is the presupposition of structure interpretation and sand body trace and reservior prediction and so on .

    由于工区范围内缺乏或没有VSP资料,利用 合成地震记录进行地质层位标定是进行构造解释、 体追踪及储层预测等工作的前提。

  • Two important factors of affacting synthetic magnesium dolomite sand quality are pureness and density of raw material .

    原料纯度和密度是影响 合成镁质白云石 的两个重要因素。

  • From the point of recycling of solid waste this paper is to discuss the synthetic utilization of used sand and analyse the future .

    从固体废弃物资源化的角度论述 铸造 综合利用情况并分析其前景。

  • Reclaimed synthetic resins made for snow removing sand box

    再生 树脂除雪用 沙子

  • The effects of various dispensation formula and synthetic technique on the viscosity of the resin and the compressive strength of resin bonded sand have been studied .

    研究了各种原料配比和 合成工艺对树脂粘度和树脂 抗压强度的影响。

  • Mineral Characterize and Synthetic Utilization of Tantalum and Niobium Tail Sand

    钽铌矿 尾砂的矿物特征及其 综合利用

  • Study on Transparent Synthetic Sand and Its Triaxial Test

    人工 合成透明 砂土及其三轴试验研究

  • The Ganzi Loess origin in the West Sichuan Plateau has been discussed based on synthetic study in grain composition of the loess surface texture of quartz sand as well as other geological phenomena .

    本文通过对甘孜满地黄土的粒度组分、石英 的表面结构以及其它地质现象的 综合研究,对甘孜黄土的成因进行了探讨。