synthetic test


  • Make the synthetic test to the accomplished instrument and give the test results and analysis .

    对最终完成各功能和指标的仪器进行 综合 测试,并给出测试结果且给予分析。

  • This paper introduces the procedure and its different level characteristics of breaking short-circuit current for high voltage breakers and depicts the common requirements for synthetic test equivalence . It also analyzes the equivalence problem between synthetic test and direct test .

    介绍了高压断路器开断短路电流的过程及各阶段的特征,叙述了 合成 试验等价性的通用要求,分析了合成试验与直接试验的等价性问题。

  • Preparing for science synthetic test should be a course to improve students ′ ability and quality .

    理科 综合 测试的备 复习过程应是提高学生能力和素质的过程。

  • The function structure and operating principle of a kind of aeroengine synthetic test instrument on PC-104 are introduced in this paper .

    介绍了基于PC-104的航空发动机地面 综合 检查仪的功用、组成及工作原理。

  • Study and Implementation of Information Integration in Synthetic Test System

    综合 测试系统的信息集成的研究与实现

  • Research and Development on Control System of Synthetic Test

    合成 试验控制系统研制

  • Synthetic test shows that the method presented here is superior in suppressing Gaussian colored noise .

    数值 模拟 试验显示,这种方法在抑制高斯有色噪声方面优于传统功率谱方法。

  • The braking and dynamic performance fuel economic nature of industrial vehicles can be tested and evaluated with the vehicle synthetic test bed ;

    车辆 综合 试验台可对工业车辆的制动性能、动力性能、燃油经济性进行测试评价;

  • In this paper six degree freedom motion simulator of the docking mechanism synthetic test stand was the research object . The design and analysis of control system for the six degree freedom motion simulator is the point .

    本文以我国目前正在研制的对接机构 综合 试验台系统中的六自由度运动模拟器为研究对象,重点进行运动模拟器控制系统设计与分析。

  • The synthetic test system for heading and attitude equipments is set up by using VXI technology to carry out the synthetic testing and Diagnosing . The fault diagnosing expert system based on knowledge is also designed .

    为实现对飞机航姿系统的综合测试与故障快速诊断,采用VXI总线技术建立了飞机航姿设备 综合 测试系统,并设计了一个基于知识的故障诊断专家系统;

  • Synchronization Control and Error Analysis for Synthetic Test

    合成 试验的同步控制及其误差分析

  • On the base of this and combine with the main test equipments control and measure equipments test place and other specific condition of this test the double parallel current of this test which is leaded into the three-phase synthetic test is confirmed .

    在此基础上,结合本试验室的试验主设备、控制测量设备、试验场地等具体情况,确定了适合本试验室的双并联电流引入三相 合成 试验线路。

  • Research on Three-Phase Synthetic Test Synchro Control Method of High Voltage Circuit-Breaker

    高压断路器三相 合成 试验同步控制方法研究

  • The composition and function of parallel pipeline characterization and flow distribution synthetic test system was introduced .

    简述并联管路特性及流量分配 综合 实验系统的组成,介绍该实验系统的功能。

  • Therefore RFID measurement study includes the basic test the specification of products such as IC tags reader writer antenna etc and application system for the synthetic test and the place for measurement .

    所以RFID测试研究应是涵盖RFID技术基础测试、RFID产品(电子标签、读写器、天线等) 性能 测试和RFID应用系统 测试 综合试验和测试场所;

  • The low-light-level synthetic test instruments are discussed on the basis of above and the main parts of the instrument are explained in detail .

    以此为基础,讨论微光 综合 测试仪系列,并对测仪器的主要部件作详细的说明。

  • Study on a Synthetic Test Circuit of the Thyristor Valves

    一种晶闸管阀的 合成 试验回路研究

  • Necessity and speciality for synthetic test for asymmetrical current breaking are explained .

    阐述了进行非对称电流开断 合成 试验的必要性和特殊性。

  • The significance feature guaranty implementation and evaluation of synthetic test are discussed to train medical talents and promote the reformation of synthetic test of morphology .

    综合 实验课的意义、特色、保证、实施和评价作了全面阐述。为培养具有时代特征医学人才,推进形态学综合实验的系统化改革而努力。

  • The background principles and framework in designing the hardware and software of the synthetic test system of automobile engine sensor are expounded .

    论述了“发动机传感器总 系统”软、硬件设计的背景、设计原理和设计实现;

  • The use of the synthetic test dust and the relationship of the synthetic test dust and atmospheric dust are introduced .

    介绍了人工尘的用途、 人工 和大气尘之间的联系。

  • In order to improve the success ratio of the tests control system of synthetic test has been improved a lot in developed countries by improving the automatic level of control system .

    为此,国外对 合成 试验控制系统进行了大量改进,通过提升控制系统的自动化程度来提高 合成试验的成功率。

  • Equivalence and Comparative Test between Direct Test and Synthetic Test of Circuit Breaker

    断路器直接试验和 合成 试验的等价性和比较试验

  • The core to design a synthetic test circuit is to correctly reproduce the stresses applied on the thyristor valves .

    设计 合成 试验回路的核心在于如何正确地再现晶闸管阀上的负荷。

  • A new synthetic test circuit has been developed by ABB Power Systems . This new circuit reproduces the correct stresses applied on the high voltage direct current ( HVDC ) thyristor valves in service .

    ABBPowerSystems开发了一种新的 合成 试验回路,正确地再现了运行中施加在HVDC晶闸管阀上的电压和电流负荷。

  • According to current testing status of the domestic mine-used hoist the paper develops a kind of integrated intelligent testing system for hoist which could makes synthetic test to the performance parameters of complete hoist set which offers new testing means for the industry .

    针对国内矿用提升机测试的现状,开发了一种集成化提升机智能测试系统,该系统可以对矿用提升机整机性能参数进行 综合 测试,为检测行业提供了一种新的测试手段。

  • Synthetic test system based on study of hydraulic hoist speed control

    基于液压提升机速度控制研究的 综合控制 试验系统

  • In this paper the fundamental and process of synthetic test will be analyzed first .

    本文首先对 合成 试验的基本原理和工作过程进行了理论分析。

  • The part about synthetic test dust in standards is analyzed . At the same time the three questions about the composition of synthetic test and the mass percentage of every element particle size distribution and chemical composition in these five standards are compared and analyzed in detail .

    分析了国外五个标准中有关 人工 的部分,并对五个标准中人工尘的组成和各成分的质量百分数、粒径分布以及化学成分三个方面的问题进行了详细的比较、分析。

  • This paper analyses the residual magnetic field and its influence and measures the dielectric recovery strength of the rotating arc model interrupter by the synthetic test circuit technique . The results obtained for a combined magnetic and electric field type recovery are presented .

    本文分析了残余磁场及其影响,并采用 合成 回路技术测量了旋弧模型灭弧室的弧后介质恢复强度,得出了磁场与电场一起作用下恢复的结果。