table data

[ˈtebəl ˈdetə][ˈteibl ˈdeitə]


  • This growth of the step table data for a context can consume runtime memory when that context is loaded .

    在装载一个上下文时,这个上下文的步骤 数据会占用运行时内存。

  • DB2 would distribute the entire table data among database partitions that could be located on different physical machines based on a distribution map .

    DB2会基于一个分布图将整个 数据分布到位于不同物理机上的数据库分区中。

  • The program then changes the column data ( usually by reading a sorted transaction file in the same order as the table data ) and writes both the changed and unchanged rows to a sequential file .

    然后,该程序更改列数据(通常通过将相同顺序的已排序事务文件读作 数据),并将已变更和未变更的行写入一个顺序文件。

  • In this example 10 percent of table data pages are used for the collection of table statistics while for index statistics all of the index pages will be used .

    本例中,10%的 数据页用于表统计信息的收集,而对于索引统计信息,将使用所有的索引页。

  • In such cases using table data as input may not be the best solution .

    这时,使用 数据作为输入可能不是最佳解决方案。

  • Another popular method of controlling access to table data is through the use of stored procedures .

    控制 对表 数据的访问的另一种流行方法是使用存储过程。

  • Additionally ADC only occurs if no compression dictionary exists within the physical table data object or partition .

    此外,只有当物理 数据对象或分区中没有压缩字典时,才能运行ADC。

  • They allow you to assign the location of the database and table data directly onto containers .

    它允许您直接将数据库和 数据的位置分配到容器上。

  • Note that only the table data pages and not the index pages are sampled .

    请注意,只 对表 数据页进行抽样,而不是索引页。

  • Dynamic look-up table binary tree using dynamic lookup table is very useful for beginners a program that can help him learn good dynamic look-up table data structure !

    动态查找表,二叉树的应用动态查找表,对初学者是非常有用的一个程序,可以帮助他学习好 数据结构的动态查找

  • Table data skew refers to a difference between the number of records in a table on particular database partitions and the average number of records across all database partitions for this table .


  • To check integrity of table data you can index keys to table rows and table rows to associated LOBs .

    要检查 数据的完整性,您可以在表的数据行设置索引键,并将表的数据行关联到相关的LOB。

  • Easy roll-in and roll-out of table data


  • The snippet processor reads table data from the disk array into memory .

    snippet处理器将 数据从硬盘阵列读取到内存中。

  • Each of these operations : redistribute table reorg index create and runstats require scanning the table data once .

    这些操作中:redistribute、tablereorg、indexcreate和runstats,每个操作都需要扫描一次 数据

  • Table partitioning is a data organization scheme in which table data is divided across multiple storage objects called data partitions based on values in one or more columns .

    表分区是一种数据组织方案,它根据一列或多列中的值把 数据划分为多个称为数据分区的存储对象。

  • It may also provide more accurate statistics if the data is clustered ( obtains a sample that better represents overall table data ) .

    如果数据是群集的,它还可以提供更准确的统计信息(所获得的样本更好地代表了整个 数据)。

  • The next example demonstrates how to alter the tablespace not only for table data but also for indexes and LOBs .

    下一个示例演示了如何不仅为 数据,还为索引和LOB修改表空间。

  • In DB2 V8.2 two new methods of table data sampling are offered : row-level Bernoulli sampling and system page-level sampling .

    在DB2V8.2中,提供了 对表 数据进行抽样的两种新方法:行级的贝努里(Bernoulli)抽样和系统页级的抽样。

  • Indexes can also enforce uniqueness on the rows in a table ensuring the data integrity of the table data .

    索引还可以强制表中的行具有唯一性,从而确保 数据的数据完整性。

  • Publishing XML documents based on the existing table data is a common scenario .

    根据已有的 数据发布XML文档是一个常见的场景。

  • Data for all cached tables is kept in a file named database . data while text table data is kept in any delimited text file ( like CSV files ) named by the set table source non-standard SQL statement .

    所有缓存表的数据放在一个名为database.data的文件中,而文本 数据则放在由settablesource非标准SQL语句命名的任意分隔文本文件(像CSV文件)中。

  • CSV and TXT are the export types supported for table data .

    CSV和TXT是支持的 数据导出类型。

  • Using database partition groups and tablespaces a user can determine across which and how many database partitions their table data is to be spread .

    用户可以通过使用数据库分区组和表空间,来确定将 数据分布到哪些数据库分区上。

  • Table data is partitioned as specified in the PARTITION BY clause of the CREATE TABLE statement .


  • Regular table spaces : Regular table spaces hold table data and indexes .

    常规表空间:常规表空间保存 数据和索引。

  • Both DB2 and Oracle databases provide buffers that allow table data to be cached in and served from RAM .

    DB2和Oracle数据库都提供了允许将 数据 数据缓存在RAM中的缓冲区。

  • A common way to control access to table data is using views .

    控制 数据访问的一种常见方法是使用视图。

  • You can nest other data-bound report items within a table data region including another table .

    可以在 数据区域内嵌入其他数据绑定报表项,包括另一表。

  • Both the RUNSTATS and REORG utilities use log files when moving table data around .

    当到处移动 数据时,RUNSTATS和REORG实用程序都使用日志文件。