symbolic point

[sɪmˈbɑlɪk pɔɪnt][sɪmˈbɔlɪk pɔint]

[计] 符号点

  • Symbolic Algorithm of Formal Solutions of Certain Ordinary Differential Equations at A Singular Point

    一类常微分方程在 奇点 解的 符号算法

  • If you eventually need or want to switch to a newer or older version of Perl you can simply delete the symbolic link and recreate it to point to a different directory .

    如果您最后需要或者希望切换到一个更新的或者更旧的Perl版本,那么您只需删除该 符号链接,并重新创建一个 指向不同目录的 符号链接即可。

  • Installing Calibre over the Internet creates symbolic links in your system 's / usr / bin directory that point to the Calibre application and other applications in the Calibre package .

    通过Internet安装Calibre会在系统的/usr/bin目录下创建 符号链接, 指向Calibre包内的Calibre应用程序及其他的应用程序。

  • In presence of symbolic links ( OS X only ) the actual files to which symbolic links point to are copied not the symbolic links themselves .

    实际 拷贝 指定文件夹下的文件,并不包含这个指定的文件夹。

  • The symbolic call name is the name of an actual method ( a corollary of the previous point )

    符号调用名就是实际的方法名(这是上述 限制的必然结果)

  • In this paper the authors discuss the shift of the one-sided symbolic space and prove that there exists an uncountable SS chaotic set in which each point is recurrent but is not weakly almost periodic .

    该文对单边 符号空间上的转移自映射进行了讨论,证明了在非弱几乎周期的回复 集上存在不可数的SS混沌集。

  • Also check and make sure you have created symbolic links to point to the Java shared libraries for your specific platform .

    还要检查并且确保创建了正确的 符号链接, 指向适合平台的Java共享库。

  • While it would be tempting from a symbolic point of view to want to make a splash and snap up a whole institution this would almost certainly be folly .

    尽管从出 风头 角度看,整体收购一家银行是个诱人的想法,但这几乎可以肯定是非常愚蠢的。

  • His other works are symbolic almost to the point of caricature .

    他的其他作品很有 象征 意味,简直和漫画有 异曲同工之妙。

  • A number of symbolic links are then created that all point to the BusyBox utility .

    然后创建了很多 符号链接,它们都 指向BusyBox工具。

  • It has been a very symbolic crossing point .

    这里曾经是一个非常 具有 象征 的过境

  • The trick is to use symbolic links to point from one location to another even across partitions .

    诀窍是使用 符号链接来从一个位置 指向另一个位置,甚至跨分区。

  • This article from the symbolic image of the industry point of view of trying to put forward a more effective application of symbolic elements in the hope of China-made cartoon image of the symbols of the production and dissemination of a certain source of inspiration .

    本文试图从 形象 符号产业的 角度提出更为有效的符号要素应用方式,希望能够对国产动漫形象符号的生产和传播产生一定的启发。

  • I have never thought that complex symbolic behavior has a single point source and that cultural evolutions is like switching a light on he said .

    我从不认为,复杂的 象征 行为有一个单一的 源头,也不认为文化进化就像关上灯的开关一样,他说。