teacher's day



  • I hear you have Teacher 's Day in China don 't you ?

    我听说过中国有 教师 ,是吗?

  • Today is a Teacher 's Day .

    今天是 教师

  • Teacher Festival then in animated conversation the most flamboyant of the Teacher 's Day should not be abolished so I am accident .

    教师节后话,七嘴八舌中,最出风头的 该不该取消 教师 ,令我深感意外。

  • The first Teacher 's day was held back in1957 .

    泰国的第一个 教师 开始于1957年。

  • Today is the25th Teacher 's Day which to me is a significant one .

    今天是第二十五个 教师 ,这对我来说注定是个非常有意义的 教师

  • Tim the tenth is Teacher 's Day .

    提姆,十号是 教师

  • We celebrated the Teacher 's Day for all teachers this Monday very happy .

    这周一我们为全体老师庆祝了 教师 ,非常开心。

  • Another teacher 's day to all the teachers to our parents .

    另一位 老师 ,所有的老师,我们的父母。

  • Let me borrow a short message to serve teacher 's day the blessing : Health is happy !

    让我借短信送上 教师 祝福:健康快乐!

  • As a teacher I am Though there have been Teacher 's Day if not hypothetical but not agree with cancellation .

    作为教师,我虽曾有过如果没有 教师 的假想,却不认同取消。

  • In Thailand Teacher 's Day on January 16th is a school holiday .

    在泰国,1月16日的 教师 是一个学休日。

  • No ! Don 't you know it 's teacher 's day this saturday ?

    不是!你不知道礼拜六是 教师 吗?

  • On Teacher 's day many students say Thank you to their teachers .

    教师 那天,学生们向他们的老师致谢。

  • When is Teacher 's Day ?

    什么时候是 教师

  • Sincerely wish you a happy Teacher 's Day !

    衷心祝您 教师 快乐!

  • Best wishes for Teacher 's Day .

    顺致 教师 最好的祝愿。

  • Everyone brought gifts for you on teacher 's day .

    所有 都在 那天给你带礼物。

  • The Teacher 's Day being a burden hastouched off the social thinking of South Korea .

    教师 ”变成负担,引发了韩国社会的思考。

  • Mike : Xiao Hong do you know what 's the date of Teacher 's Day ?

    麦克:小红,你知道 教师 号吗?

  • Teacher 's Day is coming . I 'm going to give our teacher some flowers .

    教师 要到了。我打算给我们老师送一些英语。

  • I went to join in the celebration dinner party for the twenty-seventh Teacher 's Day this evening .

    今天晚上,我去参加庆祝第二十七个 教师 的晚宴了。

  • This is Teacher 's Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers .

    今天是 教师 ,也是向所有教师致谢的日子。

  • Imperial edict : I wish all teachers in the world Happy Teacher 's Day !

    皇帝诏书:祝全天下的 老师 教师 快乐!

  • The first Teacher 's Day was observed in the early1980s in China .

    中国第一个 教师 出现在八十年代早期。

  • The arrival of the teacher 's day wish you happy all right .

    教师 到来之 ,祝您快乐,一切都好。

  • Teachers this sacred name whenever mentioned will have many wonderful memories will fall into the representation but also I can not help but think of only one of their own Teacher 's Day .

    老师,这个神圣的名字,每当提起,都会有很多美好的记忆一股脑的再现,也让我情不自禁的想起属于自己的唯一一个 教师

  • Teachers perhaps today you will not remember me but I will think of you ! Happy Teacher 's Day wish you good health !

    老师,也许就在今天,您不会想起我,但是我会想起您!祝福您 教师 快乐,身体健康!