table of combination

[ˈtebəl ʌv ˌkɑmbəˈneʃən][ˈteibl ɔv ˌkɔmbiˈneiʃən]


  • The paper has summarized and defined common problems in the title structural layers table format use of area unit wrongly written or mispronounced in agricultural sci-tech papers and analyzed them by combination practice with the investigation .

    总结阐述了农业科技文章中的文题、结构层次、 表格编排、面积单位使用、错别字等方面常出现的问题,并 结合实践和调查进行了分析。

  • The following table gives the size of minibin for each datatype with a combination of resolution and number of fragments .

    给出了每种数据类型的迷你箱状图的大小, 同时还给出了解析率和片段数。

  • The data table of drug combination and the therapeutic effect using rough set algorithm to deal with and then get the combination of drug which plays a key role to the treatment . Thus it provides effective support to the expert group .

    针对药品 组合与治疗效果数据 ,采用粗糙集约简算法,得到对治疗起关键作用的药品组合,该药品组合为专家组提供了有效的支持。

  • Establishing biomass models is a major way of biomass estimate . To establish biomass model compatible with volume table is the base of realizing the combination of forest biomass survey and growing stock invertory .

    建立生物量模型是生物量估测的主要手段,而建立与 材积兼容的生物量模型是实现生物量调查与森林蓄积量调查 结合的基础。

  • A shaking table model test on soft-collision limiting deformation of base isolated layer is completed . It is validated that U-shape combination buffer consisting of U-shape steel plate and I-shape lead bar can resile after any soft-collision and has better performance of automatic resilience .

    基础隔震模型进行软碰撞限位振动 实验,表明由U型钢板和I型铅棒组成的U型 组合软碰撞限位器,软碰撞后可以恢复到平衡位置,具有较理想的自复位能力。