tactile sense

[ˈtæktəl sɛns][ˈtæktəl sens]


  • The inputs of the cognitive map concept nodes involve the reconstructed shape and the tactile sense data such as press location press values .

    认知图概念节点的输入量包括压力位置、大小等 服装 传感数据及识别重建后的 接触 形体。

  • The results showed that the could effectively sense the tactile sense and it could be used on a manipulator for soft_grasp .

    研究结果表明,这种传感器能够有效地获取 触觉信号,可用在机械手 实现无损伤抓取作业。

  • Virtual reality system uses computer technology to generate realistic virtual environment providing the simulation of visual auditory tactile and other sensations of human being . It allows the user to have a sense of immersion .

    虚拟现实系统利用计算机技术生成逼真的虚拟环境,提供用户视觉、听觉和 触觉等感官的模拟,使用户产生身临其境的沉浸

  • As a traditional weaving material wool is widely used in fields such as clothing and accessories due to its advantages in visual sense tactile sense and processing .

    绒线作为一种传统的编织材料,因其具有视觉、 触觉、加工等方面优势,广泛用于服饰、饰品等领域。

  • After 1 to 5 years follow-up the appearance of tissue flap were satisfactory the pain temperature and tactile sense were recovered the functions of the injured feet were recovered well .

    随访1~5年,皮瓣外观良好, 功能恢复满意。

  • The article classifies image concerning the ways of perception of human being : auditory image visual image taste image scent image tactile image move sense image .

    按诉诸人的感觉方式,可分为听觉意象、视觉意象、味觉意象、嗅觉意象、 触觉意象、 动觉意象;

  • It designs a tactile display system of graphical information which helps a visually impaired user or blind user study and sense from the image tactile display .

    为帮助盲人或视觉障碍人通过触摸达到学习和 感受的目的,设计了 触觉图文图像显示系统。

  • Introduced a tactile sensor used in a bionical artificial hand . The structure of the sensor data acquisition signal processing and output of sense are discussed .

    实现人体假手的 传感器,包括其结构设计、传感信号的采集、处理和 感觉信息输出。

  • Your tactile sense takes a crucifying you never dreamed possible .

    你的 触觉感受 前所未有的煎熬。

  • Tactile design package is different from traditional design of packaging through the use of some new material and after processing of the materials to be assembled properly give it a rich sense of expressiveness in modern packaging .

    包装的 触觉设计不同于传统的包装的设计,通过利用一些新材料和经过不同处理的材料进行妥善地加以组合配置,赋予其丰富的 触觉表现力应用到现代商品包装中。

  • In virtual reality system tactile sense simulation and display is an important tool to strengthen the realistic sensation and construct the immersion .

    在虚拟现实系统中, 触觉的模拟和再现是增强系统真实感,营造沉浸效果的重要手段。