


  • I used to be a brown tadpole but the global warming people convinced me to go green .

    我过去是一只棕色的 蝌蚪,人们确信是全球气候变暖 致使我变成了绿色。

  • One morning the tadpole discovered that during the night he had grown two little legs .

    一天早晨, 蝌蚪发现,经过一个晚上,身上长出了两条小腿。

  • Free-swimming larva of ascidians ; they have a tail like a tadpole that contains the notochord .

    自由游动的海鞘类幼体;它们有含有脊索的 蝌蚪形尾巴。

  • Objective To investigate the effect of tadpole extract ( T871 3 ) on tumor cells and its mechanism .

    目的研究 蝌蚪提取液(T8713)对白血病细胞的作用机制。

  • Effect of Cadmium on Fos and Metallothionein Expression in Liver Cells in of Rana chensinensis Tadpole

    镉对中国林蛙 蝌蚪肝内FOS蛋白和金属硫蛋白的影响

  • The caterpillar is the larva of the butterfly the tadpole is the larva of the frog .

    毛虫是蝴蝶的幼虫; 蝌蚪是青蛙的幼体。

  • When a tadpole came into the circle I blocked the entrance with a stone . Secondly I kept looking for the tadpole in the water .

    当一只 蝌蚪 进来时,我就用石块堵住入口,然后不停地用双手在水里摸索着。

  • As the temperature increases the Pb core which has a lower melting point melts first then expands breaks its oxide shell and finally forms a nanojet with a condensed trail in the shape of a tadpole .

    随着温度升高,熔点较低的铅核先熔化并膨胀,冲破氧化层外壳形成 蝌蚪状的纳米喷射。

  • Joint-toxicity of copper and hydrargyrum on tadpole was studied in the present investigation .

    研究了铜和汞共存对泽蛙 蝌蚪的联合毒性。

  • I 'm Little Tadpole . I 'm looking for Mummy too .

    我是小 蝌蚪。我也在找妈妈。

  • A few days after the eggs are laid young frogs which are called tadpole come out of them .

    卵产下几天以后,称为 蝌蚪的青蛙幼虫就从卵里出来了。

  • Methods : separated chemical composition of tadpole by column chromatography and determined structure by instrument analysis .

    方法:应用柱层析的方法对 蝌蚪 干粉中的化学成分进行分离,用仪器分析确定其结构。

  • In yet another scenario an increase in amphibian predators such as fish leeches or turtles may create more deformities by biting off tadpole limbs .

    还有其他的状况,如鱼、蛭或乌龟,有可能咬掉 蝌蚪的腿,造成更多种形态的损伤。

  • In a frog renal carcinoma model the transfer of nuclei from tumor cells into oocytes was reported to reverse oncogenesis and to direct development to the tadpole stage .

    在青蛙肾癌模型,从细胞核转移到卵母细胞瘤细胞据报道,扭转了瘤的发生,也导致了 蝌蚪阶段的发展。

  • A tadpole ultimately turns into a frog .


  • Gold nanoparticles with tadpole and necklace-shaped were prepared successfully .

    合成出具有 蝌蚪和项链形的新颖形状的金纳米粒子。

  • In my eyes I am more happy and freer than the tadpole and red worm who live in the well too .

    我看到跟我一起生活在井里的 蝌蚪,红虫等,它们都比不上我那么自由,那么快乐。

  • Study on Synergetic Toxicity of Copper and Cadmium to Tadpole

    铜和镉对 蝌蚪的联合毒性研究

  • The biggest danger for a cane toad ( Rhinella marina ) egg isn 't a predator of a different species ; it 's a cane toad tadpole .

    产下的卵来说,最大的危险不是来自不同物种的掠食者,而是来自蔗蟾 蝌蚪

  • As a tadpole changes into a frog its tail is gradually absorbed .


  • For instance a certain kind of tadpole can tell the depth of the water it is swimming in by the pitch of a tone which is produced by its own lungs .

    举个例子,有一种 蝌蚪感知它所游泳 之处水的深度,它是通过某种自己肺部产生的声音的音调来判定的。

  • In Borneo Ruth was adopted by the Iban tribe who taught her to eat tadpole stew and how to suck water snails from their shells .

    在婆罗洲,露丝学会了传统部落的生活方式,他们教她怎样吃 炖肉,以及如何从水蜗牛中吸水。

  • If a frog is changed from a tadpole I won 't play with a frog .

    如果青蛙是由 蝌蚪变来的,那我不愿意和一只青蛙玩。

  • In the transformation of a tadpole into a frog metamorphosis happens gradually .


  • I 'm telling you Tadpole one of us should 've stayed at home to protect her .

    听我说, 蝌蚪,我们应该有人留在家里保护她。

  • The tadpole is the larva of the frog .


  • Didn 't you name your tadpole ?

    你还没 你的 蝌蚪 名字吗?

  • I 'll broach the tadpole on this rapier 's point .

    我来用这把剑把他 了。

  • I love everything about you said the tadpole .

    “我爱你的一切”, 蝌蚪说。

  • The tadpole did not know what to do with his little tail .

    可是 蝌蚪还不知道自己的小尾巴做什么。