table top

[ˈtebəl tɑp][ˈteibl tɔp]


  • The child scratched the table top with his toy .

    小孩用他的玩具刮伤 桌面

  • Lots of powerful magnets surround us ready to pull our time from us like loose iron shavings off a table top .

    如果你不支配自己的时间,那决定权就由不得你。我们身边有很多强力的磁场,会像从 吸走铁屑一样瞬间就吸走我们的时间。

  • The main symbol of power competitive sports rise is entering into the three in the Olympics medals table top .

    大国竞技体育崛起的主要标志是大国在奥运会上金牌 排名进入 三。

  • Besides the utility model has a simple preparing process the length and width ration of the table top can be optionally designed and usage and storage become more convenient than ever .

    并且加工工艺简单, 桌面长宽比例随意设计,更加方便了使用与存放。

  • The surface of the table top is hardwearing stain resistant and easy to keep clean .

    表面 是耐磨,防污,易于保持清洁。

  • The table top soft X ray lasers based on OFI driven by ultra short laser pulses is a new kind of pumping mechanism . We have constructed a set of device to generate soft X ray radiation spectrum .

    以超短脉冲激光作为驱动源、基于光场感应的X射线激光是获得高效率 台式X射线激光的一种新的泵浦机制。

  • The table top was so highly polished that it mirrored the ornaments placed on it .


  • And you could either have it mounted on a wall or on a table top whereas now you look at something like a cell phone .

    你可以把它安装在墙上或者在 桌面 。然而,看看今天的手机。

  • CXE-RZ50 Table Top Milk Centrifuge is used for standard physiochemical test on the relative density and fat volue of milk products with the method of gerber and yinihupfu .

    用于 盖勃氏法和伊尼霍夫氏碱法对乳及乳制品的相对密度和脂肪进行标准的理化检验。

  • The burning cigarette left a mark on the table top .

    香烟在 桌面 烧了一个疤。

  • NOTE : When draining Table Top models remove the screw securing the drain access cover .

    注:对于 台面型热水器的排水,需要拆卸排水观察盖板上的紧固螺丝。

  • I was laid alone for the first time ; and rousing from a dismal doze after a night of weeping I lifted my hand to push the panels aside : it struck the table top !

    我第一次被人孤零零地扔在一边,哭了一整夜,又昏昏沉沉地打了一个盹醒过来,我伸手想把嵌板推开:我的手碰到了 桌面

  • The utility model is composed of the table top a basic body building appliance a base seat and a sitting chair .

    它由 桌面、基本健身器械及基座和座椅三部分构成。

  • It is unlikely that the same favorable results would occur in disinfecting dried blood on a table top or medical instrument .

    而对 或医用仪器上干了的血液进行消毒时就不太可能出现这样好的效果。

  • The pine table top is overlaid with a mahogany veneer .

    松木 桌面镶有一层桃花心木的装饰薄板。

  • A pedestal table whose top is hinged so that it can be tilted to a vertical position .


  • Its beautiful table top line and harmonious combination is the inspirational and original rime and their sculptural appearance deduces the modern aesthetic connotation .

    优美的 桌面线条、巧妙的元素搭配,是灵感与创意的结晶,颇具艺术的外表演绎着现代美学之内涵。

  • The strips are designed to be part of the paneling or table top and can also house communication cables and sport finishes from mahogany to titanium .

    接线板被设计成操作台面或 桌面的一部分,还可以包含通信电缆,接线板表面也可以选用从红木到钛合金等各种材料。

  • Turning on and turning off operation to the water falling filter can be carried out as long as the handle of the draw lever on a table top is operated .

    本实用新型只要操作 台面 的拉杆手柄即可对落水滤器进行开、关操作。

  • The table top looks much better since we put some French polish on it .

    自从我们在 桌面 涂了一层罩光漆,看上去好多了。

  • You can avoid the burn and still get work done simply by putting your laptop on a table top .

    使用笔记本电脑的同时避免烧伤,方法其实很简单,那就是把笔记本电脑放到 桌面 就可以了。

  • Providing a glimpse into the future Mr Gates demonstrated a device called a Microsoft Surface that embeds a computer in a table top showing how he could customise a snow-board in a shop .

    展望未来,盖茨通过一台嵌入 桌面的微软的新产品“MicrosoftSurface”来展示他在一家网络商店订制一架滑雪板的过程。

  • CXE-RZ50 Table Top Milk Centrifuge is a specific for analyzing milk and milk products according to the hygienic standards .


  • If the table top isn 't level things will roll off .

    如果 桌面不平,东西就会滚下来。

  • A table top must be level .


  • An example would be scraping your fingernail across the table top to increase or decrease volume on your media player .

    比如说,可以在 桌面 轻划手指来提高或是降低媒体播放器的音量。

  • The panel had a veneer of gold and ivory . The pine table top is overlaid with a mahogany veneer .

    这木板上面镶饰了一层金和象牙。松木 桌面镶有一层桃花心木的装饰薄板。

  • Then out the door I went like a flash running through the darkness with my little hands underneath the table top smiling from ear to ear as I headed toward the dormitory .

    出了门后,我在黑暗中像闪电一般奔跑起来,小手托着 桌子 底部,咧着大嘴微笑着,朝宿舍跑去。

  • Objective Discuss sterilization effect of B-class pulsation table top vacuum pressure steam sterilizer for dental handpiece .

    目的探讨B级脉动真空压力蒸汽 台式灭菌器对牙科手机的灭菌效果。

  • Exploration and practice of improving the life time of medium plate elevator 's table top

    提高中板升降台 台面寿命的探索与实践