table look-up

[ˈtebəl lʊk ʌp][ˈteibl luk ʌp]

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  • Design and Application of the Thermistor Transmitter Based on the Table Look-up Way

    基于 的热敏电阻温度变送器设计与应用

  • Adopting complementary-encoding of light intensity and volume holography a content-addressable optical holography truth table look-up system based on the NAND operation is structured .

    采用光强的互补编码,利用体全息关联特性,构造了一种内容寻址的、基于与非操作的光学全息真值 查询系统。

  • Discussion on application of synchronous measurement table look-up system of electrified wire netting

    浅谈电网同步计量 抄表系统的应用

  • We have brought in a kind of table look-up way thermistor temperature transmitter-based design .

    提出了一种基于 方式的热敏电阻温度变送器的设计方案。

  • Retrieval of aerosol parameters was performed by the table look-up method based on total extinction coefficient .

    并基于气溶胶消光信息,通过 法反演气溶胶的 平均直径、总个数和总比 面积物理 特性

  • The table look-up method is used for rapid generating random numbers simulating radar target signals and clutter for which a set of statistical tests are performed .


  • A hierarchical background model based on kernel density estimation was proposed and a gauss function numerical table was previously created . In the detection step the probability of the pixel was obtained by look-up table and Gaussian pyramid was built to remove false foreground .

    建立了核密度估计分层背景模型和高斯函数数值 ,利用高斯图像 金字塔 高层淘汰虚假前景。

  • Basing on the understanding of the theory of gamma correction it presents a technique for building a gamma correction look-up table finally gives a fast algorithm for performing gamma correction by using the look-up table .

    在对gamma校正原理进行深入研究的基础上,构造出gamma校正查找 ,并提出了运用该 数字图像进行快速gamma校正的方法。

  • The result of research shows : In the average computing time and the machining cost the established SP and MS algorithms have been obviously superior to the traditional table look-up method and some other typical optimization algorithms .

    研究结果表明:在平均计算时间、加工成本方面,所建的SP法及MS法优于传统的 法及一些典型的优化法。

  • In order to analyse their software systems the fundamental methods of disassembling are discussed i. e. the direct generating method and the table look-up transform method and pro-posed the concept of basic code about the instruction object code .

    为分析Z280MPU系统软件,本文论述了反汇编的基本方法&直接生成法和 转换法,给出了指令目标代码基本码的概念。

  • A Method for the Data Process in Fuel Quantity Gaging on Aircraft by Multidimensional Table Look-up Technique

    用多维 法解决飞机燃油油量测量中的数据处理问题

  • This paper explains the process of how μ C / OS - ⅱ kernel gets the highest priority task rapidly and accurately from numerous tasks by look-up table and analyzes the scheduling method and look-up algorithm with examples .

    文中阐述μC/OS-Ⅱ内核如何通过查 法快速找出就绪态中优先级最高的任务,并详细分析了就绪 中最高优先级任务调度方法和 查找算法,最后给出了 相应的例子。

  • Based on a thorough study of the BLMS algorithm architecture we adopt the more efficient Look-up Table ( LUT ) and Multiplexer ( MUX ) architecture to replace the multiply accumulator architecture . Furthermore we propose two sorts of improved BLMS algorithm correspondingly and analyze their performance .

    在深入研究BLMS算法结构的基础上,采用更高效的 查找表( Look-Up TableLUT)和选择器(Multiplexer,MUX)结构代替乘累加结构,提出了两种BLMS改进算法,并给出了性能分析。

  • This paper introduced the method to determinate the angle of incident laser using database table look-up techniques .

    在介绍利用数据库 确定入射激光方位的基础上,分析了该简易测量方法的不足。

  • Distributed computing the look-up table can replace the multiplication but with the order number increase the look-up table size also is met subsequently growth lookup tables grouping is undoubtedly the best choice .

    分布式中的查找 可以替代运算中的乘法运算,但是随着阶数的增加, 查找表的规模也会随之增长,查找表分组无疑是最佳选择。

  • First a great deal of Aerodynamics and moment parameters are processed by Look-Up Table and then the flight simulation model of normal aircraft and fault aircraft are established .

    首先,利用 Look-Up Table对大量的气动力参数及气动力矩参数 数据进行了 插值处理,并在此基础上建立了正常和故障飞机飞行的仿真模型。

  • First we use the corresponding table for relationship between the optical lens aberration curve in the field of view and distortion and the fish-eye effect distortion correction is achieved through the look-up table method .

    首先利用光学镜头像差曲线中视场与畸变的关系对应 ,通过 表法实现了鱼眼效应畸变校正。

  • The modern core router puts forward higher and higher standards on the speed of updating table look-up rate and capacity of look-up table .

    现代核心路由器对 查找速率、 项更新速度、查找表容量等提出越来越高的要求。

  • Dynamic look-up table binary tree using dynamic lookup table is very useful for beginners a program that can help him learn good dynamic look-up table data structure !

    动态查找表,二叉树的应用动态查找 ,对初学者是非常有用的一个程序,可以帮助他学习好数据结构的动态 查找表!

  • Design of Petersen coil with thyristor series capacitors based on table look-up technique


  • This system uses is based on the arrow quantification refinement algorithm through the inspection in the image picture element 8-domain 256 kind of situations comes the table look-up according to its domain picture element index value judges it is may delete or cannot delete .

    本系统采用的是基于矢量化的细化算法,通过考察中心像素点8-领域的256种情况,根据其领域像素的索引值来 ,判断其是可以删除还是不能删除。

  • In this thesis MCU table look-up and interpolate instruction was employed in a new fast integer evolution algorithm that has high precision .

    特别是本文应用 和插值指令实现了高精度快速整数开方的新型算法,在装置中得到了应用,效果很好。

  • And analyze the shortcoming of the look-up table method make a line interpolation algorithm improvement on the look-up table method .

    分析了查 法实现模糊控制存在的问题,用在线插值方法对 表法做了改进。

  • Generally the digital subdivision method utilizes A / D to collect two orthogonal signals and then disposals of the collected signals through the microprocessor or logic circuit operates for table look-up count and interpolation at last receives the value of subdivision .

    一般的数字化细分方法是利用A/D对两路正交信号进行采集,再由微处理器或逻辑电路对采集到的信号进行 运算 、插值等处理,以得到细分值。

  • In the design of the routing table lookup we simplify the process of look-up with a new structure of forwarding table .

    在路由 查找设计中,我们从新设计了路由转发表结构,简化了路由表的 表流程。

  • The paper introduces a new method for making sync signal source in intelligent instrumentation . The microcontroller 8031 is used and table look-up technique with EPROM is taken featuring with easy implementation programmable frequency and high sync precision .

    本文介绍一种在智能测试仪器中产生同步测试信号源的新方法,它使用一个8031单片机并运用了EPROM 技术,具有实现简单、信号频率可程控、同步精度高等特点。

  • The Look-Up Table States of Complete Lattice Gas Automata

    完备格子气自动机 Look Up Table的状态

  • The circuit of making waveform was made up microprocessor system and three table look-up circuit which getting waveform data from EEPROM continually and producing cyclic waveform by DAC and LPF .

    波形的产生电路是由单片机系统和三相 电路组成,它们不断地从EEPROM中取出波形点阵的数据,通过DAC和LPF电路输出周期波形。