talk big

[tɔk bɪɡ][tɔ:k biɡ]


  • We dislike those who talk big and do nothing .

    我们不喜欢那种 夸夸其谈,不干实事的人。

  • Raise your shoulders and talk like a big shot .

    挺直你的肩膀表现 像个 大佬

  • What if I want to talk about the big crush I have on the plumber that lives across the street ?

    如果我想 的是我 疯狂地爱上了住街对面的那个水管工,那怎么办?

  • I don 't believe all he says about the profits he is making ; ever since I have known him he has liked to talk big .

    他说他如何如何赚钱,我就不太相信,我们认识以来他总是喜欢 吹牛

  • The coach gives the team a pep talk before the big game .

    大赛之前,教练向队员 讲话,给他们 打气

  • That is what we mean when we talk about big data .

    这就是我们 讨论 数据的意义所在。

  • I 'm gonna go talk to the big cheese .

    我要去 那个 人物 谈谈

  • I can talk with those big names showing up in books and TV screens which will help me a lot .

    我能和那些出现在书中和电视中的 人物 交谈,这将对我有很大的帮助。

  • EDWARD GREEN : Let 's talk specifically about Big Boss .

    爱德华.格林:那我们就具体用“ 老板”来 吧。

  • People always talk about a big deal like this auguring more deals .

    人们总是 ,像这样的 交易预示着更多的交易。

  • He likes to talk big as though he were a very important person .

    他好说 大话,好像他自己是个十分了不起的人物似的。

  • Are we just gonna sit around here and talk about how big I 'm getting ?

    难道我们坐在这里就是 谈论我的东西有多 的吗?

  • You can 't believe more than half of what he says he always likes to talk big .

    他的话一半你也别相信,他们总是爱 吹牛

  • But to talk big about the lofty ideal without doing any practical work will get one divorced from reality .

    离开现实工作而 空谈 远大理想,就会脱离实际。我们不要脱离国家的现实。

  • I recently gave a talk at a big corporate conference to hundreds of delegates without exception middle-managers from large companies .

    我最近曾在一此 大型企业会议上向数百名代表发表 讲话,听众清一色来自大公司的中层管理者。

  • You talk big . The parrot said without thinking for a while .


  • If not necessary no one would like to start talk in big meetings no one jumps into spotlight .

    如果不是必须这么做,没人会在大会上 抢先 发言,也没人要主动站到聚光灯下。

  • The coach gave a chalk talk before the big match .

    教练在 大赛前作一次图示 演讲

  • A Brief Talk On Transplanting Big Trees


  • Of your high and mighty noble talk big words .

    你那些高尚的 大话

  • Daniel don 't talk big !

    大牛, 吹牛了!

  • He loved to talk big and brag about a variety of things to other people .

    他喜欢 大话,很多事情都喜欢跟人乱掰一通。

  • He always makes me laugh when he mercilessly makes fun of those who talk big but act small says Cheng Nan a sophomore student of English at Nanjing University .

    他毫不留情地调侃那些 只说不做的人时,总是能够逗笑我。南京大学英语系大二学生程楠(音译)说。

  • He likes to talk big as if he was an important person .

    他老爱 大话,就仿佛他是一位要人似的。

  • However when you sit and talk to the Big Tree he is kind and quiet .

    不过,当坐下来 面对 交流时, 大树显得平和而安静。

  • I can 't talk to our big brother in this moment because that f

    不能在这个时候我们的 哥哥,因为楼

  • And again you know for all the talk about the big three come together they lost another game last week to a good team in Chicago .

    而且,人们 谈论了这么多三 巨头的热队聚首,但是他们就在上星期输给了风头正劲的芝加哥公牛队。

  • My boss gave me a great pep talk before the big meeting . I think it really helped me close the deal .

    在大会开始之前,我的老板对我说了许多鼓励的 .我觉得这对我最后将那个 定单成功签下来有很大的帮助。