


  • I know I went to the tanning place and the same thing happened to me .

    我知道,我也去了 那个地方,而且同样的事也发生在我身上了。

  • I found this overnight tanning stuff .

    我找到这个黄 颜色的东西。

  • Structure and Properties of Novel Chrome-free Tanning Agents

    一种新型无铬 剂的结构与性能研究

  • As such when used it gives an optimum bluish green color and uniform tanning is achieved .

    因此,当使用它时,它可以呈现蓝绿色和均匀的 褐色是正常效果。

  • The status the main problems and their solutions of chrome tanning and chrome-free tanning were reviewed .

    综述了铬 及无铬鞣现状;分析了这两类鞣法存在的主要问题及解决问题的方向。

  • It was summarized that the research progress on Techniques of chrome-free and chrome-reduced combination tanning at home and abroad .

    对国内外无铬少铬结合 的研究动态进行了综述。

  • I used to go to tanning beds as a teenager and college student .

    从前我去 晒黑床作为一名少年和大学生。

  • I think tanning beds mess with signai .

    我想是阳光 床干扰了信号。

  • The development research status and application of aluminum complex tanning agent in leather industry are summarized in this paper .

    概述了铝配合物 剂的进展、研究状况、在皮革工业中的应用状况,并对其在制革工业中的应用前景进行了展望。

  • I went to that tanning place your wife suggested .

    我去了你 老婆推荐的地方。

  • The combination tanning method by vegetable tannin-modified glutaraldehyde was introduced including optimization of pretreatment and retanning by modified glutaraldehyde .

    介绍了植物鞣剂与改性戊二醛结合 法,包括预处理方案的优化和改性戊二醛复鞣方案的优化。

  • The drum is the cornerstone of modern tannery machines for tanning retanning and dyeing .

    产品用途:该机是当今世界上用于 皮革 鞣制、复鞣、染色加工工序的最理想设备。

  • At least four children have died after consuming milk powder liquid milk or yogurt containing melamine a compound used in making plastics and tanning leather .

    至少四个孩子因喝了含有三聚氰铵的奶粉、液态奶或酸奶已经死亡。这种物质一般用来制作塑料和 皮革

  • Not converted to leather by a tanning agent .

    没有通过 剂变为皮革的。

  • The multiple aldehyde acids were used to decrease the chrome content of the tannery wastewater in chrome tanning process .

    研究了在铬 过程中,应用多元醛酸帮助减少铬鞣废液中的残留铬含量。

  • The pollution of some traditional processes before tanning during the leather-making the development and application of the clean leather-making technologies have been reviewed in this paper .

    对制革生产过程中常规工艺 前各工序存在的污染现状以及对应工序的清洁化技术进展和应用进行了综述。

  • The effect and advantage of Cr-Al tanning on cleaning tan leather are discussed .

    说明了铬铝 鞣制在清洁制革工艺上的作用及优点。

  • Avoid tanning beds which increase your chances of developing skin cancer .

    不要 晒黑床,这会增加你患皮肤癌的风险。

  • Obtained from various tropical plants ; used as an astringent and in tanning .

    从各种热带植物中提取,用作收敛剂,亦用于 制革

  • Abstract : The methods to determine the chrome content of waste liquor of modified two-bath chrome tanning process were studied by chemical analysis .

    文摘:研究了变型二浴法的 鞣制废液中,铬含量测定的化学分析方法。

  • Chromium a common pollutant in surface water and groundwater is widely used in electroplating leather tanning and corrosion protection .

    铬是地表水和地下水中的常见污染物,它被广泛应用于电镀、 制革和防腐。

  • Meanwhile the modification approaches of vegetable tannin extracts for the purpose of combination tanning are described .

    同时,总结了有利于实施结合 的栲胶改性方法。

  • Development of New Tanning Agent Made of Plant Polyphenols and Chrome Ions

    植物多酚与铬离子形成新型 剂的研究进展

  • Being a glamour fashion tanning was accepted by more and more people .

    介绍 作为一种新的流行 理念被越来越多的 年轻人所接受。

  • Reddish or black juice or resin from certain trees of the genus Pterocarpus and used in medicine and tanning etc.

    某些紫檀属树木分泌的红色或黑色的汁液或树脂,用于医药和 制革

  • The presented work deals with the application of chrome cake to prepare chrome tanning liquors .

    本文研究工作主要是关于用铬饼制备铬 液及其应用。

  • The sun 's ultraviolet rays are responsible for both tanning and burning .

    阳光中的紫外线是 皮肤 晒黑和灼伤的根源。

  • The corn starch was modified into oxidized starch containing both carboxyl and aldehyde groups by chemical method which provided a new clean tanning agent for leather industry .

    利用两步氧化法,首次将玉米淀粉改性为同时含羧基和醛基的氧化淀粉,为制革工业提供了一种新型的清洁 剂。

  • Any of various complex phenolic substances of plant origin ; used in tanning and in medicine .

    各种来源于植物的酚的合成物,用于 制革和医药。

  • Do I have to take my contact lenses out when I use a tanning bed or booth ?

    晒黑床或者 晒黑棚中晒黑时我需要摘下隐型眼镜吗?