tap issue

[tæp ˈɪʃu][tæp ˈisju:]


  • How to tap Manchu culture teaching resources and introduce the Manchu language and scripts into the teaching of the history of the Qing Dynasty is an issue worth reflection and consideration for historiographers .

    如何 挖掘满族文化的教学资源,将满语文引入清史教学,是当今值得引起史学工作者思考和重视的 问题

  • As for the tap issues of 28-day Exchange Fund Bills the size of each issue was further reduced from $ 2 billion to $ 1.5 billion during the year owing to reduced demand .

    至于28日期外汇基金票据,由于需求减少,年内已 发行量由20亿元进一步调低至15亿元。

  • Nowadays the problem that the city underground tap water pipelines make water is still a serious issue in many water supply companies and rich families .

    城市地下 自来水管道漏水问题,至今仍是许多供水单位和用水大户的严重 问题

  • How to tap their own advantage to gain a leading edge in the competition has become an issue for every manager of the operators .

    如何 挖掘自身优势,在竞争中取得领先优势成为每一个运营商的管理者所必须考虑的一个 问题

  • Tap issue of treasury bill

    内部 发行的英国国库券

  • Issues on tap ; tap issue : An issue of a security made available on an as required Basis .

    随时 发行:指一种根据需要而 随时发行的证券。

  • An effort to resolve this specificity issue has been made with the introduction of the tandem affinity purification ( TAP ) .

    近年来串联亲和纯化( TAP)技术的产生和发展有效解决了相互作用蛋白鉴定中的特异性 问题