table linen

[ˈtebəl ˈlɪnən][ˈteibl ˈlinin]


  • The food was excellent but the table linen was rather dirty for such an expensive restaurant .

    饭菜相当好,但对于这样一家豪华饭店 来讲 台布 餐巾显得太脏了。

  • Characters : Specially formulated with advanced surfactants to remove greasy soils quickly and effectively from table linen .

    特性:由特别精选表面活性剂组成,能异常迅速有效地清除重油污和 一般 污渍

  • Bed linen table linen toilet linen and kitchen linen .

    床上、 餐桌盥洗及厨房用的织物制品。

  • Doily of textile materials other than cotton not knitted or crocheted for use as table linen

    小垫布,除棉布以外的织物制,非针织或钩编, 织品

  • The take-home sales should be sold at lower prices than regular restaurant meals because they eliminate waiters dish washers table linen plate breakage and loss of utensils .

    带回家的食品应该比在一般餐馆吃饭更便宜,这是因为它们免去了服务员、洗碗工、 餐桌 、盘子破损和餐具损耗等费用。

  • The Table Linens collection showcases a selection of luxurious tablecloths placemats dinner napkins and table runners made in Italy out of pure Belgian Linen flax or cotton sateen damask .

    亚麻 桌布展示了豪华的由意大利制造出的纯比利时 亚麻 、棉锻、锦缎的桌布,餐垫和餐巾纸。

  • In the dining-room the table was clean laid with linen and napery and shiny with glasses and decorated china .

    在饭厅里 饭桌已经摆好了,铺着 台布,摆好了餐巾,玻璃器皿和彩色瓷器熠熠生辉。

  • Oxygen bleach should be used instead of Chlorine bleach for colorful table linen .

    若为彩色 毛巾、地巾、 浴巾等,请改用相应量的氧漂粉。

  • Doily cotton not knitted ro crocheted for use as table linen

    非针织或钩编小棉垫布, 织品