

n.跳格设定,制表符标签( tab的名词复数 )(易拉罐的)拉环药片拉襻

  • We create a NoteBook widget as child to the MainWindow and then add three tabs .

    我们创建一个NoteBook窗口小部件作为MainWindow的子窗口,然后添加三个 标签

  • You can use the tabs under the Write Menu to write posts and Pages .

    你可以使用写菜单下面的 标签,来写文章和网页。

  • Click on the Goal Conversion or Ecommerce tabs to view which sources are driving conversions and purchases .

    点击目标转换或电子商务的 标签,以查看哪些来源是驾驶转换和采购。

  • It was obvious Hill had come over to keep tabs on Johnson and make sure he didn 't do anything drastic .

    显然,希尔是来密切 监视约翰逊的,以确保他不做出什么过激举动。

  • What mouse and keyboard shortcuts can I use when working with tabs ?

    使用 选项卡时可以使用哪些鼠标和键盘快捷方式?

  • You can also have alpha tabs in your views by selecting Show Tab Navigator in the View properties .

    还可以通过在View属性中选择ShowTabNavigator,使视图中包含alpha 选项卡

  • The DSL version support SSL tabs and frames .

    DSL版本可以支持SSL、 标签 和框架。

  • As you can see you have tabs across the tab rather than simply text separated by lines .

    你可以看到,你有 标签横跨统计表而不是简单的文本隔线。

  • In its main window Terrier shows only two tabs : Search and Index .

    在它的主窗口,Terrier只显示了两个 选项卡:Search和Index。

  • I can have multiple files open in multiple tabs simultaneously .

    可以同时在多个 选项卡中打开多个文件。

  • Use this option to switch between the three report designer tabs : data layout and preview .

    使用此选项可在以下三个报表设计器 选项卡之间切换:数据、布局和预览。

  • IDA provides many built-in property tabs and sections for physical logical glossary and other model objects .

    RDA为物理、逻辑、词汇表和其他模型对象提供了很多内建的属性 选项卡和栏。

  • You can easily search for and replace special characters and document elements such as page breaks and tabs .

    您还可以方便地搜索和替换特殊字符和文档元素,例如分页符和 制表

  • You can switch betweenfiles using tabs at the top of the window .

    你能够在窗口的顶部使用 标签的文件之间转换。

  • How do you organize them logically as separate tabs and pages ?

    如何有条理地将它们组织为独立的 标签和页面?

  • When working with documents you open them in new tabs instead of pop-up windows .

    在处理文档时,您 可以在新的 选项卡中打开它(而不是弹出窗口)。

  • Can I change the font of the sheet tabs ?

    我是否可以改变工作表 标签的字体设置?

  • On this form insert another tab in the main table between the Databases and Dial-up Connections tabs .

    在该表单上,在主表的Databases 标签和Dial-upConnections 标签之间插入另一个标签。

  • You cannot include spaces or tabs in the directive definitions .

    指令定义中不能包含空格和 制表

  • When defining forms you can label groups tabs and fields on the form .

    在定义表单时,可以在表单上为组、 选项卡和字段加标签。

  • The PHP code starts by defining two variables : tabs and current_tab .

    PHP代码首先定义了两个变量: tabs和currenttab。

  • Tabs have been minimized and more importantly companies can no longer set a default landing page .

    首先 标签已经被最小化了,更重要的是,企业无法再自行设置默认登录页面。

  • These elements include forms dialog boxes tabs trees and grids .

    这些元素包括表单、对话框、 选项卡、树和网格。

  • Make the Firefox window viewable and create and load pages in different tabs .

    将Firefox窗口变为可查看,并在不同的 标签中创建和加载页面。

  • Cannot create any tabs after this tab or position .

    无法在此制表位或位置之后创建任何 制表

  • Along the top you will see that MTK has5 tabs .

    在顶端,您将看到MTK有5个 标签

  • Unless you specify a different field separator fields are delimited by blanks or tabs .

    除非您指定了一个不同的字段分隔符,否则将使用空格或 制表符分隔字段。

  • Chrome OS 's brand-new features consist of two things : application tabs and panels .

    ChromeOS全新的特点就有两个:应用 标签和操作面板。

  • This prevents the floated tabs from affecting the position of other page elements .

    这样避免了浮动 标签影响页面上其它元素的位置。

  • Or you can drag and drop tabs into existing windows to combine them .

    或者你可以再把它 到现存的窗口中并将他们结合。