table of information

[ˈtebəl ʌv ˌɪnfɚˈmeʃən][ˈteibl ɔv ˌɪnfəˈmeiʃən]

[计] 信息表

  • Even a crystal of table salt is a form of information .

    即使一颗 食盐晶体也是一种 信息,其中钠原子和氯原子 精确的 顺序 排列

  • In this way a data set in BIRT is just like the information that Rational Team Concert returns from a query : a table of data that is a subset of the information in the repository .

    通过这种方式,BIRT中的数据集就像RationalTeamConcert返回至查询的信息一样:一个作为储存库中 信息子集 数据的 表格

  • The EMPLOYEE table keeps track of employee information including the position an employee holds which is kept as a foreign key to an entry in the JOB table .

    EMPLOYEE 保持 雇员 信息的追踪,其中包括雇员的职位,是指向JOB表中一个条目的外部关键字。

  • A new version column is added to sysfragments system catalog table to keep track of changes to statistics information .

    在sysfragments系统目录 表格中添加一个新版本的列,跟踪统计 信息更改。

  • What you want for this application is a table that contains the bare minimum of information & for example an ID ( the table 's key ) a name field and a phone number field .

    我们希望此应用程序是一个包含有最少量 信息 &比如,一个ID(表的键)、一个名字字段以及一个电话号码字段。

  • If the redundant attributes are removed in the decision table the scale of the information decision table is reduced so that the clarity degree of knowledge in the knowledge base is improved .

    如果能将知识库中的冗余 属性删除,这样可有效缩小 知识库的处理规模,从而提高潜在知识在知识库中的清晰度。

  • Through drawing the input and output table of information industry in Chongqing which quantificationally reflects the relation of input and output of information industry in Chongqing this paper examines the correlation degree influence induction degree and absolute consumption relation of information industry .

    通过编制重庆 信息产业投入产出 ,定量地反映了重庆市信息产业的投入产出关系,进而考察了信息产业与其他产业的关联度、影响力、感应度以及完全消耗关系。

  • Order as a separate item by giving code from table and specifying length of chain as second line information .

    订购时要作为单独项目订购,从下 中选择所需链条的订购代码,并在第二行 信息中注明所需链条的长度。

  • According to the characteristics of rural distribution network a decision table of fault location is built based on the information from fault complain call and remote terminal unit .

    针对农村配电网当前运行的特点,构建了基于故障投诉电话 信息和远方终端单元结合的故障定位决策 ,并利用粗糙集理论化 决策 形成了配电网故障定位 规则

  • Is the table owner of the table used to return catalog information .

    用于返回目录 信息 的所有者。

  • Rough Sets theory emphasize the research on the knowledge reduction for information system especially for decision table to obtain concise representations of information or useful rules for predicting decision values of unknown objects .

    Rough集理论着重研究信息系统,特别是决策 的知识约简问题,以获得更简洁的 信息表示,或用于预测未知对象决策属性的有用的规则。

  • For supporting multilevel embedding domains linear table instead of multilevel table is used to make the implementing of information tables management ( such as symbol table and constant table management ) simple and effective .

    信息表管理方面,没有采用多级的 组织方式,而采用了线性的表组织方式,简单高效地实现了 作用域多层嵌套的支持;

  • I think under present circumstances mixed model which is composed of table historical cost measures and table of fair value and other relevant information disclosure is a good choice for financial derivative .

    笔者认为,目前情况下,在我国对衍生金融工具实行表内历史成本计量和 外公允价值及其他相关 信息披露的混合模式,是比较好的一种选择。

  • The science was also focused on database and table design of user information management module and obtained the design of the system and the database operation module .

    还着重论述用户 信息管理模块的数据库及 视图设计,得到了系统中的设计类和数据库设计模型。

  • The conversional algorithm of the decision table based on the lower approximation reduction theory translate the relative reduction of the decision table into the reduction of the information system and offer a new method to find relative reduction of the decision table .

    基于下近似约简理论的决策表转化算法通过定义一个 信息系统的下近似约简,将对决策 求相对约简转化为对 信息系统求约简,得到了一种求决策表相对约简的新方法。

  • This stage produces information about the records by composing the output table of the rule as well as detailed information about which rule was not verified by each record .

    这一阶段通过组合规则的数据 ,以及关于哪些规则没有被每个记录评估的细节 信息,来生成关于记录的信息。

  • Field : An element of a table that contains a specific item of information such as a last name .

    字段: 中的一个元素,包含 信息的特定项,如姓氏。标题字段可能包含先生或小姐。

  • Look at the tables the wizard is proposing and make sure that each table would store pieces of information once .

    考虑此向导建议的表,确认每张 将只存储每条 信息一次。

  • A field in a table is one bit of information .

    表格中的一个栏位用于一种 信息

  • Lognitudinal and transversal members of grillage regarded as cuved-beam element and straight-beam element are analyzed by finite element method and the module for grillage static analysis is formed by using table of information of nodal point restraint to assemble stiffness matrix for structure in restraint .

    将梁格纵横构件分别按曲梁和直梁两种单元进行有限元分析,引入结点约束 信息 进行约束结构刚度矩阵的组集,形成了曲杆梁格静力分析模块。

  • The core attribute calculation of algebraic and conditional information entropy reductions is discussed from the view of discernible matrix . It is pointed out that the algebraic core of a decision table is the subset of its information core .

    从差别矩阵的角度讨论了代数约简和条件信息熵约简的核属性计算问题,指出代数 约简核属性是 信息熵约简核属性的子集。

  • In order to control data flow in the business process we proposed a new solution with variable-influence table to describe the routing of information .

    引入变量影响 列表,较好地模拟和控制过程运行中的数据流,并支持工作流相关 数据的版本 管理

  • For example you can retrieve and update stock quotes from a public web page or retrieve and update a table of sales information from a company web page .

    例如,您可以从公共网页上检索和更新股票报价,或者从公司网页上检索和更新销售 信息

  • Graph and table processing refer to human cognitive processing of information in graph and table .

    图表加工是指人们对图表所呈现 信息的认知加工。

  • The tables of database are linked with their primary keys and foreign keys . The basic data table contains information table of equipment and information table of test task .

    数据库各表通过主键和外键联接在一起,其最基本的数据表是装备信息 和试验任务 信息表。

  • But rather than insert an alert window or add items to a table this code creates an array of slide information and then calls load_slides and start_slides .

    只不过这些代码没有插入警告窗口,也没有把数据插入一个 表格,而是创建了一个幻灯片 信息数组,然后调用loadslides和startslides。

  • The Binding table supports the majority of the information for bindings including their type and corresponding parameters .

    绑定(Binding) 提供绑定的大部分 信息,包括类型和对应的参数。

  • On the basis of the preparation of Guangxi higher vocational students questionnaire preliminary table collection of related information data . The questionnaire of item analysis structure analysis reliability and validity analysis and practical analysis .

    在此基础上编制广西高职学生调查问卷初 ,收集相关数据 信息,对问卷表的进行项目分析、结构分析、信度和效度分析以及实用性分析,并最终形成正式的广西高职学生调查问卷表。

  • Chord is a successful routing algorithm but the routing table in Chord has a terrible problem of information redundancy .

    Chord是一种比较成功的P2P路由算法,但是Chord的路由 存在严重的 信息冗余。

  • To insert a table of information from a database click Database on the Insert menu .

    用插入菜单的数据库命令可以从数据库中插入 信息