tacit agreement

[ˈtæsɪt əˈɡrimənt][ˈtæsɪt əˈɡri:mənt]


  • Under internet environments Exhaustion Doctrine Fair use Statuary license and Tacit agreement license all have great changes .

    在网络环境下,著作权的权力用尽、合理使用、法定许可、和 默示许可制度也必然发生许多变化。

  • His cooperative construction has the culturally tacit agreement of regional transplant and is the product of choice viewpoint and culture practicality .

    他的合作主义有地域移植的文化 默契,是文化选择理念与文化实用主义的产物。

  • There has been a tacit agreement to agree to disagree on the interpretation of the wording of the treaty .

    双方已经达成 默契,同意在解释条约中的字眼的时候可以各作各的解释。

  • Gave silent consent ; a tacit agreement ; the understood provisos of a custody agreement .

    作出了默许; 默许;监护协议的不言而喻的附带条件。

  • Both makers and interpreters have an interest in the circles being perceived as magical and this entails their tacit agreement to avoid questions of authorship .

    他们和诠释者都想要听者觉得这个圈充满神奇。这就要求他们 心照不宣地避免谈及制造者。

  • In order to cooperate smoothly there are many recessive tacit promises other than the formal agreements reached by enterprises . In addition with the existing situation of cluster development the cooperation between enterprises is often behaved as the form of informal agreement or verbal commitment .

    为了合作的顺利进行,在正式契约之外,企业之间往往还存在许多隐性的 默契的承诺;此外,集群发展到现有情况下,企业之间的合作也经常表现为企业家之间非正式的 契约或口头承诺形式。

  • The latter embodied the tacit agreement between the protagonist and the target .

    后者体现出主人公与对象之间的一种心灵的 默契与呼应,显现出知己间生死不渝的患难真情。

  • Maj Gen Qian said China had cancelled some mutual visits and other exchanges with US defence counterparts but declined to give details of which events had been affected citing a tacit agreement not to discuss them publicly .

    钱利华少将表示,中国取消了与美国军方的一些互访和其它交流活动。但他拒绝透露哪些活动受到了影响,称有 默契不公开谈论这些活动。

  • Two men who have a secret in common and who by a sort of tacit agreement exchange not a word on the subject are less rare than is commonly supposed .

    两个人有个共同的秘密,而这也象一种 默契 一样,两人对这个问题并不交谈,而这也不象人们所想的那样比较罕见。

  • More importantly we can always achieve unanimous and tacit agreement with most excellent corresponding companies in the world .

    尤其重要的是她总是能够与世界上最优秀的同业者达成一致和 默契

  • One corn for one piece of tofu . There is a tacit agreement between the buyer and the seller .

    吃一颗豆腐,投一粒玉米,用这种方法记数,买卖双方十分 默契

  • By tacit agreement they turned to the wine to dispel their discontent .

    他们不约而同的想拿酒 杀气

  • Thinking that the whole significance of Zunyi meeting lies in the tacit agreement between Mao Ze-dong and Zhou-En-lai is partial however the visual angle is unique and the analysis profound .

    说遵义会议的全部意义就在于毛周之间 达成 默契,这样概括不无偏颇,但视角却是独特的,分析是入木三分的。

  • The international environmental dispute settlement mechanism refers to the series of rules principles norms and procedures formulated or approved in express or tacit agreement by the actors of international relations .

    国际环境争端解决机制是指国际关系行为体为 协调解决国际环境争端而共同制定或认可的一整套明示或 默示的原则、规范、规则以及决策程序等。

  • There is a tacit agreement between the current generation and all generations that preceded it .

    在过去的每一代人和现在的这一代人之间,都有一种 秘密 协定

  • The Committee give its tacit agreement to the proposal .

    委员会 默许了这项建议。

  • They had by tacit agreement not renewed the contract .

    他们按 默契没有重订合同。

  • Japanese enterprises have their own assets and the surplus controlling power and they attach importance to form their reputation and cherish it . Employer and employee reach a tacit agreement of life-long employment and the game between them is a repeated one which forms a standard implicit contract .

    日本的企业对于自己的资产具有剩余控制权,注重建立并维护自己的声誉,企业和员工达成一种长期雇佣的 默契,他们之间是一种重复博弈,是一个标准的隐性契约。