


  • This system consists of the tabulator and control centre ( management software )

    系统由 抄表 和控制中心(管理软件)组成。

  • A clerk could feed 8000 cards a day through his tabulator and the Census Office saved months of processing time .

    一位办事员每天能将8000张卡片 输入 制表 这样 就使人口普查办公室节省了几个月的时间。

  • Introduction is made to the properties working principles and practical effects of the tabulator bars of the Johnson Corporatin ( Wuxi ) Technology Co.

    对约翰逊公司 棒的特点、工作原理、安装步骤、安装要求及使用效果进行了介绍。

  • Observe the instructions of the diagnosis tester enter the total mileage with the tabulator key check and then press the f8 .

    按照诊断检测仪的说明,用 制表键输入总里程数,检查后按f8键。