

  • I can ' ; t stop sneezing .

    我打喷嚏打个 停。

  • Just don t forget to wipe your feet .


  • T is believed ( those ) reading increases our knowledgeable and broadens our mind .

    一般相信泛读 渐增咱们的学识、扩大咱们的心胸。

  • Business analysts and I / T professionals have different semantics and different ways to express concepts .

    业务分析人员和 IT专业人士采用不同的语义和不同的方法来表述概念。

  • T : Um this fish is cold and I could eat four of them it 's tiny !


  • I have ` t ruled out the Possibility .

    我还 没有排除其可能行。

  • So don â™ t try this unless you have plenty of disks and a big fuse !

    因此,除非您有足够的磁盘和一个大的保险丝,否则 不要试。

  • I had never heard that brand name ( which I can ` t remember ) before .

    另外我之前从没听过那个牌子(我已经记 清叫什么名字了)。

  • The absence of the t attribute indicates that the data is included in this file .

    没有 t属性表示这个文件包含了数据。

  • T : I want to change my life !


  • I don t think you have realized the importance of education .

    我认为你还 认识到教育的重要性。

  • ' This place is a dump ' affirmed Miss T.

    “这地方简直像个垃圾堆,” T小姐声称

  • I think you won t like it .

    我想你 不会喜欢吧。

  • Years ago in I / T the cost and space of DASD was a more important consideration .

    数年前,在 I/T中DASD的成本和空间是更重要的考虑因素。

  • Given the choice between a pure white T-shirt and a more expensive dirty cream one most people can be forgiven for choosing the former

    如果要在一 纯白的 T 和一件更贵的脏兮兮的米色 T 之间选择的话,多数人都会选前者,这是无可厚非的。

  • But in this study the scientists used immune cells called T-cells .

    不过在这项研究中,科学家们利用了一种被称为 T 细胞的免疫细胞。

  • t w_1316 and d w_1320 are paired together because they take the same mouth and tongue position .

    我把t w_1336和dw_1338放在一起讲,是因为它们发音时的嘴部和舌头的位置是一样的。

  • T ü r ( door ) in German is a feminine noun .

    “门”在 德语里是阴性名词。

  • The models sashayed down the catwalk .

    模特们优雅自如地走下了 T

  • It s beginning to feel like January and we don t mean the weather .

    开始觉得像一月份了&我们 不是指天气。

  • Because we created only one document type we don ? t need to select it .

    因为我们只创建了一种文档类型,所以 需要选择。

  • He wore a T-shirt that had been tie-dyed in bright colours

    他身穿一 颜色鲜艳的扎染的 T

  • T should not be made larger than necessary since excessive erector damping causes the gyro to overshoot the vertical during erection .


  • You can swap arrays of type T std : : swap can 't.

    您可以交换 T类型的数组,而std::swap不能。

  • Production of the foie gras p â t é involves force-feeding geese and ducks so that their livers swell .


  • You 've made a mistake . You 've left out the letter t .

    你犯了一个错误,你把字母 t漏掉了。

  • You can ′ t make people love you But you can make them fear you .


  • But the country can ` t wait .

    但整个国家等 不及了。

  • In this example we specify an input parameter named addr of type Address_t .

    在此例中,我们指定了一个 Address t类型的名为addr的输入参数。