system loader

[ˈsɪstəm ˈlodɚ][ˈsistəm ˈləudə]


  • Study on the Performance of Hydro-Mechanical Transmission and the Matching of Transmission System of Loader

    装载机液力机械变速器性能及传动 匹配研究

  • A mechatronics control system of loader lift kick out and bucket was developed .

    本文作者开发研究了一种 装载 机动臂举升限位及铲斗自动放平的机电一体化控制 系统

  • The problem with this approach is that the LogManager instance uses the system class loader to instantiate classes from the configuration file .

    这种方法的问题是LogManager实例使用了 系统类的 装载 程序从配置文件中对类进行实例化。

  • Combining grey-relational analysis and case-based reasoning a new solution on the fault intelligent diagnosis system for loader is presented .

    本文综合运用灰色关联分析法和案例推理技术,在 装载 的故障智能诊断 研究中,提出了一种新的解决方案。

  • The variable hydraulic system of loader is introduced and is compared with the constant one .

    介绍了 装载 变量液压 系统,并与定量 系统进行比较。

  • Unix-like systems ( including GNU / Linux ) run programs by first running a system loader ( it 's / lib / ld-linux . so . 2 on most GNU / Linux systems ) which then locates and loads the necessary shared libraries .

    Unix类系统(包括GNU/Linux)首先通过 系统 加载器来运行程序(在大部分GNU/Linux系统中这个加载器是/lib/,它可以定位并加载所需要的共享库。

  • Instead it has a set of class loaders that are unrelated except that they have the same parent ( usually the system class loader ) .

    相反,它有一组类装入器,彼此互不相关,但是有共同的双亲(通常是 系统装入 )。

  • The hydraulic shift system of loader with advanced mechanism theory is designed . First according to the request of speed and maximum drawing force the hydraulic shift system of loader is designed .

    根据装载机的速度和最大牵引力要求设计 装载机的液力变速 系统

  • Study of Pulse Width Modulation Electro-hydraulic Proportional Control System for Loader

    装载 脉冲宽度调制电液比例控制 系统研究

  • Natural frequency of oil-gas vibration damping system on loader work attachments is calculated . Influences of charging pressure of accumulator and load change on system natural frequency are discussed .

    计算了 装载 工作装置油气减振 系统的固有频率,论述了蓄能器充气压力和负载变化对系统固有频率的影响。

  • Mcl1 is a child of the system class loader and mcl2 is a child of mcl1 .

    mcl1是 系统装入 的孩子,mcl2是mcl1的孩子。

  • Design of Servo System Loader Simulator in Self-propelled Anti-aircraft Gun Approval Test

    自行高炮定型试验随动 系统 负载仿真器设计

  • Computer Monitor and Trouble Diagnosis System for Loader

    装载 计算机监测及故障诊断 系统

  • The system class loader ( also known as the application class loader ) is the class loader responsible for loading code from the path specified by the CLASSPATH environment variable .

    系统system)类 装入 (也称作应用程序类装入器)负责从CLASSPATH环境变量指定的路径装入代码。

  • Briefly analysis of hydraulic test system of loader

    浅析 装载 液压 系统测试

  • The summaries section also shows the parent class loader : The parent of the system class loader is sun / misc / Launcher $ ExtClass loader ( 0x00ADB830 ) .

    这个汇总部分还显示了父类类装入器: 系统装入器的父类是sun/misc/Launcher$ExtClassloader(0x00ADB830)。

  • The Training Simulation System of Loader Based on OpenGL

    基于OpenGL的 装载 作业模拟训练 系统

  • At load time the system loader then loads the bit-appropriate kernel extension .

    在加载时, 系统 加载器 加载相应位的内核扩展。

  • Follows that detailed developing system loader program Boot Loader and others parts of OAL .

    接着详细开发 系统 引导程序Bootloader和其他的OAL部分。

  • To rectify such problems try putting the class in a different location in the normal Java classpath for instance and make sure that it gets loaded by the system class loader .

    为了纠正这种问题,可以试着把类放到不同的位置(例如放在正常的Java类路径中),并确保由 系统装入 装入它。

  • Failure Diagnosis and Removing of Steering Hydraulic System for Loader

    装载 转向液压 系统故障诊断与排除

  • It uses the system class loader to achieve this .

    它使用 系统装载 程序来达到这个目的。

  • Application of servo relief valve to braking system of loader

    动应急阀在 装载 制动 系统中的应用

  • Loader which simulates operating system loader is responsible for loading the target program and provides the corresponding decryption encryption support .

    Loader模拟操作 系统 装载 ,负责装载目标程序,并提供解密支持。

  • Study on Fault Diagnosis Expert System for Loader Hydraulic System

    装载 液压系统故障诊断专家 系统研究

  • During binary loading the TE sub system is called by the system loader which calculates the hash using the SHA-256 hash algorithm .

    在二进制加载期间, 系统 加载 程序调用TE子系统,并使用SHA-256散列算法来计算散列值。

  • Investigation into the Vibration Reduction of the Flow-amplifier Type Steering Hydraulic System on Loader

    装载 流量放大型转向液压 系统的减振研究

  • Automatic Measurement and Control System for Loader Transmission Test Bench

    装载 变速器试验台自动测控 系统

  • Use and Failure Analysis of Oil-gas Suspension System of Loader

    装载 机油气悬挂 系统的使用与故障分析

  • On a program 's start the system loader reads these instructions and loads the appropriate DLLs into the process'address space .

    程序启动时, 程序会根据这些指令的说明把一些相关的dll 加载进程序的内存空间中来。