system of licensing

[法] 许可证制度

  • Many times the system software layer is the most expensive layer in terms of licensing fees .

    许可(license)费用而言, 系统软件层通常是最昂贵的层。

  • The first part analyzes the system of the relative centralized power of administrative licensing .

    第一部分是相对集中行政 许可 制度分析。

  • Legal system of business registration is the law review as an administrative license the administrative licensing and administration through the comparative analysis confirmed that business registration should review the nature of the legal system is an administrative confirmation .

    商事登记审查法律 制度被法律规定为一项行政许可,通过对行政 许可和行政确认的比较分析,指出商事登记审查法律制度的性质应该属于行政确认。

  • There are four controversial issues for the character of the registration system . And they are civil act act of administration administrative licensing administrative validating .

    对于婚姻登记 制度的性质有民事行为和行政行为、行政 许可和行政确认之争。

  • As a basic thing of administrative licensing system enactment system of the administrative licensing is not only a state power but also a kind of legislative activity which is the precondition for implementing administrative licensing .

    行政 许可设定既是一项国家权力,又是一种立法活动,处于行政许可 制度的基础性地位,是实施行政许可的前提。

  • Statutory license in copyright has the following characteristics : First compared to the system of rational use the statutory license are more emphasized to protect the interests of the copyright owner ; and compared to the compulsory licensing system it also reduces the tedious procedure .

    著作权法定许可使用制度呈现出以下的特点:第一,法定许可与合理使用 制度相比,它更多的强调了保护著作权人的利益;与强制 许可制度相比,又减少了程序上的繁琐。

  • They have a very rigorous system of licensing .

    它们有非常严格的 授权 体系

  • The specific terms of the existing system that is the fair use of copyright law the statutory license and compulsory licensing and the compulsory licensing system of patent law work well .

    就现行的具体 制度而言,就是著作权法中的合理使用、法定许可使用和强制 许可 使用以及专利法中的强制许可制度。

  • Enactment system of the administrative licensing is a government activity about activating administrative licensing proceedings according to the legal authority and legal proceedings to enact regulatory files such as law administrative statute local regulation administrative rule .

    行政 许可设定是国家 机关依照法定权限和法定程序,制定法律、行政法规、地方性法规、行政规章等规范性文件,创设行政许可事项的活动。

  • The purpose of this study is in reference of the Anglo-American hearing civil law system based on the successful experience of for lack of proposals to the administrative licensing hearing for the country of contributing to improving the system .

    本文研究的目的正是在借鉴了英美、大陆法系听证 制度成功经验的基础上,针对不足提出建议,以期为我国行政 许可听证制度的完善尽绵薄之力。

  • Proposed the establishment of house demolition in our hearing system and the empowerment of people by the demolition of certain administrative licensing decision .

    提出在我国建立房屋拆迁听证 制度和赋予被拆迁入一定的行政 许可决定权。

  • Article 2 The People 's Republic of China implements a system of licensing import goods .

    第二条中华人民共和国实行进口货物 许可 制度

  • The second part of the legal system from the physical procedural rules and the status of implementation of the law reveals three aspects of the Administrative Licensing Law there is a range of issues .

    第二部分从实体 规则、程序规则及其实施状况三个方面揭示了《行政 许可法》存在的一系列问题。

  • Interim Regulations of the people 's Republic of China concerning the system of licensing import goods

    中华人民共和国进口货物 许可 制度暂行条例

  • To construct a new economic system of administrative licensing much attention must be attached to the special role of WTO regulations and Chinese economic law .

    构建新型的经济行政 许可 制度,必须充分重视WTO规则和中国经济法的特定作用。

  • The system of licensing in China is far away from perfect now and this situation really leads to restraint of competition corruption of administration and other negative effects .

    我国 行政 许可 制度在诸多方面不够健全,导致约束正常竞争、行政腐败等一系列负面影响。

  • At present our country has deepened the reform of the system of administrative examination and approval and inform the commitment system in all kinds of administrative licensing continuously promotion .

    目前我国行政审批制度改革不断深化,告知承诺 在各类行政 许可中不断推广。

  • The System Analysis of Problem in Import and Export Licensing System in China

    中国进出口 许可 问题的 制度 分析

  • On the Hearing System of the Administrative Licensing

    论行政 许可听证 制度

  • This system has occupied an extremely important foundational status in the system of administrative licensing . The scientific and reasonable system is the key to effective operation of administrative permission .

    行政 许可 设定制度在 行政 许可 制度中占有极其重要的基础性地位,科学、合理的行政许可设定制度是行政许可制度得以有效运行的关键。

  • The old limit system of intellectual property rights have safeguarded the balance between benefits of right holder and public by right ranges right time limitations legitimately using legally licensing mandatory licensing and so on .

    知识产权法在保护知识产权人独占权的同时,通过设置权利范围、权利期限、合理使用以及法定 许可、强制许可等法律 制度维系了权利人利益和他人及社会利益的平衡。

  • The system of medical licensing examination in Japan had an earlier beginning and by far it has become an integral and systemic model . Moreover with the development of medical sciences the system in Japan can renew itself with new characteristics of the era .

    日本 医师考试 制度起步较早,业已形成较为完整系统的考试模式,并能随着医学发展不断更新其内容,具有与时代同步的特征。

  • This bill establishes the purpose of the patent system the conditions for patentability the subject the object and the content of patent patent protection the infringement consequences the regional principles and compulsory licensing .

    该法案确立了专利 制度的目的、授予专利权的条件、专利权的主体客体和内容、专利保护期、侵权后果、地域性原则和强制 许可 制度

  • Sakai platform released as open source system via the use of educational licensing Merlin Foundation provided funding for the project .

    Sakai平台作为开放源码 系统对外发布,采用教育 许可方式,梅林基金会负责为项目提供资助。

  • After the governmental system of bidding auctioning and licensing is adopted in the primary market it must transit to the secondary market so as to circulate the mining right in market .

    矿业 是一种特殊的 用益物权,在一级市场由政府采用招拍挂出让后,必须向二级市场让渡,使矿业权在市场中流转。

  • Article V : The state implements the system of licensing the export of dual-purpose nuclear goods and correlated technologies .

    第五条:国家对核两用品及相关技术出口实行 许可 管理 制度

  • Focuses on the digital application campus system of authentication system we detailed design a fingerprint-based LDAP authentication security framework which can give the right network users unified licensing governance and certification .

    重点研究了数字化校园应用 系统 身份认证系统,具体设计了基于LDAP的指纹身份认证安全框架,给出了对网络用户进行统一 授权、管理和认证的实现方案。

  • Secondly focus on one of the flex provisions about public health-related - Compulsory Licensing System clarify the meaning of its existence as well as the possible problems and introduce the norms of the TRIPS Agreement on compulsory licensing system .

    其次,重点研究与公共健康有关的灵活性规定之一&强制许可 制度,阐明其存在的意义及可能产生的问题,介绍以TRIPS协定为主的关于强制 许可制度的国际法规范。

  • The server-side of digital rights management system implements the main part of system management include file encryption user management licensing and certification .

    服务器端是数字版权管理 系统中实施管理行为的主要部分,主要完成文件加密、用户注册、 许可 发放、认证等功能。

  • How administrative licensing system reforms stick to market orientation and thereby radically break through present system is one of great directional problems of reforming our administrative licensing system and enacting Administrative Licensing Act .

    行政许可制度改革如何坚持市场取向,实现根本性的 制度突破,这是当前我国行政 审批制度改革和制定《行政许可法》的一个重大方向性问题。