abbr.体系stretching-yawning syndrome 伸腰-打哈欠综合征Sun Yat-sen 孙中山(逸仙)system 系统

  • The sys tem which is controlled by MCU has the multi data display function .

    具有数据显示、数据 保存和参数控制功能。

  • Never reference this file directly ; instead use / usr / include / sys / syscall . h.

    永远都不要直接引用这个文件;而是要使用 /usr/include/sys/syscall.h文件。

  • In this example we see that the file probe_sys has ACL enabled on that file but does not .

    在这个示例中,可以看出 probe sys文件上启用了ACL,但是probe sys.sh没有。

  • Proc / sys / net / ipv4 / tcp_wmem 409616384131072 Defines per-socket memory usage for auto-tuning .


  • To create a new class I begin with the sys . class () function .

    为创建新类,我首先使用 sys.class()函数。

  • Also the PWD column for the SYS_SERVER table shows NULL because the passwords are hidden .

    另外, SYS SERVER表的PWD列显示为NULL,因为密码是隐藏的。

  • OK SYS / TEMP w_879 Due to a temporary system problem this mailbox will seem empty .


  • One quick way to check if CPUfreq is already enabled is to look in the / sys filesystem .

    检查CPUfreq是否已经启用的一种快捷方法是查看 /sys文件系统。

  • The variable CMD was set to cat + sys . argv 2 w_1039 .

    变量CMD的值设置为“cat”+sys.argv2 w_1050

  • It finds feasible thinking course and rational accounts for studying mechanism constructions sys tematically .


  • In addition to / proc I also mount the / sys file system and emit a message to the console .

    除了/proc之外,我还挂载了 /sys文件系统,并向终端打印一条消息。

  • The SYS_ANY keyword can be used for all tablespaces .

    SYS ANY关键字可以用于所有表空间。

  • The answers to these questions show you how the sys admins think about their work and their areas of responsibility .

    对这些问题的回答展示了 系统负责人如何看待他的工作和他的职责。

  • You can query the contents of the SYS_SERVER table but you cannot modify the SYS_SERVER table directly .

    您可以查询 SYS SERVER表的内容但是不能直接修改SYSSERVER表。

  • On Solaris / OpenSolaris you can define probes using the macros in / usr / include / sys / sdt . h.

    在Solaris/OpenSolaris上,可以使用 /usr/include/sys/sdt.h中的宏来定义探测。

  • The key problem in the study of the environment accounting of our enterprises is the method of measure subject sys .

    我国企业环境会计研究中的关键问题是计量方法、 科目 设置以及环境会计信息披露等。

  • They are sys / types . h sys / stat.h and fcntl . h.

    相应地,在Linux中用于open()和close()的函数应当包含头文件sys/types.h、 sys/stat.h和fcntl.h。

  • The first is the number of standard error messages stored in sys_errlist .

    第一个 全局 变量是标准错误消息 存储在 sys errlist 数量

  • The list of configurable parameters is available in / proc / sys / kernel .


  • Script actually copies the / etc / security / . profile file into the user 's new home directory .

    sys 脚本实际上是把/etc/security/.profile文件复制到新用户的主目录中。

  • Next define your probe which is an entry probe into the kernel function sys_sync .

    其次,定义您的探针,它是一个探测内核函数 sys sync 条目

  • Eventually the VFS is invoked using the call sys_open .

    最后,使用 sysopen调用 VFS

  • Internally a sys_read ()( or equivalent ) is issued to read the data from the file .

    在内部, 发出 sys read()(或等效 内容)以从文件中读取数据。

  • How does the host 's immune sys response to the tumor ?

    宿主对肿瘤如何产生免疫 应答

  • The perror () and strerror () functions that pull standard error descriptions come from the global variable sys_errlist .

    引出标准错误描述的perror()和strerror()函数来自 sys errlist 全局 变量

  • A second built-in schema called sys is used to isolate system tables .

    叫做 sys的第二个内置模式用来隔离系统表。

  • Looking at the listing from the / usr / include / sys / signal . h file we see the default action for each signal .

    查看 /usr/include/sys/signal.h文件中的清单,我们可以看到每个信号的默认操作。

  • Sys contains data and methods for interacting with the Python interpreter .


  • The next step is creating the necessary subdirectories that make up your root file system : / bin / sys / dev and / proc .

    下一个步骤是创建构成根文件系统所需要的子目录:/bin、 /sys、/dev和/proc。