

n.尾部(非正式)燕尾服男子夜礼服钱币背面硬币的背面尾( tail的名词复数 )燕尾服尾随者

  • Dogs wag their tails when they are pleased .

    狗一高兴就摇 尾巴

  • All sea people have fish tails not feet .

    海里的人都只有鱼 尾巴而没有脚。

  • May I suggest the Lobster Tails for you ?

    我可以向你推荐 龙虾吗?

  • Who cut off their tails with a carving knife .

    谁用餐刀砍断了它们的 尾巴

  • When we launched a general offensive the enemy troops ran away with their tails between their legs .

    在我们发起总攻后,敌军就 尾巴逃跑了。

  • The enemy troops ran away with their tails between their legs .

    敌军 尾巴逃跑了。

  • His team retreated last night with tails tucked firmly between their legs .

    昨晚,他的队伍 灰溜溜地退场了。

  • Am I to wear a dinner-jacket or tails ?

    我该穿常礼服,还是 燕尾

  • Dogs biting at each other 's tails .

    互相咬住对方 尾巴的狗。

  • Jaegers are swift black birds with long forked tails .

    贼鸥是飞行速度很快的黑色鸟类, 尾部长而分叉。

  • Such animals as foxes and squirrels have bushy tails .

    有些动物,如狐和松鼠,有蓬松的 尾巴

  • Body movements and their tails to communicate .

    摇动他们的身体和 尾巴来沟通。

  • Pigs have their tails cut off at birth and pulling teeth I was shocked to see that .


  • Some breeds of dog have only rudimentary tails .

    有些品种的狗 尾巴只有退化的 部分

  • They have short stubby tails and long sharp fangs .

    他们有短粗的 尾巴和长而尖利的犬齿。

  • They both had tails . It was the fox and the cat !

    两个强盗都有 尾巴原来它们就是那对狐狸和猫!

  • But as I have done more work on it I have found long tails everywhere .

    但当我做了更多的研究之后,我发现 长尾 理论现象无处不在。

  • Dogs wag their tails for other dogs humans and other animals like cats .

    狗会对其它狗、人和其它动物(比如猫)摇 尾巴

  • Can lizards reproduce their tails ?

    蜥蜴的 尾巴断了以后能再生吗?

  • Tadpoles become frogs by metamorphosis ; they lose their tails and grow legs .

    蝌蚪因蜕变而变成青蛙;们去掉了 尾巴、长了腿。

  • He wore a coat with tails .

    他穿了一件有 垂尾的外套。

  • Their mutually short tails inspired the shelter staff to call the cat Bobby and the dog Bobbi .

    它们共有的特点&短 尾巴,激起了收容所工作人员的灵感,于是便将猫和狗分别取名为巴比和芭比(英文与短 同音)。

  • Vic and I both have tails .

    vic和我都 跟踪了。

  • Alligators and crocodiles also swing their tails as they swim . Their large tails give them power and speed .

    短吻鳄与鳄鱼也是通过摆动 尾巴来游动,此外 尾巴 还能为它们提供力量和速度。

  • Heads or tails ?

    是正面还是 反面

  • Boys go into tails at sixteen .

    男孩子十六岁才 穿 燕尾 外衣

  • The cattle were swinging their tails to disperse the flies .

    那些牛甩动着 尾巴驱赶苍蝇。

  • ( of animal tails or ears ) cut short .

    (动物的 尾巴或耳朵)剪短的。

  • We tossed a coin and it came down tails .

    我们扔了一个硬币,它掉下来 反面 上。