take no account of


  • Some students often take no account of what their teachers and parents say and don 't behave well .

    一些学生常 老师与家长的话当作耳边风,经常表现 不佳

  • Income measures do not do full justice to the extent of the improvement in the world 's poor for they take no account of advances in life expectancy and general health .

    从收入水平来衡量并不能完全公允的反映在消除世界贫穷上所取得的进步,因为他们 没有 包括预期寿命和日常健康上所 取得的进步。

  • Finite element method defines the differential equation on sample shapes of unit area . And take no account of the complicated boundary condition of whole area .

    有限元法将微分方程定解问题定义在简单几何形状的单元域上,且 考虑整个定义域的复杂边界条件,这是有限元法优于其他近似方法的 原因之一。

  • It is shown that biggish error can be brought in the low visibility take no account of multiple scattering and that the more layers of the sand and dust atmosphere is divided into for slanting transmission the more accurate the result is .

    结果表明,能见度较低时, 考虑多重散射效应会带来较大的误差;在斜程沙尘大气激光传输时,随分层数增加,数值结果就越精确。

  • This was also not required by the treaties which take no account of private sector misbehaviour .


  • However Li did not completely take no account of the issue of actualization .

    然而李大钊并非全然 考虑民彝之理的实现。

  • If take no account of problem of imports and exports so our country lies namely now devaluation the phase that prices soars .

    假如 考虑进出口问题,那么我们国家现在就是处在货币贬值,物价飞涨的阶段。

  • Such forecasts take no account of the danger of a second global downturn as governments withdraw extraordinary fiscal and monetary stimulus policies .

    而且,这种预测 没有 考虑 超常规财政及货币刺激政策退出之后、全球经济二次衰退的危险。

  • So in the engineering practice when the variation range of temperature is not great it is proper to take no account of the effect of temperature on the porosity of sandstone on the whole and the porosity is only affected by effective stress .

    因此,当温度变化范围不大时,在工程实践中基本上可 忽略温度变化对砂岩孔隙度的影响,从而近似 认为岩石(体)的孔隙度只受有效应力的影响。

  • No-fault liability does not take no account of the fault of victims .

    无过错责任并非 考虑受害人的过错。

  • However since these approaches take no account of complexity control and have no guarantee of global minimum they often suffer from unstable performance .

    但是由于这些方法 考虑复杂度的控制以及不能保证全局最小值,所以它们的性能不稳定。

  • In the study of Administration the theoretical research of administrative cost is a weak tache and the problem in government administration that administrative cost becomes more high or administrator take no account of administrative cost in administrative policy-making course and executive course must be settled urgently .

    在现今的行政学领域,行政成本研究是薄弱环节,政府行政管理中的行政成本过高或 不计行政成本盲目决策、实施等已经成为亟待解决的问题。

  • Happiness take no account of time .

    幸福 日月长。

  • Moreover partly limited spectrum allocation can take no account of the strict restrict of spectrum occupied by primary users so it improves more spectrum efficiency than completely limited spectrum allocation .

    此外,部分受限频谱分配 可以 考虑授权用户占用频谱情况的严格限制,因此比完全受限频谱分配更能提升频谱利用率。

  • Take no account of me any more .

    不要再为我 费心了。