




  • He says the new names have been welcomed by Enron 's employees who are relieved that they no longer have to bear the taint of working for one of America 's most infamous companies .

    他说,新的公司名称受到了安然员工的欢迎。他们不用再背负为美国一家最臭名昭著的公司打工的 污名,这 他们感到欣慰。

  • Moral taint has spread among young people .

    道德的 败坏在年轻人之间蔓延。

  • Rim will get over the brand taint if there is one .

    rim将克服这一品牌 污点 事件,如果存在 任何 污点的话。

  • Opposition leaders said that the elections had been tainted by corruption .

    反对派领导人说,选举中 存在 舞弊现象。

  • No taint of dishonor ever touched him .

    他从未蒙受过不名誉的 污点

  • She could smell the taint of sin in the most innocent of passions .

    纯真的 恋情她也能从中 嗅出罪恶的味道。

  • They always taint her memory with lies .

    他们总是用谎言 玷污她。

  • Did that taint Mr Grass 's books or his role in public life or both or neither ?

    还是使他在公共生活中所扮演的角色 污点

  • Source Code Vulnerability Detection Technology Based on Taint Analysis

    基于 污点分析的源代码脆弱性检测技术

  • And his unkindness may defeat my life But never taint my love .

    他的无情也许会摧残我的生命,可是永不能 毁坏我的爱情。

  • There are two common wine faults with Wine cork taint and oxidation .

    葡萄酒有两个常见的故障, 瓶塞 污染或发生氧化。

  • When performing taint flow analysis the scanner models the flow of data within the system .

    当执行 污染流分析时,检测器会在这个系统中为数据流建立模型。

  • Expect Taiwan to stiffen laws against companies that pollute taint or lie to consumers .

    可以期待台湾用更强硬的法律来管束污染、不 或欺骗消费者的公司。

  • But those valid concerns should not taint the entire music industry .

    这种担忧是正常的,但 我们不应 因此而对整个音乐行业 望而却步

  • Tooge thinks this is gonna taint me no matter what .


  • These stones carry a taint I do not wish to remember but one I cannot forget .

    这些石头带有一个我不希望记住但是无法忘却的 污点

  • Can we be sure they are free from any taint of disloyalty ?

    我们能确保他们一 不忠诚的 污点都没有吗?

  • And I understand with the taint on the painting .

    据我所知以画上的 污点

  • Go now and spread the taint as I have shown you !

    去吧,象我所展示的那样 扩散 污染

  • Objective The exploration and analysis of detect method by lung taint germ of senior citizen .

    目的探究老年人肺部 感染 病原菌的检测方法,分析病原菌

  • Rancid oil will taint the flavour .

    变质的油会 破坏味道。

  • The moon will not sour milk nor taint meat of mine nor will the sun injure my furniture or fade my carpet ;

    月亮不会使我的牛奶发酸,或 使我的肉 发臭,太阳也不会损害我的家具,或使我的地毡褪色;

  • But I refuse to IET your shit taint the rest of mine .

    但是我不想让你 毁掉我的下半生。

  • There seems to be a taint of drunkenness in his family .

    他的家族中似乎有酗酒的 遗风

  • For never came almond glove or aromatic ointment on her palm to taint it .

    因为她从不戴杏仁色的手套,或是 手上涂抹芳香的 油脂羊奶也就毫不 变味

  • Bloody bride like that won 't taint jury pool .

    该死的新娘,这看来不会 污染 备选陪审团。

  • For Web applications the most important type of security static analysis is called taint flow analysis .

    对于Web应用程序,安全静态分析最重要的类型叫做 污染流分析。

  • What we smell with cork taint is mould smelly socks cabbage or a wet hessian bag - phew !

    我们闻到的是 污染 瓶塞的发霉味道,卷心菜的味道,或湿麻袋的味道,烦人!

  • Of course Indian officials are worried that counterfeiting will taint its pharmaceuticals industry ;

    当然,印度官员们很担心,假药会 了国家的制药产业。

  • Her government never really shook off the taint of corruption

    她的政府从来没有真正摆脱掉腐败的 阴影