take a seat

[tek e sit][teik ə si:t]


  • Welcome and good evening just come in and take a seat !

    好了,祝你 美好的夜晚,希望收到 回信

  • Please take a seat thanks .


  • Won 't you come in and take a seat ? We 've already started the class .

    你怎么不进来 位子 坐下?我们已经上课了。

  • Take a seat and have a rest . I 'll get you some water .

    A 下来休息 一下。我去给你倒水。

  • ' Take a seat ' he said in a bored tone


  • 10 . You walk into someones office or workspace take a seat and launch in on a conversation .

    10.走进某人的办公室或办公场所, 屁股 下来就开始说话。

  • Come on in take a seat if you want .

    进来吧, 坐下,如果你想的话。

  • Could you take a seat over there and I 'll inform you when a table is free ?

    那边 。有了空桌我就告诉你们。

  • I bowed and waited thinking she would bid me take a seat .

    我鞠躬等候,以为她会叫我 坐下

  • Take a seat have a cigarette or a joint and I will be back in three minutes .


  • Let 's all take a seat . we 'll catch up .

    我们 坐下 ,我们聊聊。

  • Why do not you take a seat over there for a moment ?

    在那里 一会行吗?

  • Often he would take a seat at the back before the lecture began .

    过去当讲课开始前,他总是 在后面 座位

  • If you 'll kindly take a seat in the waiting room .

    如果你们可以在休息室里 一下

  • If you 're new please take a seat .

    如果你是新来的, 请坐

  • Now would you please take a seat and wait over there ?

    在那边 下来等好吗?

  • He motioned to me to take a seat .

    他示意叫我 坐下

  • Won 't you take a seat and make yourself at home ?

    请你 坐下,随便 点好吗?

  • Oh okay . well if you 'd like to take a seat over there .

    哦好的,你能不能先在那里 一会

  • Would you care to take a seat while I make out a receipt ?


  • Just calm down take a seat and describe what happened .

    别紧张, 坐下,谈一下发生了什么。

  • Would you like to take a seat while you 're waiting ?

    着等 吗?

  • Take a seat I 'll bring it over .


  • You can take a seat over there for a moment .

    在那里 一会。

  • Take a seat in the waiting room ; the doctor will see you presently .

    在候诊室 一会儿,医生马上会来给你看病。

  • Would you please take a seat while I check it for you .

    我为您登记时请您 坐下 吗?

  • Glad to see you . Please take a seat and make yourself comfortaBle .

    很高兴见到你。 请坐,不要拘束。你太客气了。请 进来,不要拘束。

  • Driver : You can take a seat now .

    司机:现在你 座位 坐下

  • You just take a seat for a while and relax ok ?

    你先 下来 一会儿,放松一下好吗?