



vi.队伍单行行进时拉长或产生间隔侦察队两两散开[建筑学] 嵌上,搭上

  • At some date in the 1990s British oil production will probably tail off .

    到20世纪90年代的某个时候,英国石油产量可能会 逐渐减少。

  • I turned tail and fled in the direction of the main house .


  • Past TV deals have seen the tail wagging the dog . Now football clubs feel they are equal partners with TV .

    以往和电视台的交易中,足球俱乐部就已经有过 喧宾夺主的记录。现在,他们更是觉得可以和电视台平起平坐了。

  • The brown rat has prominent ears and a long scaly tail .

    那只棕鼠两只耳朵向前支着,一条 长尾巴布满鳞片。

  • Elsie tugged her husband 's coat tail .

    埃尔西用力拉了拉她丈夫外套的 后摆

  • The cattle were swinging their tails to disperse the flies .

    那些牛甩动着 尾巴驱赶苍蝇。

  • They tried to get the harpoon into the ray before the sting tail came lashing over to retaliate

    他们试图把鱼叉刺进鳐鱼体内,以防它猛摆那蜇人的 尾巴报复。

  • It takes 15 minutes to convert the plane into a car by removing the wings and the tail

    拆除机翼和 机尾,将飞机改装成汽车, 前后要花15分钟。

  • Officers had tailed the gang from London during a major undercover inquiry

    在一次重大的秘密调查行动中,警察从伦敦就 上了那帮匪徒。

  • The dog was biting growling and wagging its tail .

    那条狗在一边撕咬一边低声吼叫, 尾巴也跟着摇摆。

  • When in danger the anteater lashes its tail round a branch

    遇有危险,食蚁兽会迅速用 尾巴卷住树枝。

  • At hearing his name spoken the dog gave a responsive wag of his tail .

    听到有人喊它的名字,这条狗摆了摆 尾巴

  • As so often happens this little story has a twist in the tail .

    正如经常发生的那样,这个小故事在 结尾处出现了转折。

  • It has a short stumpy tail covered with bristles .

    它粗短的 尾巴上鬃毛浓密。

  • The drug 's effect does not tail off after it has been used repeatedly .

    反复使用本药,药效也不会 减弱

  • His corporate 's life will be as short as a rabbit 's tail .

    他的公司的寿命是兔子 尾巴 不了

  • The poster showed a caricature of Hitler with a devil 's horns and tail

    海报漫画中的希特勒长着魔鬼的犄角和 尾巴

  • He checked behind . No tail .

    他看看身后——没有人 跟着

  • His team retreated last night with tails tucked firmly between their legs .

    昨晚,他的队伍 灰溜溜地退场了。

  • The tail feathers are dark blue at their bases shading to pale blue at their tips .

    尾羽的根部呈深蓝色,到了 尖就渐变成淡蓝色。

  • Don 't go near that lashing tail .

    别靠近它摆动的 尾巴

  • A fox cannot hide its tail .

    狐狸尾巴是掩藏不 的。

  • My cat hissed when I stepped on its tail

    我的猫被我踩到 尾巴时,嘶地惨叫了一声。

  • I couldn 't make head nor tail of the damn film .


  • The little dog ran off wagging its tail .

    小狗摇着 尾巴跑了。

  • The boys wore black tail coats in mourning for George III.

    男孩身穿黑色 燕尾服为乔治三世服丧。

  • He trusted her so little that he had her tailed .

    他十分不信任她,所以派人 跟踪她。