


  • In other words it can tell you that your application is syntactically correct but not if it 's of high or low quality .

    也就是说,它可以告诉你的程序 语法是正确的,但是不能告诉你它是高质量的还是质量差的。

  • Syntactically SVG is indeed XML but a significant portion of the information content of an SVG drawing is contained within comma-and space-delimited data inside SVG attributes .

    语句 说,SVG确实是XML,但在SVG属性中,SVG绘图信息内容的重要部分包含在逗号和空格分隔的数据中。

  • If you 've turned in a program that 's not syntactically correct the TAs give you a zero .

    不正确的,问题组, 助教会给你们一个零分。

  • The most significant point to consider when you include external XML resources in another document is that those resources must be syntactically valid at the point where you include them .

    当您要包含另一个文档中的外部XML资源时,最值得考虑的地方是,这些资源的 语法 包含它们的点 必须是有效的。

  • The goal here is to ensure that any system command evoked on the script syntactically and semantically works properly on Linux as well .

    这里的目标是确保任何在脚本 按照 语法和语义调用的系统命令,在Linux上都能正确运行。

  • When the AST is ready we are sure that the expression is syntactically valid and can be executed providing the right context .

    当AST构建好,我们确定表达式 语法 是有效的,并且 提供了正确的上下文时将可以执行。

  • A word or phrase syntactically subordinate to another word or phrase that it modifies ; for example my sister 's and brown in my sister 's brown dog .

    定语 一个词或短语, 句法 属于它所修饰的词或短语;如:在 句子我姐姐的棕色的狗中,我姐姐的和棕色的。

  • ( grammar ) syntactically establishing a relationship of contrast between sentences or elements of a sentence .

    (语法) 句子或者句子成分之间建立 句法 的对比关系。

  • In fact this is precisely what 's taking place : In a functional language functions are first-class concepts like variables and constants and so are syntactically treated as such .

    事实上,真正发生的事情是:在函数语言中,就像变量和常量一样,函数是一级概念,所以 语法 也是一样地处理。

  • Simple Protocol and RDF Query Language ( SPARQL & pronounced sparkle ) is the language typically used to query against that data as it syntactically matches the structure of RDF itself .

    简单协议和RDF查询语言(SimpleProtocolandRDFQueryLanguage,SPARQL&发音为“sparkle”)是通常用于针对该数据进行查询的语言,因为它 语句 构成 匹配RDF本身的结构。

  • JavaScript is a standard syntactically simple object-oriented interpretive programming language supported by browsers and other processors .

    JavaScript是标准的、 语法简单的、面向对象的、受浏览器和其他处理器支持的解释性编程语言。

  • The rough XML is syntactically correct but may not use the proper vocabulary .

    粗略的XML 句法 是正确的,但可能没有使用正确的词汇表。

  • Syntactically it is singled out in Python by being named before the dot & everything following the dot method name and left parenthesis is just an argument .

    语法 说,在Python中通过在点之前指定名称来挑选对象-跟在点、方法名和左括号后面的只是一个参数。

  • From the angle of dynamic feature of grammar De is morphologically descriptive while syntactically depictive and narrative .

    从“语法动态性”角度认为,“描写性”是“的”的 词法功能,“描述性”和“陈述性”是“的”的 句法 功能

  • Syntactically this is equivalent to plot sin ( x ) cos ( x ) .

    依照 语法,该 命令等同于plotsin(x),cos(x)。

  • Symbols that require the escape character to achieve a syntactically valid query

    要求使用转义字符才能实现有效 语法查询的 一些符号

  • The XML message will be compile-time checked to make sure that it is syntactically correct and well-formed something we don 't get with standard servlets ( or JSP for that matter ) .

    这条XML消息将进行编译时检查,以确保 语法正确和格式良好,并获得一些标准servlet(或JSP)不具备的好处。

  • Syntactically Open SQL looks very familiar to developers with basic knowledge of the SQL standard .

    对于具备SQL基础知识的开发人员来说,OpenSQL的 语法看起来非常熟悉。

  • OWL Full is fully upward-compatible with RDF both syntactically and semantically : any legal RDF document is also a legal OWL Full document .

    OWLFull可以与RDF完全向上兼容,不管 语义还是 语法都可以保持兼容:任何合法的RDF文档同时也是一个合法的OWLFull文档。

  • This specification defines the parsing rules for HTML documents whether they are syntactically correct or not .

    本规范定了HTML文档的解析规则,无论它们 语法是否错误。

  • Indicates a name specified as a remote computer name is syntactically invalid .

    表示指定的远程计算机名 语法错误。

  • ( grammar ) of a clause ; able to stand alone syntactically as a complete sentence .

    (语法)指子句; 句法 能够作为完整的句子而独立。

  • Analyze syntactically by assigning a constituent structure to ( a sentence ) . What are principal / secondary parts in an English sentence ?

    通过分析一个句子的组成要素来做 句法分析。句子中的主要成分/次要成分是什么?

  • They are literally syntactically translated into the underlying syntax that we 've already seen .

    它们在 语法 ,完全转换为我们已经看到的基础语法。

  • It 's not since syntactically correct right ?

    因此这并不是 语法正确的对不对?

  • ( grammar ) syntactically connecting sentences or elements of a sentence .

    (语法) 句法 连接句子或者句子的成分。

  • The RDT editor is not sophisticated enough yet to filter out all syntactically correct but semantically incorrect entries .

    RDT编辑器还不完善,无法过滤出所有 语法 正确但是语义上不正确的条目。

  • Syntactically closures are defined in what look like Java code blocks .

    语法 ,闭包定义非常象Java代码块。

  • This statement is syntactically correct but full-time Java programmers usually don 't do that except in one special case I 'll get to below .

    这条语句 语法 是正确的,但除非在一种特殊的例外情况下,专业Java程序员是不会这样做的,后文将介绍这种特殊情况。

  • There are many more albeit syntactically correct unfortunate ways to arrange the information .

    排列信息有许多 文法 正确但不合适的方法。