The complete syntax for commands is based on the full command name listed keyboard environment options dialog box .
命令的完整 语法基于“键盘,环境选项” 对话框 中列出的完整命令名。
The syntax here isn 't particularly interesting but the point is that Google hosts a file named uds . js which has within it all the JavaScript needed for the search box to operate .
这里的 语法并不特别值得关注,但要说明的是,Google存放着一个名为uds.js的文件,该文件包含搜索 框运行所需的所有JavaScript。
While the syntax is different in some cases I 'm pretty confident DM can do all of what AR does out of the box with or without plugins .
虽然在某些情况下, 语法有点差异,但是,我非常自信地说,DM能够做AR所有能够满足需要的事情,而且不 需要插件的帮助。
美[ˈsɪnˌtæks bɑks]英[ˈsɪnˌtæks bɔks]
[计] 语法框