synthetic dyes

[化] 合成染料

  • Though synthetic dyes took the place of mineral pigments the environment was polluted seriously because of synthetic dyes extensively used so the mineral pigment came back again .

    虽然 合成 染料的出现取代了矿物颜料在 纺织品上的应用,但合成染料对环境的污染日益严重,使得矿物颜料再次回到人们的视线中。

  • P-Nitrophenol ( PNP ) is an important fine chemical intermediate which is widely used in the production of pesticides synthetic dyes and herbicides .

    对硝基苯酚作为一种重要的精细化工中间体,广泛应用于杀虫剂、除草剂和 合成 染料的生产过程中。

  • Compared with synthetic dyes natural dyes are non-carcinogenic and hypo-Allergenic to skin . Moreover they have the advantages of biodegradability and environmental compatibility .

    合成 染料相比,天然染料上染织物对皮肤无致癌性和致敏性,且兼具生物可降解性和环境相容性优点。

  • Azo dyes are the most important class of synthetic organic dyes used in the textile industry and are therefore common industrial pollutants .

    偶氮染料是印染工业中应用的最多的 合成有机 染料之一,因而也是常见的工业污染物。

  • The research result showed that except synthetic gum tragacanth the rest several pastes ' compatibility with natural dyes were very good fluid curve virtually unchanged .

    研究结果表明,除了 合成龙胶,其余几种糊料与天然 染料相容性很好,流变曲线几乎不变。

  • Developments include the study of extracting natural dyes from animal and plant sources dyeing additives and the application on synthetic fibers . Natural dyes have very good prospects for use on high-quality silk fabrics natural-fiber underwear home textiles and decorative products .

    提取来自动物和植物的天然染料的研究、染色添加剂及天然 染料合成纤维上的应用取得了进展, 天然 染料将在高档真丝制品、保健内衣、家纺产品和装饰用品等方面有很好的前景。

  • Chitin was examined as a carrier for synthetic food dyes .

    报导甲壳质用作食用 合成 色素载体的研究。

  • The article introduces some new disperse dyes acid dyes and metallic complex dyes as well as new auxiliaries for improving color fastness of synthetic fibers giving reference to textile printing and dyeing enterprises on choosing the right dyes and auxiliaries .

    文章对改进的分散 染料、酸性染料和金属络合染料及新助剂进行了阐述,为纺织印染企业正确选择 染料和助剂提供了参考。

  • Although the synthetic dyes have made a great progress for textile industry in the process of dying the waste water is difficult for biological degradation causing serious environmental pollution and some dye intermediates are toxic carcinogenic .

    虽然 合成 染料促进了纺织业的发展,但它在印染过程中排放的废水难以生物降解,对环境造成了严重的污染,而且一些染料的中间体是有毒的、致癌的。

  • Coumarin derivatives have been playing important roles because of their important bioactivity . The synthetic progresses of coumarin 4-hydroxy coumarin derivatives and coumarin laser dyes were reviewed in the paper and the prospect of coumarin derivatives was elucidated .

    香豆素类衍生物因具有重要的生物活性而受到人们的普遍关注,综述了香豆素、4-羟基香豆素类衍生物、香豆素类荧光 染料等香豆素类衍生物的 合成方法,展望了香豆素类衍生物良好的发展前景。

  • Thus chitin is suitable as a new carrier for synthetic food dyes in cereal and oil foods .

    以上表明甲壳质适宜作为食用 合成 色素新型载体用于粮油食品。

  • Von Baeyer set his sights on new synthetic dyes however not insulators .

    然而冯·拜耳将目光放在了新的 合成 涂料上,而非绝缘体上。

  • Nowadays synthetic dyes are consumed broadly in textile industries and large volumes of dye wastewater are produced .

    在现代, 合成 染料广泛应用于印染工业,因此产生了大量的印染废水。

  • Coloured and washable inks usually contain soluble synthetic dyes .

    现代彩色墨水和可洗墨水,以含有可溶性 合成 染料作为唯一的着色物质。

  • With the short of petroleum and some environment and security problems of synthetic dyes People have great interest in nature dyes again . Nature dyes are reproducible and biodegradable and nature dyes have some functionality .

    随着石油的紧缺以及某些 合成 染料的环境、安全问题,人们对可再生、可生物降解、又具有某些功能性的天然染料重新产生了浓厚的兴趣。

  • The synthetic dyes were measured by UV-visible absorption spectra and fluorescence emission spectra .

    对所 合成 染料 分子分别测定了紫外-可见吸收光谱与荧光发射光谱。

  • The brand partnered with a centuries old apothecary in Scotland and uses traditional medicinal herbs in its products & which are also free from synthetic dyes synthetic preservatives and mineral oils .

    该品牌与一家拥有百年历史的苏格兰药材商进行合作,并在产品中使用了传统草药成份。另外,该品牌的产品不 合成 染色 、合成防腐剂以及矿物油。

  • A Study on the Dyeing Properties of Superfine Fiber PA / PU Synthetic Leather with Acid Dyes

    超细PA/PU 合成革用酸性 染料的染色性能研究

  • Triphenylmethane dyes are chemical synthetic dyes which are structurally stable difficult degradation intense carcinogenesis tetratogenesis and mutagenesis .

    三苯基甲烷类染料属于化学 合成染料,结构稳定,难以降解,具有致突变、致畸和致癌的危险。

  • The origins and harm were analysed with respect to the common biological toxin in textiles . The toxin includes formaldehyde antiseptic insecticide aromatic amine intermediate of synthetic azo dyes as well as heavy metal residual .

    作者分析了纺织品上常见生物毒性物质的来源及其危害,如甲醛、防腐剂及杀虫剂,某些用以 合成偶氮 染料的芳香胺中间体和残留的重金属等;

  • In recent years synthetic dyes have been widely used due to its low price complete chromatogram and high color fastness .

    近年来, 合成 染料由于其价格低廉、色谱全和牢度高等优点,得到了广泛的使用。

  • Synthetic dyes have been increasingly used in the textile leather paper rubber plastics cosmetics pharmaceutical and food industries . The extensive use of dyes often poses pollution problems in the form of colored wastewater discharged into environmental water bodies .


  • Over-development will result in the destruction of the environment . Wide use of natural dyes is not economical nor are their application properties as good as those of synthetic dyes .

    天然染料的资源十分有限,过量开发会造成生态环境的破坏,经济上不划算,其应用性能远不如 合成 染料

  • Methanol is an important industrial material ; its derivatives are used in great quantities for making a vast number of compounds among them many important synthetic dyes resins drugs and perfumes .

    甲醇是一种重要的工业材料,它的衍生物大量用于制作各种化合物,其中有许多重要的 合成 染料、树脂、药物和香水。

  • Aim To investigate a novel rapid synthetic method of p-methoxy styryl dyes .

    目的研究快速合成对甲氧基苯乙烯基 染料 合成方法。

  • Through comparing the band structure parameters of synthetic dyes with that of TiO2 we found that synthetic dyes can match all the requirements of energy level .

    计算了 合成 染料的能带结构参数并与锐钛型TiO2能带结构比较,发现合成的染料均可满足DSSC对能级匹配的要求。

  • Investigation on Fluorescence Spectra of Synthetic Food Dyes Sunset Yellow and Tartrazine

    食用 合成 色素日落黄和柠檬黄荧光光谱的研究

  • Conclusion A novel convenient synthetic method of p-methoxy styryl dyes was provided .

    结论提供了一种快速 合成对甲氧基苯乙烯基 染料的有效方法。