synthetic gas

[sɪnˈθɛtɪk ɡæs][sinˈθetik ɡæs]


  • Three process routes of manufacturing synthetic oil from nature gas are methanol to gasoline process F-T synthesis process and synthetic gas to dimethyl ether process .

    目前,以天然气为原料生产合成油主要有经甲醇制汽油、F-T合成和 合成 制二甲醚燃料三条技术路线。

  • The process of implementing synthetic gas compressor intake pressure auto-control with TPS and 505-speed governor technique is introduced .

    介绍了利用TPS和505调速器的技术实现了对 合成 气压缩机入口压力自动控制的实施过程。

  • Utilize TPS and 505 to Implement the Auto-Control of Synthetic Gas Compressor Intake Pressure

    利用TPS和505实现 合成 气压缩机入口压力的自动控制

  • The industrial application of clean coal gasification technology was discussed from the aspects of making synthetic ammonia methanol hydrogen methanol fuel dimethyl fuel and power generation etc. which were all available from synthetic gas of clean coal .

    从洁净煤气化得到的 合成 用于制合成氨、甲醇、氢气、甲醇燃料、二甲醚燃料,以及用于发电等方面论述了洁净煤气化技术的工业应用。

  • This paper discusses the economical and reasonable solutions to the synthetic gas compressor driving problems .

    该文探讨为 合成 气压缩机驱动问题寻求一个经济合理的解决办法。

  • Problems and Treatment measures of Synthetic gas molecular sieve purification system

    合成 分子筛净化系统问题及处理

  • Application of Dry Gas Seals in Synthetic Gas Compressor

    干气密封在 合成 气压缩机中的应用

  • Development and prospect of high energy synthetic gas

    高能 合成 燃气的开发利用与市场前景

  • In the development of C_1 Chemistry the significance of Separation and purification of CO from synthetic gas and a variety of industrial waste gases is elucidated .

    阐明了从 合成 和各种工业废气中分离和精制CO在开发C1化学技术中的重要性。

  • The second converted to chemical products via synthetic gas .

    二是 天然 先转化为 合成 再生产化工产品。

  • Author has introduced the industrialized production progress for producing dimethyl ether from synthetic gas by using the fixed bed one step method and by using the liquid phase method ;

    从二甲醚的研究、生产、建设和应用等方面介绍了采用固定床一步法 合成 制二甲醚和液相法生产二甲醚的工业化生产进程;

  • Carbon black scrubber is an important equipment in synthetic ammonia plant in which residual oil is used as raw material to produce synthetic gas .

    炭黑洗涤塔是渣油 制氢生产 合成氨装置中的一个重要设备。

  • The general technology of the GTL lube base oil is described which consists of synthetic gas process synthetic liquid hydrocarbon process and synthetic petroleum process .

    GTL润滑油基础油的一般工艺技术由3个部分组成: 合成 生产技术,合成液体烃生产技术,合成油加工技术。

  • The Inspection and Repair for Synthetic Gas Cooler

    合成 冷却器的检验与修复

  • The articLe introduces The anaLyticaL method for trace quantities of suLfur in synthetic gas .

    阐述了利用紫外荧光定硫技术测定低硫 合成 气体中总硫含量的方法。

  • The Application of Surging Prevention Theory for Synthetic Gas Compressor Unit

    防喘振控制原理在 合成 气压缩机组上的应用

  • It is one of the important measures of resolving the contradiction to synthesize fuels and ramifications from natural gas and coal through C_1 synthesizing processes such as synthetic gas .

    天然气和煤经 合成 等C1化工过程合成燃料和衍生产品是解决供需矛盾的重要措施之一。

  • Oil Leak Causes Analysis and Disposal of Dirty Oil Collector for High Pressure Cylinder of Synthetic Gas Compressor 103-J

    合成 气压缩机(103-J)高压缸污油收集器漏油原因分析及对策

  • The technologies of producing synthetic gas methanol dimethyl ether alkene and synthetic oil from natural gas are discussed emphatically .

    着重探讨了天然气 合成 、甲醇、二甲醚、烯烃以及合成油的生产工艺。

  • The production of coal gasification is called syngas ( synthetic gas ) .

    煤气化的产物,我们称之为 合成

  • The paper introduces the problems and treatment measures in operation of synthetic gas molecular sieve purification system .

    介绍 合成 分子筛净化系统运行中存的问题及处理措施。

  • Study on Nickel-based Catalysts for Conversion of Methane to Synthetic Gas

    甲烷催化转化制 合成 镍基催化剂的研究

  • Activation and conversion of methane is an advanced subject in catalytic researching . This article introduces some catalysts of methane oxidation methane aromatization and methane partial oxidation to synthetic gas .

    甲烷活化与转化是当今催化研究领域的前沿课题,本文对甲烷氧化偶联制乙烯、甲烷芳构化、甲烷部分氧化 合成 的催化剂进行了介绍。

  • The significance of the improved process of manufacture synthetic gas in partial ammonia plants in China is presented .

    从技术、经济两方面讨论了大型合成氨生产装置 合成 制气部分工艺改造工程;

  • At present C1 chemical research focuses on synthetic gas chemical engineering and methanol chemical engineering .

    当前碳一化学化工的研发进展主要集中在 合成 化工和甲醇化工方面。

  • The characteristics of methane steam reforming noncatalytic partial oxidation catalytic partial oxidation and autothermal reforming technology which was based on natural gas for synthetic gas were discussed .

    讨论了以天然气为原料制备 合成 的甲烷蒸汽转化、非催化部分氧化、催化部分氧化和甲烷自热转化工艺的特点。

  • Simplified synthetic gas production technology is the core of the process for synthesizing bio-jet fuel by gasification of biomass .

    而简化 合成 生产工艺是生物质气化合成生产生物航空燃料的关键所在。

  • The method making synthetic gas mainly include steam reforming method combined reforming of methane method auto thermal reforming and non-catalytic partial oxidation method in present industrial mature system .

    目前工业成熟的制 合成 方法主要有:水蒸气重整法,联合重整,自热转化法及非催化部分氧化法。

  • The key unit technical data and requirements for the reformation of synthetic gas compressor were introduced in this article .

    介绍 合成 气压缩机增产节能改造的关键部位和技术数据,以及技术要求。