syntax error message

[ˈsɪnˌtæks ˈɛrɚ ˈmɛsɪdʒ][ˈsɪnˌtæks ˈerə ˈmesidʒ]

[计] 语法错误信息

  • If you do not follow the correct syntax BASIC will usually display an error message .

    如果你没有遵守正确的 语法,BASIC通常将显示 出错 信息

  • Transfer Syntax Error occurs when the receiver is not able to decode the received physical message .

    当接收实体无法对接收到的物理层 消息进行解码时,就是出现了传输 语法 错误

  • Be careful with the syntax though : If you make a mistake Grsync won 't complain but rsync will and you will get its error message when you try to execute the backup .

    但是,要注意 语法:如果出现 语法错误,Grsync并不会给出提示,但是在执行备份时rsync会显示 错误 消息

  • What is the exact syntax of the error message ?

    错误 消息的确切 语法是什么样的?