system improvement time

[ˈsɪstəm ɪmˈpruvmənt taɪm][ˈsistəm imˈpru:vmənt taim]


  • The temperature sensor is considered as a component of the body temperature measuring system . The requirements for time constant of temperature sensor and the method for the improvement of the time constant are presented .

    本文将温度传感器视为人体体温测量 系统的一个组成部份,讨论了对温度传感器热时间常数的要求以及 改善传感器热 时间常数的途径。

  • Apply NetBIOS network programing to data communication between Windows NT Server and Dos workstation in Distributed DA & C System . That is a great improvement in the real time performance and the reliability of communication over the traditional serial port communication .

    应用NetBIOS网络编程解决分布式测控 系统中WINDOWSnt服务器和DOS工作站之间的数据通讯问题,和传统的串口通讯相比较,通讯的 实时性、可靠性都有很大的 提高

  • The simulation result of the system performance proves the improvement of the acquisition real time and acquisition precision .

    通过对该捕获方式的 系统性能仿真,证明了该捕获方式对复合系统捕获 实时性、捕获准确性等技术特性的 提升

  • Through the comprehensive system analysis the approach to co-ordinate the process and optimize the management of the fine details of the manifestation this article was comprehensive with a unique view of the improvement measures and means to reduce stopping time to reach the final .

    通过这种 系统观点的全面分析,统筹方法的流程优化和精细管理的细节体现,本文获得了全面的、具有独到见解的各项 改进措施和手段,最终达到压缩停 的目的。

  • On reforming congress system our work should start from the improvement of institution of time fixed for the conference of NPC and the establishment of debate system ;

    在改革会议 制度上,从 完善制度和建立辩论制度上着手;

  • Our province 's meteorological operational system has showed that the forecast system and its flow are unadapted to the new equipments and technology after the 9210 Project finished . It tampered with the development of weather forecast operational technology and the improvement of time and spatial resolution .

    我省气象业务体系在9210工程之后,已显示出预报 体制和流程不适应新的设备与技术环境的问题,影响了天气预报业务技术的发展,制约了天气预报在空间、 时间分辨率方面的 提高

  • The report noted that the Dutch health care system has no significant weak spots in its range of services though it seems that there could be some improvement on wait time situations for patients .

    报告指出,荷兰医疗保健 系统在它的服务范围内没有明显的“弱点”,尽管看起来在等待治疗 时间情况方面对于患者可能还会需要些许 改善

  • Operations management can also be defined on the production and sales equipment system design operation evaluation and improvement the PDCA cycle at the same time the extension process of ERP system is also implemented in strict accordance with the principles of project management .

    运营管理也可以定义为对生产、销售、设备等 系统进行设计、运行、评价和 改进,即PDCA循环过程, 同时ERP系统的推广过程也是严格按照项目管理原理来实施的。

  • In the second part it is analyzed the research situation and compared China with other countries and proposes that the greenhouse gas emissions trading system have some disadvantages in legislation and supervision mechanism and the improvement work still has a long time to go .

    紧接着在第二部分对国内外研究现状进行了分析对比,提出了我国温室气体排放权交易相关 制度在立法及监督机制等方面还存在不足, 改进工作任重而 道远

  • The new round of Basic Education Curriculum Reform requires to set up the new evaluation system that can promote the overall development of students and the continuous improvement of teachers . At the same time the curriculum require practical evaluation and process evaluation in physics teaching .

    新一轮基础课程改革在课程评价方面,要求建立促进学生全面发展、促进教师不断 提高的评价 体系,物理教学中要求注重实践性评价和过程性评价。

  • Considering the convenience of design this implementation referred to the USB driving system in the kernel source of earlier version linux and made some changes and improvement to fulfill the need of embedded real time system .

    为了方便起见,设计实现时参照了linux较早版本的内核源代码中USB驱动 系统的设计,并对它进行了适当的 修改以满足嵌入式 实时系统的要求。

  • The result shows : compare with traditional transport automation system the proposed system has great improvement in real time property .

    结果表明:改进的 系统 结构相对于传统的系统结构来说,在 实时性能方面都有很大的 改进

  • Finally evaluations of our prototype system on China National Grid show a notable improvement on both its extensibility and real time performance .

    最后,使用原型 系统在国家网格环境下完成了测试,结果表明符合 GUA设计的近客户端显著 提高了系统的可伸缩性和 实时性。

  • The system of retirement is an important component of the system of ancient government official in China . It has made great contribution to ancient China 's political institutional improvement and left deep regret at the same time .

    致仕制度是中国古代官吏 制度的重要组成部分,为中国古代政治制度的 建设做出了重大贡献, 同时也留下了很大遗憾。