system overhead

[ˈsɪstəm ˈovɚˌhɛd][ˈsistəm ˈəuvəhed]


  • While enhancing system Log security it can save a lot of system overhead and hardware resources be more convenient in the follow-up log analysis and also encrypt and store system files that can guarantee the integrity of backup data .

    利用这个系统我们在获取到备份日志的同时,节约了大量的 系统 开销和硬件资源 开销,在后续日志分析方面也更加方便,同时对系统文件进行加密存储,可以保证备份数据的完整性。

  • Both overall file system overhead and efficiency issues relating to individual file storage can play a role here .

    要兼顾总体文件 系统 开销和与各个文件相关的存储效率问题。

  • In order to reduce the system overhead it presents a scheme implementing in the virtual memory .

    并针对减少 系统 开销的问题,提出了在虚拟存贮器中的一种实现方案。

  • Both algorithms minimize outage probability and ensure the fairness among sources with low computational complexity and system overhead .

    这两种低复杂度、低 开销算法均以中断概率为优化目标,同时确保源 节点之间的公平性。

  • After testing this method can improve the system obtained in real time reducing system overhead .

    经测试,得出此方法可以提高系统的实时性、减小 系统 额外 开销

  • Windowless activation allows for nonrectangular or transparent controls and windowless controls do not require the system overhead that a control with a window requires .

    无窗口激活考虑了非矩形控件或透明控件,而且无窗口控件不需要窗口控件所需的 系统 开销

  • Under the premise of maintaining the efficiency of environment access the method needs less system overhead and provides the possibility of efficiently implementing GHC .

    该方法在保持环境访问效率的前提下,具有较小的 系统 开销,为GHC的高效实现提供了可能。

  • System overhead of handover in UMTS

    UMTS中切换的 系统 开销

  • Threads can be created and managed less operating system overhead and fewer system resources .

    线程的创建和管理只需要较小的操作 系统 开销和较少的系统资源。

  • The software way is flexible and suitable for different hardware platforms but it has a large system overhead .

    目前控制流检测有纯软件和软硬件结合两种方式,纯软件控制流检测方式处理灵活,不受硬件的限制适合在不同硬件平台下应用,但 系统 开销大。

  • The scheme improves the reliability of data transmission and reduces system overhead and the latency of recovery .

    该方案既有效解决了应用层组播可靠传输问题,又降低了恢复时延和 系统 开销

  • SPF Calculation Schedule Algorithm Stability of Routing System Overhead Reliability Robustness .

    SPF计算;调度算法;路由稳定性; 系统 开销;可靠性;

  • The hardware RTOS has merits such as hardware-real-time high determinacy and low system overhead etc.

    该硬件实时操作系统具有强实时性、高确定性和低 系统 开销等优点。

  • Contrastively the hardware-software way has a small system overhead and a broad application prospect .

    而软硬件结合控制流检测方法具有 系统 开销小、软件部分负担少等特点,有很广阔的应用前景。

  • The system overhead of the traditional clock synchronization mechanisms which are based on the redundant exchanged messages and complicated clock synchronization algorithms is not tolerant in real-time communication systems .

    传统的基于冗余的消息交换和复杂的时钟同步算法的时钟同步机制所 带来 系统 开销是实时通信系统所不能容忍的。

  • How to pass on a different BP algorithm for neural network training and testing comparative analysis of the experimental results how to adopt the dynamic invocation prediction function increase flexibility and reduce the forecast the system overhead .

    本文详述了如何通过对不同的BP算法进行神经网络的训练和测试,分析对比实验结果,如何采用动态调用预测功能,增加预报的灵活性,并且减小 系统 开销

  • Through the system design of the embedded communication signal source based on μ Cos-II this paper introduces the system overhead transplantation and configuration of μ Cos-II as well as the realization of multi-task program and the synchronization and communication between tasks .

    通过以实时嵌入式操作系统μCos-II为软件平台的嵌入式通信信号源的系统设计,介绍了μCos-II的 系统 开销、移植和配置、多任务编程以及任务间同步、通信的实现方法。

  • The malpractice just mentioned will result in chatty services with increased system overhead and a performance penalty that can be a significant setback to the adoption of SOA .

    刚刚提到的失误将导致服务间频繁通信,从而导致 系统 开销增加,所 带来的性能损失将对SOA采用造成极大的阻碍。

  • The matching method can reduce the calculation and system overhead with ensuring the energy gain .

    该匹配方法可以在能量增益变化不大的情况下显著降低计算量,减少 系统 开销

  • Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can guarantee the system performance and reduce system overhead .

    本文详细给出了所传输 比特 系统性能间的理论分析,仿真结果表明该方案能在保证系统检测性能的基础上, 大量减少 系统 开销

  • It is a system overhead and must be simple to operate high performing and cost-effective .

    它是一种 系统 开销,所以必需要操作简单、高效和经济的。

  • On the base of introducing the general concept of data management platform this paper studied the oil profession magnanimous data management platform data standard the system overhead construction the realization pattern and has realized an oil field data platform development which achieved good effect .

    本文在介绍数据平台一般概念的基础上,研究了石油行业海量数据管理平台的数据标准、 系统 架构和实现模式,并进行了某油田数据管理平台的开发,取得了良好的效果。

  • Saving the system overhead and so on .

    节省的 系统 开销等。

  • To increase the efficiency of traditional safe resource allocation algorithm and reduce the system overhead of safety check the improved safe resource allocation algorithm is presented .

    为了提高传统资源安全分配算法效率,降低安全检查时的 系统 开销,提出了改进的资源安全分配算法。

  • Its realtime performance is better than VAX / VMS . It better overcomes the defects of VAX / VMS that is broad in scale great in system overhead and need long time to boot it .

    它的实时性比VAX/VMS好,较好地解决了VAX/VMS系统规模大、 系统 开销 大和 系统引导时间长的缺陷。

  • Finally we implement a multi-threads kernel SVM system MTK based on TC model and analyze its System Overhead .

    最后,我们提出了基于线程一致性模型的多线内核虚拟共享存储系统MTK的实现方案,并对其 系统 开销进行了分析。

  • The third part is the central monitoring station which is used C / S system architecture together with the embedded systems . The monitoring tasks are distributed to the client and server reasonably to reduce the system overhead of communication .

    第三部分是中央监控平台,它与嵌入式系统采用C/S系统体系结构,将监控任务合理分配到客户端和服务端来实现,可降低 系统的通讯 开销,能够有效地接收到多种来源的实时视频流。

  • Many Existing scheme for share video stream did cut system overhead but induced service latency and difficulties of supporting VCR function .

    已有的多种共享视频流方案有效节约了 系统 存储 开销和网络 开销,但同时 增加了用户服务延迟和支持VCR操作的难度。

  • The present Web scheduling systems have some deficiencies such as poor scalability and high system overhead .

    针对传统的Web调度系统普遍存在可扩展性差、 系统 开销大等种种缺陷, 我们研究了一种新的基于内容调度系统。

  • To minimize system overhead and maximize system efficiency all logic is on the chip .

    为了减小 系统 辅助 操作和达到最佳的系统效率,所有的逻辑功能都集成在芯片上。