table adjustment

[ˈtebəl əˈdʒʌstmənt][ˈteibl əˈdʒʌstmənt]

[机] 调整表格

  • For other pressures refer to the Flow Table for corresponding adjustment setting .

    对于其他压力环境,请参阅流量 中相应的 调节设置值。

  • The following table summarizes the types of S & P500 Index maintenance adjustments and indicates whether a divisor adjustment is required .

    归纳了标准普尔500指数维持调整(maintenanceadjustments)的类型,并标明了是否需要进行除数 调整

  • An algorithm for power adaptation resource dynamic allocation with bit-loading seeking table and exchanging adjustment is proposed based on user spatial orthogonality and priority .

    提出一种基于用户空间正交性和优先级的逐比特查 加载和交换 调整的功率自适应动态资源分配算法。

  • Since the introduction of the non-transformable error distribution table and the adjustment methods of the pixel values do not involve the embedment of binary location map the embedding capacity is accordingly enlarged .

    由于引入不可变换差值分布 和预测误差二次可 变换性的方法都不需要嵌入溢出定位图,因而嵌入容量得到了极大的提高。

  • Based on dynamic design theory a micropositioning workpiece table with pose adjustment ability has been developed .

    基于动态设计理论,研制了一 具有姿态 调整能力的纳米级磨削辅助微定位平台。

  • Methods Its structure is the same as the Berkson Gage life table except that the adjustment of the number at risk is omitted in calculating the conditional probability dying .

    方法其构造,除在计算条件死亡概率时不作处于危险数 校正外,与Berkson-Gage寿命 相同。

  • The table analytic method involves many adjustment means based on the sufficient condition of operating technical station through train such as compression of starting station and destination station cutting the train traffic separation traffic and so on .

    表格分析法涉及很多基于开行直达到达站充分条件的 调整手段,如压缩到发站、切割、合并和分流等等。

  • Thirdly examples and descriptions are given for the adjusting calculations and operating methods for the adjustable rounding moulds . A table of adjusting figures after adjustment is attached also .

    对可调抱圆模的调节计算及使用方法作了示例和说明,并将 调节后的调节值 列表备查。

  • The paper is to table a proposal of the strategy apply which are aim for the organization structure adjustment the resource configuration the mechanism innovation and the core competitiveness promotion .

    此外,本文从组织结构 调整、资源配置、内部机制创新、提升核心竞争力等方面对公司发展战略的具体实施 提出了部分意见。

  • In this way the impact of property table dynamic adjustment can be reduced . Finally this paper adds the property table stores functionality to Jena an open source semantic toolkit . The query processing module in Jena is modified to redirect possible data accesses to property tables .

    最后,本文在现有的开源语义网工具 Jena中增加了 属性表存储的功能,通过修改其中的查询处理模块,可以将查询中合适的数据访问重定向到属性表上进行。

  • Whole scheme only needs 3 three-level comparators whose maximum switching frequency is limited and a corresponding voltage vectors selection table thus the realization is very simple and the adjustment of parameters is very convenient .

    整个方案仅需三个最高开关频率受限的三电平比较器和相应的电压矢量选择 ,实现简单,参数 调整方便。

  • The application of material input and output analysis table in the analysis of product structure the proportional analysis of primary production and secondary production the making and adjustment of production planning are also proposed .

    给出了流程企业实物型投入产出 的编制方式,指出投入产出 在生产结构分析、主体生产与辅助生产联系与比例分析和生产计划制定与 调整等方面的应用。

  • The 6-S table has the merit : the high-grade ore scaled the classification efficiency high safeguards easily and advantageous for the adjustment stroke .

    摇床具有富矿比高,选别效率高,看管容易,便于 调节冲程。

  • The actual case study is used to find out the change rule of fatigue safety coefficient at the risk point of the drill string with well depth the rotating speed of the rotary table and drilling pressure which is conducive to the adjustment of drilling parameters .

    结合实际算例分析,找出钻柱危险点处疲劳安全系数随井深、 转盘转速和钻压的变化规律,有助于钻井参数的 调整