

  • So delta u B is Cv times T2 minus T1 right .

    是Cv 乘以,对吧?

  • LogKp Log Kp at a new temperature T2 p And I 'm carrying this little p around everywhere .

    新温度 的, 等于温度 T1 logKp,T2,, is,log,Kp, temperatureT1。,我在哪都 了这个小。

  • So I take my calculator the ratio t1 over t2 .

    我有计算器,比上 t2

  • The benefit of HDSL is that it provides T1 speed in both directions .

    HDSL的优点是在两个方向上提供 t1速度。

  • And I compare T2 irreversible T2 They 're both less than T1 .

    我们要比较不可逆过程的,与可逆过程的T2,to,T2,reversible。,显然它们都比 T1要小。

  • From the access plan IXSCAN ( 3 ) shows one row is expected to be returned from T1 .

    在上面的存取计划中,IXSCAN(3)显示 T1预期会返回一行记录。

  • In the past it took phone companies one to three weeks to install T1 service .

    过去安装 t1服务电话公司要用1~3周的时间。

  • All subjects were examined with sagittal T2 and axial T1-weighted spin-echo images .

    所有受试者都运用矢状T2和轴向 T1 加权自旋回波图像进行 测量

  • So this is just going to be T2 over T1 minus T2 that 's our coefficient of performance .

    这就是我们的, 制冷系数。

  • Consider three tables T1 T2 and T3 .

    考虑3个表: T1、T2和T3。

  • I 've got reactants and calorimeter at T1 .

    我有 T1下的反应物和量热计。

  • So you have log of a reference point T1 here is a number .

    所以你有一个参考点 p1的对数,这里 T1也是一个数字。

  • First suppose the mixture is heated to the temperature T1 .

    首先,假定将混合物加热到温度 t1

  • Requirements were programmed output t1 t2 t3 t4 time of memory free zone status .

    要求编程序分别输出 t1、t2、t3、t4时刻内存的空闲区的状态。

  • As you can see t2 has reached the point where it has loaded class C and t1 has loaded class A.

    可以看出,t2到达的点已经装入了类C,而 t1已经装入了类A。

  • Each channelized voice T1 / E1 line terminated into a voice gateway supports approximately 24 simultaneous phone calls .

    每个终止于语音网关的信道化语音 t1/E1线可支持约24个同时进行的电话呼叫。

  • So I 'll start at some initial temperature T1 .

    那么我从某个初始温度 T1开始。

  • Applicable for temperature group T1 ~ T5 environment ;

    适用于温度组别为 T1~T5的环境;

  • This causes t1 to request a lock on mcl2 and wait until that lock can be obtained .

    这造成 t1请求mcl2上的锁,并一直等候到可以得到锁为止。

  • In the above T1 is the fact table with FK-PK relationship with dimension tables T2 and T3 .

    其中, T1是与维表T2和T3有FK-PK关系的事实表。

  • The statement above at label A shows table t1 with two columns : col1 and col2 .

    以上标签A的语句表示包含col1和col2两个列的表 t1

  • Even putting aside the reality that we live in a DSL cable modem T1 even T3 world this argument is silly ( and that 's being kind ) .

    甚至把我们活在一个DSL、电缆调制解调器、 T1甚至T3世界的现实抛到一边,这种争论实在太愚蠢了(这已经够仁慈了)。

  • In 4 cases with lipoma of filum terminale on T_1WI filum terminal had nodular or stringed lipoma signal .

    终丝脂肪瘤4例, t1加权像上 终丝结节状、线条状脂肪信号。

  • Two stage T1 / T2 cases and two stage T3 cases were missed using the water-enema method .

    应用水灌肠以后,处于 T1/T2阶段的患者有2例没有诊断出来,处于T3期的有2例。

  • The crystal structure of the mineral can be expressed by O T1 and T2 packing .

    这类矿物晶体结构可用O、 T1、T2堆积方式表征,O层与T层交替排列。

  • Issue the following SQL statement to see the ID and XML data in the T1 table .

    发出以下SQL语句查看 T1表中的ID和XML数据。

  • Note : In this case tables T1 and T2 are joined without any condition so every row in T1 matches every row in T2 .

    注意:本例中,表 T1和T2的连接是不含任何条件的,因此,T1中的每一行会匹配T2中的每一行。