tactical computer

[ˈtæktɪkəl kəmˈpjutɚ][ˈtæktɪkəl kəmˈpju:tə]

[计] 战术计算机

  • All classes of digital computers used in strategic C ~ 3I system and tactical C ~ 3I system as well as the position and function of computer in C ~ 3I system are introduced especially .

    重点介绍战略C~3I系统和 战术C~3I系统中所使用的各类数字计算机以及 计算机在C~3I系统中的地位和作用。

  • Methods : A tactical reserve model of medicine supplies was established with methods of systematic dynamics and the behaviors of the system was simulated by computer program when parameters changed .

    方法:应用系统动力学方法构建 战术药材储备模型,借助于 计算机编程,模拟有关参数变化时的系统行为。

  • On the basis of U.S. Tactical Data Link 16 a channel-coding model is discussed its error-correcting ability is analyzed and its computer simulation is also made . Some improved measures are proposed to enhance the possibility and security of transmitting datum .

    以美军的 Link16数据链为背景,构造了一种信道编码模型,分析其纠错能力并进行 仿真,提出了改进措施以提高其数据传输的可靠性和安全性。

  • A measurement technology of grain temperature in the tactical solid rocket motors is presented . The measurement system is mainly composed of a micro temperature sensor and a specially designed measuring unit with embedded computer .

    介绍了一种 战术火箭固体发动机药柱温度测量技术,测量系统主要由一个温度传感器和一个与嵌入式 计算机相连的特殊的测量单元组成。

  • The basic method of forecasting the tactical effects of position finding and firing system and a new method of generating pseudo random numbers using computer are introduced in brief .

    本文简要地介绍了用 计算机预测定位射击系统 战术效果的基本方法以及一种新的随机数产生方法。

  • As I said our strategic goal our tactical goals are to help you think like a computer scientist .

    如同我已经提过的,我们的 关键目标和战略目标都是为了,帮助你像一个 计算机科学家一样思考。

  • Based on tactical and technical performance of aviation antisubmarine torpedo the target moving elements with Kalman filtering was estimated and Simulated by the computer .

    依据航空反潜鱼雷的 战术技术性能,采用Kalman滤波法对目标运动要素进行估计,并在 计算机上模拟。

  • In this paper on the basis of U.S. Tactical Data Link 16 an effective channel-coding model is discussed its error-correcting ability is analyzed and its computer simulation is made .

    以美军 战术数据链LINK16为背景,构造了一种有效的信道编码模型,分析其纠错能力并进行 仿真

  • The system can generate jamming sequence according to different tactical background with the help of computer then translate the sequence into analogue signal through D / A to simulate complex jamming environment .

    该方案利用 计算机根据不同的 战术背景产生干扰序列,经过D/A变换来模拟复杂的干扰环境。

  • By the aid of the transitional probability and value of athletic efficiency of tactical and technical actions in mathematic model the authors of this article have made a computer stimulant analysis of high-level table tennis matches .

    通过 战术行为、击球位置、击球方向和击球技术4个转移概率矩阵模型和竞技效率值,对高水平乒乓球比赛进行 模拟诊断。