tacit understanding

[ˈtæsɪt ˌʌndɚˈstændɪŋ][ˈtæsɪt ˌʌndəˈstændiŋ]


  • He will himself serve his guests portions of food on the tacit understanding that they are far too polite to help themselves .

    他本人也便于给客人 菜,因为他 知道客人过于礼貌而不会自己动手 菜吃。

  • You I broke up only is not contact with the tacit understanding each other .

    你我分手了,独一的 默契就是彼此不联系了。

  • Report : who is the the actress that you think you have the tacit understanding with ?

    在合作过的女演员中哪一个让你觉得最有 默契

  • At every stage of the Anhui war the National Revolutionary Army is ready not only made the correct strategy and tactics and various forces also cooperate tacit understanding powerful execution .

    在安徽战场的各个阶段,国民革命军都做好了充分准备,不仅制订了正确的战略战术,并且各路部队也配合 默契、执行有力。

  • They seem to have reached a tacit understanding contributing to a common spiritual home and seeking spiritual support from each other when looking into each other 's eyes .

    彼此间达成一种 默契,成了共同精神家园,默默地相视,寻找生命的支点。

  • It is one kind of common phenomena that enterprises coordinate own market behavior through the agreement or the tacit understanding together limiting the competition .

    企业之间通过协议或 默契来协调自己的市场行为,共同限制竞争就是一种常见的现象。

  • Skilled health care with the tacit understanding has great significance to improve pre-hospital survival rate and the prognosis .

    熟练 默契的医护配合,对提高院前昏迷患者的抢救成功率以及改善预后都有重要意义。

  • Design simple but with scores of color outside tacit understanding one can not help revealing refined products warm atmosphere !

    设计虽然简单,但色彩配合得分外 默契,让产品不由得透露出高雅,温馨的气氛!

  • With their companion you will feel telepathy also called as tacit understanding .

    与他们在一起,会让你有心灵感应,俗称“ 默契”。

  • All these elements tempered and deposited by time settled finally into a custom a tacit understanding and a culture .

    一切,被时刻打磨,被时刻沉淀,终于形成了一种习惯,一种 默契,一种文化。

  • But when it comes cost real estate developers in this closely-guarded secret is always a tacit understanding .

    而且一旦谈到成本问题,房地产开发商们总是 默契 对此讳莫如深。

  • You are also very good handsome flair humor and wit humor we are very the tacit understanding .

    你也很不错的,英俊、潇洒、风趣、幽默,我们非常 默契

  • Art works all have the nature of exchange for the novel which needs to be conspired between author and reader especially from the start of novel requires to reach a tacit mutual understanding between write and read between say and listen .

    艺术作品都具有交流的属性,对于小说来说,需要作家与读者的共谋,尤其是从小说的开篇就需要达成一种写与读、说与听的 默契

  • There is a tacit understanding irreplaceable ;

    有一种 默契无可取代;

  • A smile perhaps a sigh all has the tacit understanding .

    一个微笑,或是一个叹息,都带有 默契

  • The changes of reality inevitably bring the change of thought of people . As the sensitive aspect of the society literature would exhibits the tacit understanding and trail which epoch has brought .

    社会现实的变化必然带来人们思想观念的变化,文学作为敏感的社会神经,必然表现出对历史时代脚步所带来变化的 某种 默契与追踪。

  • It aims to show the writer 's investigation and comment on the phenomenon on the basis of the understanding to the works by ancient writers who showed their eagerness to the tacit understanding of spirit and hope in their works .

    从古代作家渴求精神 契合和希冀作品为人 理解的角度,对这一文化现象作了考察和评论。

  • Employee QWL includes four dimensions : physical and psychological health work meaning employee respect and social status . Secondly senior employees have the higher tacit understanding with the organization .

    员工工作生活质量 包涵了工作意义、员工尊重、社会地位和身心健康四个维度。

  • Based on tacit understanding the unity of humanities and natural science has been studied and I argue that the technology is characteristic of humanities because it is both the natural and the social .

    进而指出, 兼具自然与社会双重属性的技术,有着显著的人文科学特征。

  • Between Telling Through Words and Tacit Understanding : An Interpretation of Meaning Conveying in Chinese and English

    在言传与 意会之间& 解读英语与汉语的意义传达

  • At the same time this also will beg the piano accompaniment have the good profession technique to a tacit understanding for giving musical performance work having well understanding and with singing on stage match the perfect expression in talent outs the content of the work .

    同时也要求钢琴伴奏者有很好的专业技巧,对所演奏作品有充分了解以及和演唱者的 默契配合,才能完美的表达出作品的内涵。

  • As long as there is tacit understanding the anything all is not a problem .

    只要有 默契,任何事都不是问题。

  • A tacit understanding faces even bigger challenges .

    所以企业 联合 达成 默契就面临了更大的挑战。

  • The understanding the harmony the approval the tacit understanding the mountain stream wells up swings .

    理解、和谐、认同、 默契,溪水般涌荡开来。

  • At the same time the paper also argues for working at the four different sections in combination relations with great care and the telepathy with tacit understanding must exist among the players .

    同时,文章还认为四重奏各声部在组合关系上应该更加精雕细琢,演奏者之间还要具备 默契 配合的心灵感应。

  • She understood the tacit understanding between them begin to envy their harmony see they appear sweetly in her again before she more it is to touch .

    她明白了他们之间的 默契,开始羡慕他们的和谐,再看见他们温馨地出现在她的面前,她更多的是感动。

  • We do not have anybody falls in love is one kind of tacit understanding one day when must leave we must respect him the choice .

    我们不拥有任何人,相爱是一种 默契,有一天,当其中一个要离开,我们得要去尊重他的选择。

  • There 's a kind of tacit understanding without saying .

    有一种 默契叫心照不宣。

  • We have never said a word but our minds seem to have reached a tacit understanding .

    我们没有说过一句话,但我们的心灵好象达成了 默契