


  • Enucleate cytoplasm can still synthesise protein .

    去核的细胞质仍然能 合成蛋白质。

  • The pressure filtration technique of gold tailings is a synthesise technique uniting pressure flush of new water . It has huge popularization value and foreground in the production of gold in China .

    尾矿压滤技术结合高压新水冲洗的尾矿 综合 处理技术,在我国的黄金生产过程中有极大的推广价值和前景。

  • In this article we synthesise dodecyl-polyglucosides by using a complex catalyst and through the direct reaction of glucose and laurel alcohol and optimize the technological datum .

    以月桂醇与葡萄糖为原料,采用复合催化剂利用直接苷化法合成了十二烷基葡萄糖苷,优化了工艺参数,得出 合适的反应条件:反应压力为 4.05kPa

  • Bankers and regulators who have worked with Mr Carney say he has a strong ability to synthesise information and generally works well in groups .

    与卡尼共事过的银行家和监管者都认为,他有着强大的信息 综合能力和团队合作能力。

  • Objective : To synthesise the target compound 1 ( 2 Nitrophenyl ) piperazine hydrochloride .

    目的: 比较2种 合成 路线,合成1(2硝基苯基)哌嗪盐酸盐。

  • A chameleon will synthesise an opinion or position from observing those displayed by others in the situation and forget that position when the social situation is left .

    他们会观察该环境中的其他人的 态度和意见 然后 综合 表达出一个 合适的看法,而在他们离开那个社交环境时这个看法便被 脑后

  • In the extreme dense system of H 2O / Si ≤ 8 0 the influences of auxiliary alkanes & n hexane n heptane I octane and n octadecane to the synthesise of mesoporous molecular sieve MCM 41 have been studied .

    在H2O/Si≤8.0的极浓体系中,研究了辅助烃(正己烷、正庚烷、异辛烷和正十八烷)对 合成中孔MCM-41分子筛的影响。

  • Ecological Architecture is one system of feasible theory and practice . Ecological Architecture Design ought to be synthesise of Low-energy Tech Soil-covered Architecture and local culture etc.

    生态建筑是一个系统的可行性建筑理论及实践体系,生态建筑设计应是节能技术、覆土建筑与地域文化等各种成分的 合成

  • Study on Synthesise and Charateristics of Low Calorie Safflower Oil Sucrose Esters

    低热量红花油蔗糖酯的 合成与性能研究

  • The processing procedure includes the following steps : . synthesise horizontal components x and y into H ;

    主要处理过程包括:水平分量x,y的 合成(H);

  • But going the extra mile is expensive requiring a research platform that can synthesise industry country and stock-specific analysis .

    但更上层楼的成本是昂贵的,需要一个能够 综合行业、国家和个股分析的研究平台。

  • Directed Chlorinate Toluene to Synthesise p-chloro-toluene

    甲苯定向氯化 合成对氯甲苯

  • The unconditional two-cranks mechanism is chosen as the type of planar five-bar mechanism to synthesise .

    选用无条件两回转副作为平面五杆机构的设计类型,并以此建立约束 方程

  • This paper explains the destination concept and attempts to synthesise several models for strategic marketing and management of destinations .

    本文解释了与目的地有关的一些概念,并 介绍了几个关于目的地管理和市场策略的理论模型。

  • The methods mainly include solid phase synthesise and liquid phase synthesise according to the state of reaction materials .

    工艺中所 原料形态的 不同分为固相 合成和液相合成方法。

  • Dr Venter reckons he will be able to synthesise a working bacterial genome from scratch within two years .

    文特尔博士估计,他能够在两年内从零开始, 合成一个活细菌基因组。

  • The synthesise method of phenolic resin for preparing refractory material was probed . The characteristics of the phenolic resin was heating solidification .

    探索了用于耐火材料的酚醛树脂的 合成方法,以及 介绍此酚醛树脂具有加热固化 加入一定量的固化剂,在 室温下固化等特点, 大量 节约能源,节约劳动力。

  • The system is on the basis of waveform edit synthesis and it can synthesise distinct and intelligible Chinese speech without any hardware addition or change on microcomputer .

    该系统采用波形编辑合成方式,在 普通的微机上无需添加或改动任何硬件 即可 合成出可懂 和清晰度都较好的汉语语音。

  • As skin pigmentation increases so does the period of exposure to ultraviolet B radiation from sunlight needed to synthesise adequate amounts of vitamin D.

    当皮肤色素沉着增多,所以需要暴露于阳光下紫外线B辐射的足够时间以 合成足够数量的维生素D。

  • Rich in tryptophan milk products help our brain synthesise serotonin a natural chemical that induces calm and happiness .

    富含氨基酸的牛奶制品帮助我们的大脑 合成血清素&一种促进平静和快乐的天然化学物。

  • A method to synthesise the complex agent yc-1 for Gold was presented . The experimental conditions to recovering gold by yc-1 were discussed and the optimun conditions were determined .

    合成一种金的络合剂 yc&1,对其回收金的条件做了实验优选,然后确定最佳回收条件。

  • Carrots contain vitamin A or retinol and this is required for your body to synthesise rhodopsin which is the pigment in your eyes that operates in low-light conditions .

    胡萝卜内含有维生素A,也就是所说的视黄醇,它是你体内 综合视网膜 紫质的必需物质,是你眼睛里的一种色素,这种色素能让你在光线较暗的环境下看清东西。

  • The insertion of genes encoding the enzymes needed to synthesise carotenoids has resulted in a concentration of1000 to1500 mg carotenoids per gram of canola seeds . 4 w_952

    科学家们植入了能 表达 合成类胡萝卜素必须的酶的基因,让每克 canola油菜中的类胡萝卜素聚集度达到了1000到1500毫克。

  • They synthesise their experience into principles and theories .

    他们 自己的经验 综合成原理和理论。

  • Recently self-stable precipitation polymerization was found to synthesise monodisperse microspheres . Compared to traditional processes of polymerization such as emulsion polymerization dispersion polymerization and seeding polymerization it was provided with extraordinarily obvious superiorities and could be applied widely .

    自稳定沉淀聚合是最近几年发现的 单分散聚合物微球的方法,与传统的乳液聚合、分散聚合和种子聚合等方法相比较,具有十分明显的优势,因此拥有广阔的应用前景。

  • We finally synthesise chain-like CaCO 3 and bar-like CaCO 3 by adding additive . The mechanism of synthesis has been discussed .

    通过加入添加剂,分别合成了短 链状和棒状CaCO3,并且对它们的形成机理进行了分析。

  • Experiments carried out with this system showed that it can synthesise and imitate some jingle-chip microcomputer application systems in the electric power systems .

    经试验应用证明,本系统可以 综合和仿真电力系统中各种单片机应用系统。

  • Second consultants are hired to do more than just synthesise value frame problems and monetise strategies with customer-centric processes .

    其次,企业聘用顾问不只是为了 整合价值、提出问题,以及制定以客户为中心的战略。