synthetic mordenite

[化] 合成发光沸石

  • Many complicated and different dynamic behaviors are accompanied in the synthetic process of mordenite zeolite .

    丝光 沸石 合成 备过程中存在着丰富的 晶化动力学行为。

  • In this paper ion exchange equilibrium isotherms for natural mordenite ( Jinyun Xian Zhejiang province ) and synthetic mordenite in ammonium-potassium and ammonium-silver systems along with the calculated thermodynamic equilibrium constant and Gibb 's free energy change ⊿ G ° are presented .

    测定了NH4~+-K~+、NH4~+-Ag~+两个体系在浙江省缙云县岱石口的天然丝光沸石和 合成 丝光 沸石上的离子交换平衡等温线,并计算出其热力学平衡常数Ka和标准自由能变化△G~0。