



  • A Case of Syphilitic Uveitis


  • Aim : To analyze the manifestation diagnosis and therapy in the syphilitic patients with central nervous system abnormalities .

    目的:讨论合并神经系统病变 梅毒患者的临床表现、诊断和治疗。

  • Objective To study the best nursing mode for newborn with early congenitial syphilitic multiple organs lesion .

    目的探讨新生儿早期先天 梅毒多脏器损害护理的最佳模式。

  • The Statement of Cerebrospinal Fluid and the Expression of T-lymphocyte Subsets in Peripheral Blood of Syphilitic Sero-resistant Patients


  • Conclusion CSF Treponemal antibodies tests are helpful in diagnosing asymptomatic neurosyphilis of latent syphilitic patients and these are significant to the treatment of latent syphilitic patients .

    结论脑脊液梅毒抗体检测有助于潜伏 梅毒患者中无症状神经梅毒的诊断,对潜伏梅毒患者的治疗有重要意义。

  • Object To study the change of serum soluble interleukin 2 receptor ( SIL-2R ) in syphilitic patients and its clinical significance .

    目的探讨 梅毒患者 病程中血清可溶性白介素2受体(SIL-2R)的水平及临床意义。

  • Clinical Analysis of 7 Stroke Cases Caused by Syphilitic Vasculitis


  • Clinical Characteristics and Diagnosis and Treatment of Cerebral Syphilitic Gumma


  • The Investigation of the Ultrastructure of Syphilitic Chancre


  • Schopenhauer has said that syphilitic sores were the most distinctive feature of modern European civilization .

    叔本华早说近代欧洲文明的特点,第一是 杨梅疮。

  • Conclusion Color Doppler ultrasonography is specific for the diagnosis of syphilitic cardiovascular disease and its higher diagnostic rate shows its significance in clinical therapy .

    结论彩色多普勒超声影像技术对 梅毒 心血管 损害的诊断有特异性、准确性高,对指导临床治疗也有意义。

  • Expression of Toll-like receptor 2 mRNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cell of early early symptomatic syphilitic patients syphilitic patients

    早期显性 梅毒患者外周血单个核细胞Toll样受体2mRNA表达的研究

  • The Effect of Syphilitic Patients ' Sera on HIV Gelatin Particle Agglutination Test


  • Methods The ultrastructural pathological changes of syphilitic chancre were examined with transmission electron microscopy .

    方法在透射电镜下观察 梅毒硬下疳组织细胞超微病理变化。

  • The complete clinical data of 119 syphilitic sero-resistant patients who treated in dermatology department of our hospital were reviewed from January 2000 to December 2010.2 .

    【研究方法】1.对我院皮肤性病科2000年1月至2010年12月收治的有完整临床资料的119 梅毒血清固定患者进行回顾性分析。

  • Changes and clinical significance of levels of interleukin-detection in serum of symptomatic syphilitic patients


  • Epidemiological analysis of 4465 syphilitic patients and countermeasures against the disease in Quanzhou City

    泉州市 4465梅毒流行病学分析及防治对策的初步探讨

  • The book describes a lonely bad-tempered alcoholic a syphilitic who liked to bite the hands that fed him .

    这本书描绘了一个孤独的、脾气暴躁的酒鬼,一个喜欢啃手指的 梅毒 病人

  • Methods 96 female patients were examined for their disease history clinical features syphilitic serology and HSV-PCR .

    方法根据病史、临床表现,结合暗视野显微镜检查、 梅毒血清学试验,PCR检测HSV-DNA等进行诊断。结果96例女性生殖器 溃疡 疾病患者中, 梅毒 22例, 22.9%

  • Results Three of 8 cases presented clinical manifestations of congenital syphilis including typical cutaneous lesions syphilitic pneumonia and multi-system failure .

    结果8例中3例出现胎传梅毒的典型临床表现,包括典型皮肤损害, 梅毒 新生儿肺炎, 多脏器衰竭;

  • Objective : To determine the serum SIL-2R level and its clinical significance in syphilitic patients .

    目的:探讨SIL2R在 梅毒血清中的临床意义。

  • Methods To take special mode ( disinfection and isolation special care of skin improving sputum aspiration ) for newborn with early congenitial syphilitic multiple organs lesion .

    方法对早期先天 梅毒多脏器损害者进行特殊模式(消毒隔离、皮肤特护和改进吸痰方法)的护理。

  • Flow cytometry was used to detect CD11b + CD33 + HLA-DR - MDSC in peripheral blood of syphilitic sero-resistant patients and analysis the relationship between the level of MDSC and sero-resistance RPR titer . Results : 1 .

    应用流式细胞术检测 梅毒血清固定患者外周血中 CD11b+CD33+HLA-DR-MDSC的比例,同时分析MDSC比例与患者血清固定病程长短及血清固定RPR滴度之间的相关性。

  • Abstract : Eight cases of oral syphilitic eruption in secondary syphilis are reported .

    文摘:报告8例口腔二期 梅毒疹患者。

  • Syphilitic sero-resistance may be relevant to asymptomatic neurosyphilis . 3 .


  • To observe the T lymphocyte groups with different surface antigens and different cell functions in syphilitic patients with sero-fast . 2 .

    目的:1、探讨不同表面抗原的T淋巴细胞和不同功能的T淋巴细胞亚群在 梅毒血清固定患者外周血中表达情况。

  • Objective To observe the clinical and serology effect of curing early stage syphilis after taking azithromycin and evaluate western blotting assay ( WB ) in the serological diagnosis of human syphilitic infections .

    目的观察阿奇霉素在早期梅毒治疗中的疗效并探讨免疫印迹法(WB)在 梅毒血清学诊断中的意义。

  • The application of the ointment to syphilitic lesions was an obvious choice .


  • Changes and clinical significance of toll-like receptor 2 in peripheral blood monocytes and levels of IL-2 in serum of symptomatic syphilitic patients

    TOLL样受体2和IL-2、6在 梅毒患者外周血中的变化及其意义

  • Methods Clinical data and pathological features of the syphilitic proctitis are evaluated retrospectively in 2 cases .

    方法对2例具有肠道症状的同性恋 梅毒 直肠炎临床表现、病理形态学特点进行 探讨