synthetic material

[sɪnˈθɛtɪk məˈtɪriəl][sinˈθetik məˈtiəriəl]

[化] 合成材料

  • Rationality and necessity of synthetic material dispersion have been validated by comparing the results from different methods .

    通过两种不同处理 材料色散方法所得结果比较验证了系统考虑 材料色散 方法的合理性和必要性;

  • A synthetic material resembling clay but remaining soft ; used as a substitute for clay or wax in modeling ( especially in schools ) .

    一种类似粘土但保持柔软的 合成 材料,在制模时用作粘土或蜡的替代物(尤其在学校里)。

  • I prefer cotton to synthetic material .

    我宁愿要棉花,也不要 合成 材料

  • It can fully explain the synthetic material in painting in the art of painting is the unique charm of .

    这能充分说明 综合 材料在绘画绘画艺术中所具有的独特魅力。

  • The outside of the boot is made of a synthetic material that is designed to look like good-quality leather .

    这款靴子的鞋面是用一种感觉像优质皮革的 人造 材料制成的。

  • Replace sealing strip guide ot synthetic material only if damaged .

    如有损坏,仅更换 合成 材料 制成的密封条导套。

  • Analysis on Wagon Tipper Automatic Control System in Synthetic Material Field of Baotou Steel

    包钢 综合 场翻车机系统自动控制分析

  • Soft drinks bottles made from the synthetic material PET or polyethylene-terephthalate .

    软饮料的包装采用 合成 材料PET,也就是聚乙烯对苯二酸制成。

  • First put on a thin layer of synthetic material such as polypropylene which draws sweat away from your body .

    首先,穿上一薄层 合成 材料,比如丙纶,这可以使汗水迅速远离你的身体。

  • The researchers attached heparin-binding peptides from antithrombin III to a synthetic material called polyethylene glycol .

    研究人员将抗凝血酶III上的肝素结合肽段黏附在称为聚乙二醇的 人工 合成 材料上。

  • A synthetic material equal to that metal in strength has been created by our research center .

    我们的研究中心创造了一种强度与那种金属相同的 合成 材料

  • Photonic crystal is a new kind of synthetic material .

    光子晶体是一种新型 人工 材料

  • The top and bottom are traditional cotton while the middle core is an elastic synthetic material that compresses your abdomen .

    顶部和底部是棉花,而中间是一种弹性的 合成 材料,压缩你的腹部。

  • He was wearing an'ultra-suede'jacket & it 's a synthetic material which looks like the real thing .

    他穿着件“超麂皮”夹克&那是种 合成 面料,看上去像真麂皮一般。

  • It is believed to be natural that more and more engineers have come to prefer synthetic material to natural material .

    愈来愈多的工程人员宁愿用 合成 材料而不用天然材料,人们相信这是很自然的。

  • Polyurethane elastomer ( PUE ) also known as polyurethane rubber is one species of high molecular synthetic material whose performance is between plastic and rubber which contains many carbamate groups in the main chain .

    聚氨酯弹性体(PUE)又称聚氨酯橡胶,是一种主链上含有较多氨基甲酸酯基团,性能介于塑料和橡胶之间的高分子 合成 材料

  • Scientists at the University of Illinois have created a synthetic material that automatically seals any tiny cracks that develop within it .

    伊利诺伊大学的科学家创造了一种 合成 材料,它能自动愈合内部的任何细微裂纹。

  • Things to look for in lightweight clothing : synthetic material ( stay away from cotton ) minimum amount of pockets and zippers thin fabric and breathability .

    轻量化的服装应选择只要注意: 合成 材料(远离棉质材料)、尽可能少的口袋和拉链、更薄的面料,而且具有透气性。

  • For a long time metal and synthetic material are obviously in a competitive state in the traditional design process .

    长期以来,金属和 合成 材料在传统的设计方法领域中呈现一种明显的相互竞争的关系。

  • Material type specified on label as polyamide application of naked flame to webbing and thread resulted in melting consistent with synthetic material .

    作为明火的聚酰胺应用,在标签上材料类型说明了与 人造 材料相熔会呈网状和线状。

  • Scale can be presented by adopting the Mc synthetic material from the static test .

    静态试验研究表明,采用Mc尼龙 人工 合成材料可以防止冲灰水的结垢现象。

  • Application of earthwork synthetic material on the treatment of railway soft foundation

    土工 合成 材料在铁路软基处理中的应用

  • Clinical evaluation of artificial synthetic material for repairing incisional hernia of abdominal wall

    人工 合成 材料在腹壁切口疝修补中应用的临床系统评价

  • Application of geotechnical synthetic material and its construction and economic benefit are given .

    本文总结了土工 合成 材料在该土石坝工程中应用、施工和经济效益等问题。

  • The main adsorbents such as natural material synthetic material modified materials and biosorption their adsorption mechanisms and the factors of affecting adsorption were discussed .

    讨论了天然材料、 合成 材料、改性材料、生物材料等种类的吸附剂,探讨了各类吸附剂的吸附机理和影响吸附的因素。

  • The vitric tuff of Linli in Hunan may become a qualified synthetic material of zeolite molecular sieve after it is pretreated adequate1y .

    经适当预处理,湖南临澧玻屑凝灰岩可成为沸石分子筛的 合成 原料

  • Fabric of silk or synthetic material used for trimming neckwear or evening dresses .

    一种薄而挺的丝或 合成纤维织 ,用于装饰,颈部饰物或晚礼服。


    云南矿业结构、市场形势及其资源发展潜力新形势下我国 合成 材料行业发展潜力分析

  • Objective : To use synthetic material for repair a defect of abdominal wall under the contaminating condition .

    前言:目的:尝试在切口污染条件下采用 假体 材料修补大面积腹壁缺损的可行性。