table access

[ˈtebəl ˈæksɛs][ˈteibl ˈækses]


  • DB2 and IDS uses the statistics information in the catalog table to derive the best access plan .

    DB2和IDS使用目录 中的统计信息来制定最佳 访问计划。

  • In addition to the amount of data table the table different access patterns may also affect the performance and availability .

    除了表的数据量外, 对表不同的 访问模式也可能会影响性能和可用性。

  • To see the names of the fields open the table in design view in access .

    要查看字段的名称,请在 access的设计视图中打开

  • Table 1 Security Access Control Model Using Fast Table for PKI and PMI

    一个基于快 的PMI+PKI 访问控制框架

  • DB2 's cost-based optimizer decides which table to scan and which table to access through the index .

    DB2的基于成本的优化器决定了要扫描的 以及通过索引要 访问的内容。

  • Because locks are not persistent the load utility also uses table states to control access to tables ; these states remain in effect even if a load operation aborts .

    因为锁不是持久的,所以load工具也使用 状态来控制对表的 访问;即使加载操作中断,这些状态仍然有效。

  • Dropping a column requires table reorganization before further table access is allowed .

    删除列之后要求进行表重组,然后才允许进行进一步的 访问

  • Use list management pivot table and data access facilities

    使用 数据库记录单、数据透视 、和数据管理

  • Furthermore deleted rows are skipped unconditionally on table scan access while deleted keys are not skipped for type-2 index scans ( unless you also set the DB2_SKIPDELETED registry variable ) .

    而且,在 扫描 访问中,被删除行被无条件忽略,而对于type-2索引扫描,被删除的键不会被忽略(除非您还设置DB2SKIPDELETED注册表变量)。

  • As was mentioned in the previous article for single table access there are two types of access methods : table space scan ( TBSCAN ) and index scan ( IXSCAN ) .

    在第1部分中提到过,有两种类型 访问方法:表空间扫描(TBSCAN)和索引扫描( IXSCAN)。

  • There are two options for user access to a table while a RUNSTATS is running against that table : allow read access and allow write access .

    当对一个 运行RUNSTATS时,有两种用户访问选项:允许读 访问和允许写访问。

  • This means that the table creator will have access to the external table and must also have appropriate access to the data file ( s ) associated with the external table .

    这意味着 创建者将拥有对外部表的 访问 权限,还必须拥有对与外部表关联的数据文件的适当访问权限。

  • You can obtain the statistics from the table descriptor of the table node in the underlying access path graph .

    您可以从基础 访问路径图中的 节点的表描述符处获得该统计信息。

  • There is no FETCH or table node shown in the access path graph because it is an index-only scan .

    因为其是一个唯一索引扫描,所以在 访问路径图中不显示FETCH或 节点。

  • This limit the user 's visit to the database table of Access only in subschema . It enhances the security coefficient of database and atonement the security problem of Access .

    文章在 Access2000中实现了限制有关用户只能使用子模式对数据 的访问,增加了数据库的安全系数,弥补了Access2000安全上的不足。

  • The following table lists the object-specific access rights .

    列出了特定对象的 拜会 权限

  • Support of external table creation access load and unload from within the stored procedures makes it easier to perform the batch load and unload operations .

    存储过程中的外部 创建、 访问、加载和卸载支持允许您更轻松地执行批加载和卸载操作。

  • When you add validation rules to a table and you then import data into that table access applies your validation rules to the imported data .

    如果向表中添加有效性规则,然后将数据导入到该 中,则 access会对导入的数据应用有效性规则。

  • The design of database is based on the theory of relational database system . The ways of maintaining integrality of database and using transaction in multiple table access to guarantee the consistency and recoverability of database are discussed in the thesis .

    以关系数据库系统理论为基础进行了数据库设计,并讨论了保证数据完整性、在多 数据 操作中应用事务处理等问题。

  • Saving trace results to a table allows the same access as saving the trace to a file plus you can query the table to search for specific events .

    将跟踪结果保存到 中后,可以与将跟踪保存到文件中后一样进行 访问,另外还可以查询表以搜索特定事件。

  • To see the table descriptor right-click the table node in the access path graph .

    为了查看表描述符,请右键单击 访问路径图上的 节点。

  • For particularly easy longer-term monitoring consider using the SQL table functions to access snapshot data .

    针对更长期的监控,可以考虑使用SQL 函数 访问快照数据。

  • This locking was done for both index scans and table access whether or not the row of data was committed or whether it would have been excluded based on the statement 's predicates .

    不管数据行是否被提交,以及根据语句的谓词它是否被排除,对于索引扫描和 访问都执行这样的锁定操作。

  • An Index only scan is an index access that is not followed by a table access because the index itself contains all the requested data .

    仅扫描索引是未包含 访问的索引访问,因为索引本身包含了所有被请求的数据。

  • The following code creates a table for Dreamweaver 's access control management .

    下面的代码将为Dreamweaver的 访问控制管理创建一个

  • The product documentation contains a table titled Access required to the SYSTEM queues by WebSphere MQ with details about which users need which level of access to the SYSTEM queues .

    产品文档包含一个标题为“ AccessrequiredtotheSYSTEMqueuesbyWebSphereMQ”的 ,列 了哪些用户需要哪个级别的SYSTEM队列访问。

  • The algorithm by which a table is scanned ( access method )

    被扫描的 的算法( 访问方法)

  • First you must create an association rule model which is stored as PMML from which you can extract the rules into a database table for later Cognos access .

    首先,必须创建一个关联规则模型,该模型被存储为PMML,从中可以提取这些规则并将其放入一个数据库 以供日后的Cognos 访问