tax receipt

[tæks rɪˈsit][tæks riˈsi:t]

[法] 税票,税单

  • The ordinary tax receipt does not leave out the small knack is really effective .

    普通 税票出无漏掉,大大诀窍实睹效。

  • Others think the tax collectors had planned to pocket the rise since they refused to give a receipt for it .

    其他人则认为 税务人员打算私吞增收的税款,因为后者拒绝开具 收据

  • T : here are my tax payment receipt and tax return forms .

    汤:这些是我的 完税 凭证和税单。

  • Tax revenue is the major means of regulation income distribution . In the current taxation of our country direct tax proportion passes the little personal receipt regulation system of revenue tax that does not form a science .

    税收是调节收入分配的主要手段,但是,在我国现行的 税制中,间接 比重过大,直接税比重小,没有形成一个科学的个人 收入税收调节体系。

  • The traditional pay-in-treasury is manual operation namely Several departments input relative information repeatedly and deliver paper tax payment receipt to each other . In this mode many problems turn up .

    传统税款缴库多为手工操作,由多个部门重复录入相关信息,并相互传送纸质 缴税 凭证

  • Four Invitation to Golf Tournament / Appreciation Certificate / Tax Exemption Receipt / Full Page Advertisement / Name on Tree at Foon Yew High School Kulai .

    四位受邀参赛/表扬状/捐款 免税 收据/版广告/宽中古来分校植树一棵。

  • Donations over hk $ 100 are tax exempted by official receipt .

    凡捐款一百元或以上, 收据可申减 税款

  • The tax payer tax with holding agent or other parties concerned may refuse to comply if no receipt is given .

    未开付 收据的,纳税人、 扣缴义务人及其他当事人有权拒绝给付。

  • Some crimes which involved the VAT ( value-added tax ) receipt have been effectively strained under the new VAT management .

    在现行增值税管理机制下,增值 专用 发票涉税违法犯罪案件得到了有效遏制。

  • The running of the new tax system advances enterprises to a market competition environment comprehensively subject to tax - receipt .

    新税制的运行又进一步的将企业推向了全面 税收约束的市场竞争环境 之中

  • I will then receive notification from the Tax Office confirming receipt of my return and they will inform me when I have to pay the tax owed .

    然后我会 收到来自 税务局关于我的申报 的通知,当我需要交纳欠的个人所得税时,他们会通知我。

  • Here 's the contract and other related documents and the original and photocopies of tax receipt .

    这些是我的合同等相关资料和 税单的原件及复印件。

  • Please show me yur tax payment receipt and tax return forms .

    请出示您的 完税 凭证和税单。

  • However the tax collection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions upon receipt of this document .

    但是,在文到后应 一律 按本文规定执行。

  • Please show me his tax payment receipt .

    请出示他的 完税 凭证

  • Therefore some districts attempted to develop transverse networking system reducing the load of work to an extent improving the process of pay-in-treasury and realizing the electrical processing of tax receipt information .

    为此,一些地区尝试开发了横向联网系统,一定程度上减轻了工作量,提高了税款入库速度,实现了 税票信息的电子化处理。

  • With regard to those who should pay tax according to the stipulations of the Tax Law the tax authorities shall levy tax while drawing up a receipt .

    对税法规定应当缴纳税款的,税务机关应当在 开具 发票的同时 征税

  • Tax official : It is the one that can provide the whole materials about the contracts and commissions and can establish account books to make the receipt and expense clear .

    税务局:如果能提供合同和佣金的全部资料并且建立帐 ,收支清楚的,可以自行 申报

  • Tax deductible receipt will be granted .

    可凭奉献 收据申请 免税

  • When impounding commodities goods or other property the tax authorities must issue a receipt for the items impounded .

    税务机关扣押商品、货物或者其他财产时,必须开付 收据