tax planning


  • Their Byzantine legal structures owe as much to history and tax planning as safety and efficiency .

    这种拜占庭式复杂诡秘的法律结构,是由历史原因和 避税选择造成的,也是出于安全和效率的 考虑

  • Tax planning should include four aspects : First the use of legitimate means of tax planning ;

    纳税 筹划应包括四方面内容:一是采用合法的手段进行的节税筹划;

  • Private Hospital about Tax Planning Problem Thinking

    关于营利性民营医院 税收 筹划问题的思考

  • Long-term Investment Policy and its Impact on the Tax Planning

    长期投资会计政策的选择对 纳税 筹划的影响

  • The discussion on the enterprise income tax law to form enterprises tax planning methods

    企业所得税法对企业组建 税务 筹划主要方法的探讨

  • Tax Planning in M & A : A Study Based on Systematic Thinking

    并购中的 税收 筹划:一项基于系统思考的研究

  • In the environment of market economy the aim of enterprises is to reduce cost and increasing benefit and the tax planning is one of the way to achieve this goal .

    在市场经济环境下,降低成本、增加效益始终是每一个企业所追求的既定目标,而 税务 筹划是实现这一目标的有效手段之一。

  • The current tax planning is the area of business finance strategy .

    现行的 税务 筹划属于企业财务战略范畴。

  • Both are standard tools in tax planning for the affluent .

    实际上,这两种方法都是富豪们进行 税收 规划的常规工具。

  • The New Tax System Based on the Real Estate Development Enterprises Analysis of Tax Planning Research

    基于新税法体制下的房地产开发企业 纳税 筹划分析研究

  • Research the Choice of the Accounting Policies and Tax Planning about Textile Enterprise 's Financing

    我国纺织企业会计政策选择与 税收 筹划问题研究想了一个供选择的 计划

  • The tax planning of value-added tax should be conducted in the preferential policies of value-added tax and mixed sales .

    增值税 税收 筹划应从增值税优惠政策和兼营、混合销售两个方面进行。

  • A Research of Promotion of Rural Regional Economy Development by Tax Planning

    利用 税务 筹划促进农村区域经济发展的探究

  • Tax planning of personal income tax for college faculty salary ;

    个人工资薪金 所得 是我国个人所得税的主体。

  • In this paper some of the theory and more substantive practice of tax planning of fixed assets were discussed .

    本文主要对固定资产 税务 筹划的有关理论和固定资产多环节的 筹划实务进行了探讨。

  • Effects Of Tax Planning On Enterprise Operation

    浅析 税务 筹划对企业经营活动的影响

  • Research on Land Appreciation Tax Planning Methods for Real Estate Company

    房地产公司土地增值 筹划方法研究

  • Further to VAT and customs transfer pricing policy should be considered in the overall tax planning .

    除了增值税及海关的影响外, 税务 筹划中还应考虑转让定价政策的影响。

  • We talk to people about the tax planning opportunities in their own jurisdiction .

    我们会跟人们谈论在其自己国家内的 税收 规划机会。

  • The changed climate has forced companies to reappraise their approach to tax planning .

    形势的改变已迫使企业重新评估它们的 税务 规划方式。

  • Only grasp the principles of planning tax planning can maximize the benefits .

    只有把握筹划原则,才能实现 纳税 筹划效益最大化。

  • The game between taxpayers and tax authority contains a mixed strategy Nash equilibrium and there is close relation between the status of application lag in our country 's current tax planning practice and the game of the taxpayers and tax authority .

    纳税人和税务机关之间的博弈存在着混合战略纳什均衡,并且我国目前 税务 筹划在实践中应用滞后的现状与纳税人和税务机关之间的博弈关系存在着紧密联系。

  • Constructing enterprise tax planning strategic management system can help enterprises carry on overall and systematic control of the tax planning in the height of strategy .

    企业 税收 筹划行为其实也属于管理学的研究范畴,构建企业 税收 筹划战略管理体系,有利于企业在战略的高度对税收筹划进行全面、系统的控制。

  • Study on Tax Planning of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises under the New Enterprise Income Tax System

    新企业所得税制下的中小企业 税收 筹划研究

  • An Exploration of Tax Planning in Shipping Industry of China This article discusses the application of mathematics in solving problems of Operational Research . Then it concludes that we can use mathematical methods as tools in studying Operational Research .

    我国航运行业 税务 筹划若干问题探讨综合分析了高等数学在运筹学中的应用问题,通过分析,说明了高等数学方法是运筹学的重要工具。

  • The Research on Tax Planning in Enterprises ' Green Technology Innovation

    企业绿色技术创新中的 税收 筹划研究

  • The Research of Tax Planning Based on Corporate Income Tax Reform

    基于企业所得税改革的 企业 税收 筹划研究

  • This would be a good time for you to do tax planning too .

    这对你来说也是一个很好的 税务 规划时机。

  • Several Thoughts on Tax Planning of Enterprise Income Tax in New Tax Law

    新税法下企业所得税 纳税 筹划的几点思考