tax invoice

[tæks ˈɪnˌvɔɪs][tæks ˈɪnˌvɔɪs]


  • Strengthening tax authorities'functions in invoice management .

    强化了 税务机关的 发票管理职能。

  • Tax payers have the right to ask for invoice returning certificate when tax authorities take away invoices for examination .

    24税务机关调出发票查验时, 纳税人有索取 发票换票证的权利。

  • The Situation of Crime of Tax Fraud by Using Added Value Tax Invoice and Countermeasures

    利用增值 专用 发票骗税犯罪的现状和工作对策

  • Presently the crime of tax fraud by using added value tax invoice has the characteristics as follows : Firstly there 's a rise in number of cases and amount of money involved ;

    当前利用增值 专用 发票骗税犯罪具有以下特点:发案数急剧上升,涉案金额巨大;

  • The solution I have at this moment to reduce the high tax is whether We could use the invoice by low unit prices to reduce the tax .

    因此我有一个提议。目前减少 的办法是看看能否把 发票的单价 小一点。

  • These stipulations will effectively strengthen tax authorities'ability to intensify invoice management .

    这些规定必将有效增强 税务机关强化 发票管理的能力。

  • And we also can transfer the factory in our country or transact the export procedure provide professional value-added tax invoice .

    并且能办理国内转厂或直接出口手续,提供增值 专用 发票

  • Simultaneously the State Administration of Taxation also requires detailed management of the tax invoice management .

    同步,国家税务总局也对 税务 发票的管理提出了详细的管理要求。

  • Design of terminal management system : Internet access of embedded system has been achieved . Network management based on Internet is realized . All the taxation steps such as tax collection tax check and invoice preparation can completely meet the needs of administration of Taxation .

    终端管理系统设计:成功实现了嵌入式系统的网络接入,建立起基于Internet的网络管理系统,满足税务部门税务征收和 稽查的功能, 率先实现网络 报税,实现真正的税收电子化。

  • The thesis focuses on how to consummating invoice management institutions by means of information technology so as to control collect and examine tax by invoice .

    从监督管理角度出发,探讨了如何利用信息技术进一步规范和完善发票管理制度,强化 税收 征管,真正达到以 、以 征税、以 查税的目的。

  • When the export tax rebate they can change the export invoice according to declarations on the change in line on the list .

    出口 退税时出口 发票自己可以更改的,按照报关单上更改一致就行了。

  • Now the revenue crimes is serious in china which shows in the fields of the climb of crime rate the serious of tax dodging the fatal harm of invoice crime and otherwise .

    当今中国的税收犯罪现象严重,表现为犯罪率上升、 现象严重、 犯罪危害大等几个领域。

  • Web Authentication System for Value-added Tax Special Invoice Based on J2EE

    基于J2EE技术的增值 专用 发票网上认证系统

  • The tax invoice management is an important part of tax levying .

    税务 发票管理是税务征收管理业务的重要组成部分, 发票 信息也是 税务 重要的基础信息。

  • Knowing well the national system of finace and taxation industrial & commercial annual survey and tax payment ; Knowing how to draw up the value added tax invoice and how to write off tax .

    了解国家规定的财务及税务制度,每年的工商年检及税务清缴,会开具增 发票及税务核销等。

  • Identify Single and More Crimes on Value Added Tax Invoice

    试析增值 专用 发票罪的一罪与数罪的认定

  • Dividing the tax deducing function of the special VAT invoice s ;

    分流增值 专用 发票作用;

  • Invoice is the carrier of tax and the reform on invoice is equal to the reform on tax . Modern information technology has created full conditions for a scientific efficient invoice management institutions .

    从本质上讲,发票是 税收的载体, 发票管理制度改革就是税收征管体制改革,现代信息技术为建立科学、高效的新型发票管理制度创造了条件。

  • Corfam apron this product can open 6 % value-added tax invoice or commercial invoice quantity is with preferential treatment .

    人造皮围裙,5.2元每条,本产品可开6%的增值 发票或普通发票,量大从优。

  • After examining and approving the application for receiving and purchasing invoices and related documents the competent tax authorities shall issue them invoice receiving and purchasing books .

    凭发票领购簿核准的发票种类、数量以及购票方式,向主管 税务机关领购 发票

  • If necessary this form allows you to specify different tax rates for different invoice items .

    此表单使您得以根据自己的需要,为不同的 货单项目指定不同的 税率

  • Prior to the establishment of two sets of separate tax organizations the invoice management work shall be placed under centralized and unified management in accordance with the current system .

    两套 税务机构分设前的 发票管理工作,仍按现行体制集中统一管理。

  • I can tell them in china when and how to pay their income tax and even tell them what invoice is their want .

    我可以告诉他们,在中国怎么交个人所得 ,他们应该取得什么样的 发票

  • Firstly the Methods clearly define the powers and functions of tax authorities in invoice examination .

    一是明确 税务机关在 发票检查中的权力和职责。

  • The tax supervisory system of electronic commerce in our country should from establishing special electronic commerce tax registration system establishing special invoice for the electronic commerce implementing the electron to pay taxes and strengthening the resident jurisdiction and so on four aspects to carry on the consummation .

    我国电子商务税收监管制度应该从建立专门的电子商务 税务登记制度、为电子商务设置专用 发票、实行电子申报方式纳税和强化居民管辖权等四个方面进行完善。

  • When purchasing invoice for the first time you need to fill out Assessment Form on Sales Tax Invoice Application .

    初次购领发票,请填写《营业 发票使用鉴定表》。

  • From the purpose and international comparison the purpose of the quota invoice is control tax through the invoice . It is built on the basis of mistrust .

    通过一些国家 发票 管理的比较,厘清我国定额发票的目的是以 ,出发点是建立在对纳税人不信任的基础上的,继而展开对定额 发票 宪政解读。