tape loop

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  • The EQ-31 Equalizer can be used in a variety of setups including : mixing consoles fixed installation in the effects loop of an amplifier and in the tape loop of a home receiver .

    均衡器-31均衡器可用于设置,其中包括多种:调音台,固定安装在放大器的影响循环,并在家庭接收器 磁带 循环

  • He was experimenting with lengths of audio tape spliced them together to form a loop and put them on a tape player so they would run over and over again continuously .

    通过试验有一定长度的 录音 ,他拼接在一起形成一个 循环,然后放进录放音机,这样就可以循环播放。

  • The tape is said to run in a continuous loop a method of speeding up access time to data .

    据说 磁带是连续的 圈状转动,这样可以加快处理数据的速度。